
Guardian Force of the Galaxy Series I

Terry and the heroes discover a sinister plot to throw the universe into disorder. They meet with sayans from a distant planet and travel across the galaxy to fight the Dark Empire, and they enter a conflict beyond imagination.

BenjaminLouie · ファンタジー
66 Chs

04: Reunion! Secret Of The Past.

Mason, Margrit and Zelfire started the search for the old man, but they might as well be looking for a needle in a hundred haystacks. They didn't have the slightest clue where he could be, but they have to find him before Dark does.

Suddenly, Mason sensed something, something close by, very close. Zelfire sensed it too, but he couldn't be certain what it could be.

"I sense something! It's probably him..." They searched around, and looked down at the ground. They saw an old man standing there, as if he was waiting for them. They jumped down from the cliff and confronted him.

Old man: "Well, I have been expecting you. I knew you would show up."

"How would you know we would be here?" Margrit asked.

"You look familiar...hey, you're that old man from Mascus!" Zelfire said.

Mason: "You mean..."

Zelfire: "He was the one who told me about the legend of the crystals."

Margrit: "Really? Then what are you doing here?"

Old man: "Why, I come in to join the fun. I am looking for the crystals too. Oh, looky here, I have one of them."

Zelfire: "You're that guy the villager talked about...so you took it."

Old man: "Yes, but not by force, like Dark Spectre. Here, you can have it." He showed them the sixth crystal.

They looked deep into it, mesmerized by its beauty and mysterious power. They could see their reflections on the shining glass. Mason didn't know why, but he felt that it somehow protected him and his friends from harm, like a invisible guardian watching over them.

Mason: "You're gonna give it to us, just like that?"

Old man: "I know it may be weird, but I know who you are. I, too, despise Dark Spectre. That is why I am helping you now."

Zelfire: "Thank you for everything. But I just I have to know, who are you?"

Mason: "Yeah, tell us."

Zelfire: "We're gonna find out one way or another. Why are you hiding your identity from us?"

Margrit: "We just want to know..."

Old man: "Ahem, you really want to know, my children?"

Mason: "Children? I'm not a child."

Old man: "Mason, do you remember Burdok, your father? He revealed his identity, but look at what happened to him."

Mason: "How do you know so much about us?"

Old man: "I know more than you think."

Zelfire: "You still didn't answer my question."

Old man: "Ah, blunt as usual, Zelfire. Ohhh, Zelfire, you have grown so much..."

He put his hand on Zelfire's face. Suddenly, Zelfire felt as if he knew the beggar, as if he was someone close to him, very close. "Huh?"

Old man: "So, how's Piper doing?"

Zelfire: "You know about Piper?"

Mason: "W-What?" Mason and Zelfire flashed back to a time when they were little, when the beggar was there...

Mason: "Master Lang?"

Zelfire: "Father?"

Margrit: "Huh? What?"

Lang: "Yes, so you finally remembered...you two have changed so much, you have grown much stronger than before."

Mason: "Master, but why? Why did you hide it from us all this time?"

Lang: "I told you before, revealing my identity would endanger me. Dark Spectre is on his way to get the last crystal, so you must get it before him. The last one is located in the ancient coliseum north of here, about fourteen miles away."

Zelfire: "But father..."

"But beware; it is not easy to get it. The coliseum is guarded by two giant guardians. Do not underestimate them. If you do, you will certainly have a hard time."

Zelfire: "But where have you been all this time? You disappeared after training us."

Lang: "I'm sorry, it must have been painful for you, but I had some important matters."

"Master Lang..."

Margrit: "What a legacy...this beggar was your master? Then he must be really strong."

"I think I should tell you this, Mason Spade. I knew from the beginning that you were a sayan, a descendent of the Burdok family."

Mason: "What?"

"I predicted that one day you would fight against the ultimate evil of the universe-"

"Dark Spectre." Margrit finished for him.

"That was why I trained you. I taught you everything I know. Everything about the sixth sense.

Mason: "You knew my secret all along, but why didn't you tell me?"

"I just couldn't bear to tell you. You were young back then. If I told you it would be too much on you...you were just a child."

Zelfire: "Father..."

Lang: "Hurry, take this crystal." Suddenly, from out of nowhere, an energy beam hit the ground close to Master Lang and knocked off all four of them. Lang was hurt the most severe, since he was closest to the explosion. Smoke and dust covered them, and hid the crystal that was dropped.

Mason: "The crystal!"

Blaze: "Ha ha ha ha ha ha! You were so careless, you fools!"

Zelfire: "Blaze? But how come I didn't sense him? How could I miss such a powerful ki?" He began to recover from the fall. All he saw around him was a cloud of smoke blocking his vision.

Outside of the smoke, Lang was severely injured, but he ignored his pain and prepared to fight Blaze. Blaze laughed, mocking the old man's pain. "Well, we meet again beggar! This time you won't get away! Your time has come old man!"

Lang: "You underestimate me, young one. True power comes not from age, but from the heart."

Blaze: "I don't need a lecture now, beggar!" He attacked Lang viciously and ruthlessness, not caring that he was old. Lang's pain got more and worse through every hit.

Zelfire: "Master Lang! No!" He ran at Blaze, ready to fight to the finish. Blaze saw him running from the corner of his eye. He waited until Zelfire got close enough and kicked him in the guts. Zelfire was knocked off the ground and bounced on the ground like a ball. The kick was so powerful that it knocked Zelfire far away from him, leaving him paralyzed completely.

Blaze: "Fool."

Lang: "Stop this! This is our fight!" All of a sudden, Master Lang went all karate and attacked Blaze. Lang's lightning punches were fast that it looked like there were ten arms hitting Blaze at the same time. Blaze blocked and dodged and retaliated, but he couldn't keep it up for long. They jumped away from each other at a certain distance suitable for them. Master Lang charged up all the energy from his body and concentrated it between his palms.

Blaze: "What is that?!"

Mason began to regain consciousness, and the first thing he saw was Master Lang forming a large, dark, yet bright energy ball.

Zelfire: "W-What is it?" When it was big enough, Lang shot the energy at Blaze and created an explosion unlike any other.

Mason: "What a move! I've never seen anything like it!" As the smoke faded away, Blaze was standing there, almost unharmed.

Zelfire: "How can this be..."

Lang: "My most powerful move...the Death Star...it failed..."

"Ouch." Blaze said sarcastically. "You can't expect it to hit me if I'm faster than it."

Lang: "So I was destined to lose...now I understand..."

Zelfire: "Master Lang! No!"

Blaze made his final move for the injured beggar. He fired the Cosmic Blast and hit Master Lang. Smoke was burning from his body, like a barbecue.

Lang: "G-Goodbye my chil-dren..."

Margrit: "No!"

Zelfire: "No!"

He could no longer stand up not even a second more. He fell on the ground and at that moment, it seemed like all hope was lost.

Zelfire walked over to the body, hoping he was still alive, but he wasn't. He died the second he hit the ground. Zelfire kneeled before the body of what once was his father and master. "Master Lang, father...say some thing! Don't leave me!"

Mason: "Murderer!"

Margrit: "The crystal!" She quickly picked up the unguarded crystal and told Mason to run away.

Blaze: "Looks like he's done. Oh, Zelfire, don't look so gloom. He's gonna die anyway sooner or later. You can consider this a favor. I put that old man out of his misery!"

"SHUT UP!" Zelfire was really pissed now, and lost all control of his conscience. Without a thought, he charged at Blaze again, but the same thing happened. Blaze kicked him in the guts, then he jumped at Margrit and grabbed her crystal.

Margrit: "Hey, give it back!"

"Finders keepers!" He sent a wave of energy that knocked her and Mason on the ground hard. Blaze flew away with the crystal in his palms, and laughed at their loss. "So long suckers! Ha ha ha ha ha! Better luck next time!" As Blaze left, he said to himself proudly, "That was easier than I thought! That old man's move was powerful, but he couldn't extent it to its full power, as strong as he was, he's out of shape."

Zelfire: "Father...I'll avenge you, I promise!"

Mason: "Blaze! You monster!"

Margrit: "He took our crystal...now we have nothing..."

Back at the colony, Piper awaited at the balcony, letting the wind strike his face. He suddenly felt something strange. Shock and sadness went over him. "M-Master ...Lang, Master Lang...no...how could you leave us...without saying goodbye?"