
Guardian in Orario (up for adoption)

This has a similar setting as my first book. Izuku died and reincarnated as a baby. The world the baby was born in a very cruel and twisted. After adapting to the world and gaining strength beyond what others could even dream of, he died. Now, on his third life, his cheat, the golden finger, came in late. In a world of monster, magic, and gods, he decided he will be at the top. I do not own Danmachi, I do not own anything but the plot and OCs. Do not expect anything grand or the like, I am just doing this for fun, everything I type is just things that come to my mind, so it will probably not be consistent or very good, if you hate systems, reincarnation, OP characters, or just a jackass of a main character who doesn’t really care about the lives and deaths of others, this isn’t the book for you, I hope you find a book or fanfic you like.

DaoistLvbLz6 · その他
22 Chs

Chapter 20

"So your saying you created another village." Olivia said with her fingers rubbing the spot between her eyes.

"Yes." Authir answered.

"And you want to sponsor it."


"Why?" She asked, she stopped rubbing her eyes and looked at Author.

"They are next to the beach, and they are of the Messapationa, they can get us much salt." He explained and this made Olivia's view go a hundred eighty. She knew the value of salt and of the Messapationans.

"I see, so we are going to make the second village trade village?" She asked.

"Yes." Author answered.

"Alright, let's get to the specifics of this village." She said, hoping not a lot of paper work would be needed.

That was a few hours ago, since both of the villages were under Author, he didn't need to worry about any paper work. He was laying in bed, and right next to him was Olivia, completely naked. She was sleeping very deeply after their fun session. Author didn't like his young body and temporarily transformed his body to his old one. And then they did it like rabbits.

It was something he always wanted to do with her, she was his first love after all. So of course he wanted to do it at least once with her.

He got out of bed and started to stretch his body. It was a nice feeling. He had to start the expansion of his second village. It was a small village with barely anything to its name. So he planned on building some buildings, maybe use the reputation shop which he hadn't opened, mostly because he only as around fifty reputation.

He got dressed and jumped away. His speed much faster than anything in the surrounding area. He made it the the second village. He used his system and went to the reputation shop. And before him he found many things.

From buildings to even powerful heroes, this shop lacked nothing. He immediately used it to create more houses and other important buildings. Luckily since these were system made buildings, they had magical effects and because they were buildings, they were cheap, he only spent ten reputations to turn a terrible village to a decent one which could stand on its own.

He would let the others deal with the problems that this village will bring, for now, he plans on turning into a master. So he went over to his room and started to expand his core.

Author was expanding his core when he felt it, an important system notification. Not one he can just ignore, so he opened his eyes and looked at what the quest was.

[ Quest: Behemoth

Introduction: A behemoth was released in your general vicinity, unlucky for you, said behemoth after killing the intended target, killed the captors and started to roam the lands and is now walking into your land. Kill it.

Reward: Domanan Artillery Builders x 10 ]

At this Author was shocked, because Domanan Artillery is one of the best artillery there is. They have hunted dragons with them, even very old and powerful dragons have fallen under the might of the Domanan artillery.

If he had one or two of the artilleries, he could easily kill any dragon that was under grandmaster. It was that good. Of course the cost of each fire was also costed a large amount of money.

Author left his room and used magic, this time it was Hawk Eye which enchanted his vision. He looked around and saw a somewhat large monster walk his way, it was about three or four times larger than the average house. It marched their way slowly.

And Author knew that his troops would be useless unless they had some type of artillery. But from the small pressure he could feel, it would be around the strength of an advanced drake maybe even expert if the bloodline was not too good.

Not something you can just fight unless you were strong. And Author could feel he made two break throughs, one to the second stage and another to the third stage. He could deal with the monster himself. He drew his sword and dashed over.

His sword shone with the sun as he moved at blinding speeds. He then infused aura around his blade, making it a very sharp blade. He then passed the side of the behemoth, and with his sword reached out, the blade cut into the flesh of the monster. Blood was pouring from the large wound he inflicted.

But Author could tell it was poisonous. He dealt with poison before and he could tell that the Behemoth is just one big slab of poison.

He reached his hands out and started to chant. At this the behemoth turned around and started to charge at Author who jumped back.

His chant was complete when he used the spell, Chill of the Northern Valley. A very powerful ice spell in the advanced tier, it was kinda in the border between advanced and expert. It created a frost that was so cold and powerful, anything that wasn't master would have a hard time breathing while those in advanced and below wouldn't even be able to breath.

The behemoth tumbled and fell to the ground. It rolled and sank into the ground before it forced itself up. Using his power Author then chanted an expert tier spell. It was called Demon's spear. A flame spell that infuses a bit of hellfire into a spear of fire. It was a large spear well over four meters long. And he made some modifications to add more hellfire while also adding some cursed flames. Which adds a whole bunch of debuffs.

He threw the spear at the behemoth who had gotten up and the spear struck the behemoth. It had managed to move to the side at the last moment and avoided having the spear strike any vitals.

But the spear is much more than just a spear. It dug two meters into the behemoth. The second stage of the attack began. It exploded, the force of the attack damaged any organs that were near the spear of flame. The flames started to burn the body as the hellfire burned not only the body but also the soul. The cursed flames started to weaken the body, inflicting debuffs to the monster.

It roared in pain as the attack started to kill it slowly. But Author was not done just yet. Using he chance he casted another spell, Wind Bombardment. He made sure that rather than normal wind, it was mostly oxygen.

Over a hundred oxygen bombs flew towards the behemoth. Each bomb had the power of an advanced spell. And each explosion not only caused damage to the body, but also increase the damage of the fire. It soon fell to the ground, dead.

Author wanted to use the magic stone for something else, not that the caravans would buy it. He actually had something for the whole body. Something he couldn't really use until he was expert.

Demonic Devour. It was a power that allowed someone to gain the power of what they ate. If he ate the behemoth, there was a chance he could make it the fourth stage of expert, maybe even fifth if the bloodline was good. He went to the behemoth and started to eat it.