
Guardian Force of the Galaxy Series I

Terry and the heroes discover a sinister plot to throw the universe into disorder. They meet with sayans from a distant planet and travel across the galaxy to fight the Dark Empire, and they enter a conflict beyond imagination.

BenjaminLouie · ファンタジー
66 Chs

11: Welcome To The Lost City.

Inside Dark's spaceship, Dark Spectre and Electrode were watching the recorded film of the fight between Blaze and Kano.

["Now you die!"

Suddenly, a bunch of rocks floated around, and Blaze woke up angrily, as if his pleasant slumber was disturbed.

Kano: "What?! Blaze!"

Margrit: "He's awake!"

Behind Blaze, the two crystals flashed and released a large amount of energy into Blaze. He screamed and all the rocks floating around him broke apart.

"It's the crystals! He's getting energy from the crystals!"

Blaze: "Who dares to disturb my sleep?"

Kano: "How can this be..."

"A space pirate? You are a member of Dark's elite forces? Then you will perish!" He turned super sayan.

Kano's mechanical eye tried to calculate his power level, but it went crazy. "No way…this can't be. D-Don't kill me…"

Blaze fired the Super sayan Beam, a golden beam full of super sayan energy. Zap!]

Dark: "Look. Those two lights behind Blaze..."

Electrode: "They're the crystals! Astonishing!"

"But why are they so bright?"

"Maybe they're giving energy to Blaze. That is the only logical explanation."

"Amazing. Simply amazing. If two of them can give off so much power, imagine what five can do, or even seven?! But how do you use them?"

"That's a good question! If only we knew..."

"Well, if Blaze can do it, then so can I."

"Lord Dark, since Blaze is helping the girl, does that mean they've joined forces?"

"It doesn't matter to me. Sooner or later they'll suffer the consequences. Now that they're together, it's even better! I don't have to look for each of them!"

["I'm warning you…back off!" His scouter went berserk as Blaze received energy. Kano took a careful step back. Blaze approached. He fired a beam and it was absorbed into Blaze's shield, doing minimum damage. "No! D-Don't kill me…"

"Perish space pirate!" Blaze charged and dug his fist into Kano's and pushed, sending Kano into a rock. He fired a golden beam and killed the pirate.]

Meanwhile, the newly allied heroes were flying towards the southern hemisphere of the planet. Mason carried one of the crystals and Blaze carried the other. On their way, they saw a large city from a distance.

Margrit: "A city?"

Mason: "Where are we?"

Blaze: "They call it the Lost City."

Zelfire: "Lost?"

Margrit: "I've heard of the legend behind this city. This city was once called Esther. Centuries ago, it was a prosperous and wealthy and peaceful place. One day a terrible earthquake hit and nearly destroyed the whole city. There were no known survivors. After the earthquake, the city was never found again."

Mason: "So they called it the Lost City."

Blaze: "What luck! We found an ancient legend without even looking for it."Zelfire: "Maybe we can hide there for a while."

Mason: "Good idea. I don't think Dark will find us there."

So they flew into the Lost City. The whole city was in ruins. All they could see were ruined buildings, broken machines, and skeletons that were once bodies. The sky above it was dark red, without a drop of light.

Margrit: "It's so quiet..."

Mason: "Too quiet..."

Zelfire: "It's so dark. This planet is dark enough already!"

Blaze: "I understand if you're scared, so you can leave if you want to."

Zelfire: "I'm not scared!"

Blaze: "You will be, when you meet Dark Spectre!"

Mason: "Hey, stop you two. Stop it. We can't get anywhere by arguing!"

Zelfire: "He started it."

Blaze: "Did not.

Mason: "Stop it."

Margrit: "Shhhhh. Do you guys hear that?"

Mason: "What? I don't hear a thing. There's not a soul here."

Blaze, Zelfire, and Mason stopped talking and listened carefully. Margrit was right. They heard a low sound from a distance. But the sound was so soft they couldn't make out what it was.

Mason: "I hear it. What is it?"

Blaze: "That could've been anything. Maybe it was the wind. You people are getting paranoid."

Zelfire: "Maybe someone's there."

Meanwhile, a warrior wearing the sayan suit and a scouter was watching them from the above. He had the face of a monster, with blue skin and no eyeballs. "These are the rebels who challenged us? Three sayans and one human. This should be no problem for me."

The heroes decided to ignore the sound and went into a wrecked building. They spotted a hidden door on the floor and checked it out. Blaze opened it and discovered that it led to the underground.

Blaze: "Look at this. A perfect place to hide the crystals and ourselves."

Mason: "Where does it lead to?"

Margrit: "Who cares? As long as we're safe, it doesn't matter."

So they went down the ladder one by one.

Not far from the building, something was moving on the ground. A large android covered with dust and dirt got up. It scanned the area. ["INTRUDER ALERT! INTRUDER ALERT! Identify, four identified, All sayans and one human...power levels 8000 and above. DESTROY INTRUDERS! DESTROY!"]

It flew into the building just before Margrit went down the ladder. "What?!" The android picked her up by the neck and strangled her.

"Margrit!" Mason yelled. All of them went back up to save her. Mason kicked the android, and it dropped Margrit.

Blaze: "A robot?"


Mason: "I thought there are no survivors?"

Margrit: "This must be the city's defense system. It's still operational!"

Blaze: "Let me handle this one!" He was about to attack the android when a robotic bird flew out of its back. "Huh?" The big bird shot lasers at him but missed because of his speed. Blaze soared out of the building and the bird followed. Mason charged energy and shot at the android, but nothing happened.

"It has no effect!"

"If we can't blow it up, then we'll smash it!" Zelfire attacked the android physically, then Mason and Margrit joined him. They hit each other many times, but the android didn't feel any pain. Pow! Mason was hit! Wham! Margrit was down! Bam! Zelfire was hit next. As they recovered from the hits, the android waited for them to make a move.

Mason: "How do we stop this thing?"

Zelfire: "Good question."

The android targeted Mason and charged at him. Mason charged energy through his body and waited for it to get close enough. He jumped up and kicked off the android's head! CLING! CLANG! Its head rolled on the floor and its headless body fell.

Margrit stepped on its head, crushing it. "Now it's scrap metal!"

Mason: "Where did Blaze go?"

Zelfire: "Who cares? I'm glad he's gone."

Mason picked up the crystal he dropped and walked outside.

Margrit: "No sign of him."

Suddenly, the whole hill of metal garbage filled up with red lights.

"What's that?" Zelfire asked nervously.

Mason: "More androids!"

Androids were everywhere. Below and above. These were slightly smaller than the one they just destroyed. More and more lights appeared.

Meanwhile, Blaze continued to get away from the robotic bird chasing him. He shot energy lasers, but it dodged all of them swiftly. Finally, Blaze has had enough. He kicked the bird and it spin aimlessly in the air. Blaze shot an energy laser and hit it this time. "Got you!"

Mason: "They're coming our way!"

Margrit: "Looks like we have no choice but to fight."

So they split up and fought the army of androids without Blaze. Things looked bad for them. Each of the androids was as strong as the first one, but a few androids should be no problem to them. Blaze rushed to rejoin his allies, but all he saw was red lights all over the place. The androids were everywhere and shooting aimlessly.