
GTA V: A Legacy of Crime

A fan of GTA V never imagined that his life would change in the most surreal way possible: after an accident, he wakes up in the body of Vincent De Santa, the eldest son of Michael De Santa, right in the world of Los Santos. Armed with all the knowledge of the game and a second chance in his hands, Vincent decides that he won’t just be another piece in the chaos of this city. Will Vincent be able to use his knowledge of the game to dominate Los Santos, or will he discover that life in this world is much more dangerous than he ever imagined?

Lipopy · アニメ·コミックス
26 Chs

Important Heist

[Great Ocean Highway, 2:00 AM]

The early morning light barely illuminated the dark horizon of Los Santos as Vincent and his team prepared for the heist that would change their lives. In the back of a van, each of them checked their gear, the nerves palpable in the air.

"Remember, our target is the money convoy. We'll follow the plan to the letter," Vincent said, his voice firm. "Maya, you'll be in the reconnaissance vehicle. Liam, you and I will handle the interception. Jared, you'll keep the area secure. Nina, you'll be in the back covering the access."

[Great Ocean Highway, 2:02 AM]

As the convoy appeared in the distance, Maya activated her communication. "The convoy is en route. They have an escort of two vehicles and an armored truck in the center."

Vincent nodded. "It's time to put our plan into action. Liam, you and I will intercept the escort vehicle. Jared, make sure no one gets in our way."

The vehicles moved along a sparsely traveled road, and the atmosphere grew increasingly tense. Upon reaching an intersection, Maya signaled. "Now."

[Great Ocean Highway, 2:04 AM]

With a swift maneuver, Vincent and Liam slipped between the vehicles. Vincent accelerated and positioned himself next to the first escort vehicle, startling the driver.

"Get out! It's a robbery!" Vincent shouted as he aimed a gun at the driver, who stopped immediately.

Liam moved quickly, jumping from the passenger seat and opening the door of the escort vehicle. "Get out of there," he said, his voice low but firm.

Meanwhile, Jared took his position at the corner of the road, ready to intervene if anything went wrong. Adrenaline coursed through his veins as he kept a watchful eye on the convoy.

[Great Ocean Highway, 2:07 AM]

The second escort vehicle approached rapidly, and Vincent knew they had to act fast. "Liam, cover the back door. We can't let them escape."

Liam, with his keen perception, saw the driver of the second vehicle trying to draw his weapon. "Watch out!" he shouted, and in an instant, the sound of a shot rang out. Vincent quickly responded, shooting at the tire of the vehicle and causing it to stop.

Seeing that the situation was turning critical, Vincent turned and saw a police officer approaching, trying to take position. With cold calmness, he lined up his aim and shot. The sound of the shot echoed as the officer fell to the ground, taken down with a bullet to the head. The scene turned chaotic, but the team couldn't stop now.

Jared moved toward the convoy, making sure no other vehicles were approaching. "Nobody moves!" he shouted, as tension mounted.

[Great Ocean Highway, 2:09 AM]

With the first escort vehicle under control, the armored truck was just a few meters away. Vincent and Liam quickly approached, moving like shadows. "Maya, are you ready to open the truck?" Vincent asked through the communication.

"Almost got it," Maya replied determinedly. Her infiltration skills were invaluable, and she knew she had to act quickly.

With Nina from the back of the vehicle, who had been intercepting security signals, Maya managed to open the truck. The doors swung open, revealing a cargo of money and weapons.

"It's a success!" Vincent shouted, feeling a wave of euphoria. "Load everything you can."

[Great Ocean Highway, 2:10 AM]

However, the euphoria was short-lived. A siren began to wail in the distance. "Police!" Liam shouted as they hurried to load the loot into their van.

"We don't have time. To the van!" Vincent ordered, and the team rushed toward the vehicle.

As they were about to take off, a group of police officers appeared at the intersection, blocking the road. "Stop! Get out of the vehicle!" an officer shouted.

"Open fire!" Vincent yelled, and chaos erupted. The sound of bullets filled the air as the team returned fire, stress and adrenaline unleashed. Jared lunged forward, using his size to shield his teammates while shooting at the police officers.

"Maya, cover the entrance!" Liam shouted as he moved toward the back of the van, trying to keep the police at bay.

Maya, who had been behind the van, moved agilely, shooting at the officers attempting to surround them. Her parkour training allowed her to move quickly, dodging the shots that whizzed by.

Nina, with her laptop in hand, worked frantically. "I'm going to try to block their radios. We need a few minutes to escape."

The situation turned chaotic. With every second that passed, bullets flew, and Vincent realized they needed an exit. "Let's go, let's go, we have to leave now!" he shouted while shooting in the direction of the police, covering his team's retreat.

"Fire to the left!" Jared yelled, and the team moved in coordination, protecting the van as they retreated.

[Great Ocean Highway, 2:12AM]

Finally, they managed to reach the van, but the chaos was far from over. "Start the engine!" Vincent ordered as he climbed into the vehicle.

Maya was already in the driver's seat, and upon hearing the command, she turned the key, revving the engine. "Hold on!" she shouted as she floored it, swerving to avoid police vehicles trying to block them.

The sound of sirens filled the air as they sped away, the blue lights illuminating the night. But Vincent felt a mix of euphoria and fear; they had pulled off the heist, but the escape had been more complicated than they expected.

As they distanced themselves, the adrenaline began to wear off. "Are we clear?" Liam asked, looking around.

"We did it, but we can't stay here," Vincent replied, feeling the weight of the loot in the back seat.

Nina looked out the window, watching as the police lights faded into the distance. "I blocked their signals, but we don't have much time. We need to hide."

Vincent nodded, knowing that although they had succeeded, the reality of their new life in crime was just beginning.

[Great Ocean Avenue, Abandoned Warehouse, 2:33 AM]

The atmosphere in the abandoned warehouse at the port was charged with tension and euphoria. Shadows danced across the corroded metal walls as Vincent and his team gathered in the center of the space, the sound of the sea faintly echoing through the broken windows. The distant port lights flickered, creating an unsettling contrast with the place's ambiance.

"Maya, close the door and make sure there's no one around," Vincent said, his eyes scanning the area as he tried to calm the adrenaline still coursing through his veins.

"I'm on it," Maya replied, securing the entrance firmly.

"Nina, how's the gear?" Jared asked, his deep voice resonating in the empty space.

"Everything's intact, and we're not being tracked right now," Nina said as she adjusted her laptop, ensuring her security system was in place.

Vincent crouched down next to the heavy bundles stacked on the floor. "Let's see what we've got here," he said, opening the first bag.

With each package they opened, the air filled with excitement. "This is what we came for," Liam said, smiling as he inspected a stack of cash. "How much is there?"

Vincent took a moment to count the stacks of money in front of them. "Five… six… seven… eight…" his words dragged on with each bundle he counted.

"Hoe much are we going to hit ?" Jared asked, his voice full of curiosity.

"I hope so," Vincent replied, feeling the weight of responsibility. "One… two… three… four… yes, 534,000 dollars!" he exclaimed, a mix of disbelief and satisfaction washing over him. "We did it!"

The faces of his team lit up with joy. Jared raised a fist in the air. "That's it! Now we're in the game!"

Maya smiled as the atmosphere relaxed further. "What are we going to do with all this cash?" she asked, glancing around.

"First, we need to stay under the radar," Vincent warned. "We can't let anyone find out about this. What we've done is dangerous, and the police are already on high alert."

Nina chuckled softly, gesturing towards the money. "Looks like the risks paid off. With this, we can do a lot of things!"

"But security is paramount," Liam added, his tone serious. "We have to be cautious with every step we take. This is just the beginning."

As they counted the loot, the sound of the sea and the echo of the city faded away. Vincent looked at his team, feeling a new sense of unity. They had risked everything, and now shared not only the money but an experience that would bind them even closer.

"If we keep this up, we could build something big," Vincent said, his voice filled with determination. "We won't just be a group of criminals; we'll be a force to be reckoned with in Los Santos."

"That's right!" they all responded in unison, filled with excitement and optimism.

[Los Santos Port, Abandoned Warehouse, 2:45 AM]

As the night wore on, the team continued to celebrate their victory, laughing and discussing their future. But in the back of their minds, they knew this was only the first step in their new life, a path filled with challenges and opportunities that would lead them to the top of the criminal world in Los Santos.