
Guardian Alphas

Both Gael and Adrian are alphas. Born at the same era and for the same goal. Nature wants them together but will one alpha bow to another? They will fight, love, cultivate and grow stronger together as they build a family but will they build this family together or apart? It is a story of resilience and love. We laugh as we cheer them on. It's a boy love story like never told before.

Cate_mae · ファンタジー
55 Chs

9. Affluence

We left the mountain early that morning because we wanted to take a shower and change before going to school. We couldn't afford to miss because it was our last year and I LOVE SCHOOL! (Sorry. I didn't mean to shout. I'm just excited to go to school. I really love school since I was young and Beau is like that too. I guess it's in our blood.)

When we boarded the car, Aiden insisted we go to his house because it was nearer to our school and we were the same size and it made sense. Though I was a bit wary because how long had I known him? Just one day! Imagine that! I'm also not the person to impose on others but he was really insistent and when I looked at his face, I could not say no.

When we got to his house, I was awed. It was a mansion! Wow! (Note: we are not poor. We are just an ordinary family so don't fault me if I seem to think Aiden is rich. Very rich if I might add. I should have deduced that from the car he drives. I guess I'm stupid.)

We were welcomed by servants at the gate and there was even someone to help him pack his car. A valet at home. (Wah! Will this friendship thing really work? Because I would hate it if he looked down at me because we aren't as rich as them.) You left out the part that you are very rich in your introduction," I said accusingly at him.

"It's because it doesn't change who I am. I wanted you to know who I am and what I have and besides, all this is my dad's. I'm yet to finish school and start making my own money," he said seriously and oooh, I was touched and my respect for him shot higher.

Oh! The modesty. It's like I didn't know that he was an only child. Anyway, back to the story. I followed him into the living room and it was twice the size of my whole house. I felt intimidated. But I couldn't show him that I was and so I held my head high.

"We are going to my room and we will have breakfast there. Bring it in in thirty minutes time. And make sure there are lots of meat in it," he instructed a girl in a maid's uniform who was following us and she looked at him with a surprised face.

"Yes young master," she said while bowing at us and scurried away when he just looked at her not saying a word.

This was the cold aura everybody talks about! I nodded knowingly as I looked at him as he addressed the girl. But it thawed away when he looked at me. How strange? But sweet. *Ahem*

"Let's go?" He said and I nodded as I followed him. We entered his room and no. Nope. I don't think I will ever take him into my home. Nah! I can't. His room was like a stadium! (Okay, I know I'm exaggerating but can you blame me? My dad runs a small eatery and he's barely able to afford our school fees leave alone afford a big house). It was huge. With floor to ceiling windows that opened to a green forest behind the house, a walk in closet that was the size of my room at home, and it was full, and a bathroom that I only saw in movies. (And all this was just in his room. Have you seen my small house where dad, Beau and I share a bathroom?)

I felt like I was in heaven as I took a bath. The bathroom was so big and... (I really dont know how to describe it. But you get me right?) When I was done, he had already laid clothes out for me on the bed and he went to shower after me.

Exactly thirty minutes after we entered his room and he was still in the shower, I heard a knock and I answered. Two ladies came in with several selections of food and they laid them on the table. And yes, there was meat. Lots of meat. (My salivary glands can't help. but start salivating. Ah! This is torture.) I however controlled my appetite as I waited for him to finish before we ate.

Maybe it wasn't that bad being his friend (what do you guys think? And don't remind me of anything I said. I know all I said. And don't you dare say it was because of meat! Ha ha ha! It's because of the meat. Who can refuse such appetising food?)