
GTA 5 - Viper

Keith, a bank robber from New York moves to San Andreas to start a new chapter in his live. After his last crew fell apart, or more accurately they died after hitting the New York grand reserve. he needed something new and San Andreas had that. (it is a mix of GTA 5 and GTA online content) (r18 tag - I was planning on having a couple r18 scenes/ chapter but will limit the amount of plot that revolves around that in case some people want to skip parts containing such descriptions.)

KAAS_Sad_Dragon · ゲーム
66 Chs

return home

In the chopper, Trevor was flying while Keith relaxed.. they were headed towards Trevor's trailer home where he would get out and deal with his love, of some kind…

Looking at Trevor, revealed that he was pretty emotional.. but Keith didn't want to pry as he wasn't sure he wanted to hear Trevor's love life..

The flight was quite short and Trevor was quick to leave after saying his goodbye, abandoning Keith in the chopper on the sand near the Alamo sea.. Keith considered the view to be good, but sadly not as good as his view of the city…

Moving over into the pilot seat Keith started the chopper up again.. He had heard Trevor complain about it being a flying rigg and couldn't agree more.. he hadn't been flying much… or rather he hadn't flown with anything since he arrived in Los Santo's.. but even then he could tell that this wasn't it..

With time Keith was able to get it of the ground and on its way to the reservoir, where he would blow it up.. originally he was thinking of taking out some parts to use on other things, but he was reconsidering it whilst flying…

The process of taking anything out with significance was to complicated and would mean working on it for hours, not mentioning the task of getting it home..

He would much rather spend his time doing something more productive.. the heat from the assassinations were high, but if they could get maybe some other types of accidents to occur then it would pull attention away from the original jobs.. He could maybe blow up a couple oil pumps and let the price increase while stocks plummeted.. or sabotage some delivery trucks to stop production for a while…

There were always ways to pressure the stock market and manipulate it.. assassination being by far the easiest and most profitable one…

Maybe investing in some other forms of business was his best bet, his cinema and taxi company were pulling in money, that would go to repaying their loss.. and by the end of the year his investments would gain money from the initial loss..

His wealth paired with his growing passive income, meant that Keith could look into expanding, maybe call up Malcom to see those properties he still got a discount on.. or expand his Secureserve network by buying a bigger warehouse or one of a different kind…

Kieth had experience stealing cars, and could turn it into a business, just like Devin was doing.. just on a somewhat smaller scale.. Devin could sell to the Chinese trough his contacts, but Keith couldn't and if he tried then he would be caught with stolen vehicles, so that would mean selling them in the state.. which meant getting a lower profit..

He would need to reconsider his options another time as he had arrived in the reservoir.. landing on a small patch of sand that would work well for blowing something up.. In the chopper was some c4 with which he would blow it up from a save distance by setting a timer..

He wouldn't need to make it to complicated as nobody was around to stop the detonation, so Keith just set a timer for four minutes, enough time for him to get to the dam and watch from afar as it blew up..

The explosion would erase any traces of all occupants that were once inside it, but would leave some scrab to be identified by police..


Standing on the dam, Keith could see the chopper, counting down the moment the explosion would happened..

"three… two.. one!" but nothing happened.. checking the time on his clock he saw that it should have been time..

*BOOSH* As Keith was checking his watch the explosion went of and destroyed the aircraft

Keith could see the fire still burning on some of the pieces of the chopper as others fell into the water.. enjoying the sight of the distribution for a moment Keith headed down the mountain, back to the civilisation he enjoyed..

Halfway down he met some hikers, who didn't seem to have heard the explosion..

Giving them a small wave, Keith continued now wondering how far the sound could have travelled.. still standing water would carry the sound over, but then again it was contained between some mountains so it would bounce back instead of continuing on..

Getting to the foot of the mountain while being on the line with his assistant about getting his bike back from where it currently was.. Keith finally smelled the air of the city once more, it hadn't been long since he had been there, but it had been long since he enjoyed himself..

Keith could see the construction on the diamond cassino progress gradually.. he had even heard that they would sell penthouses and other amenities, but he couldn't enjoy then at the moment.. he could go to the movies, but he much rather go to the premier of the movie Michael was talking about in him producing…

Other activities, could be fun, but he was to tired to do anything that required more impute..

Keith decided to just call a cab, he would see what he would be doing tomorrow.. maybe just take a day for himself.. maybe buy a new house with a pool for him to enjoy.. thinking like that made Keith think of Michael..


Waking up, Keith turned a bit, wondering what he could be doing today.. there were some extreme sports in and around the city and races later in the day..

Looking some things up on his phone, revealed that there was one race later tonight.. in the meantime he could go to the shooting range, or perhaps…

Just as Keith was thinking of other activities, a call came.. interrupting his thoughts..

Looking at the caller id, revealed it to be Raul, the manager of his cap company.. Picking up Raul immediately began speaking in a somewhat rushed voice..

["He boss. Its Raul at the taxi depo.. we just got a call from a guy, asking for someone with specific qualities, that not many of our guys have.. any change you can maybe take this one, and drive him to the port?"] All the information came at once, somewhat bewildering Keith who had woken up just moments before..

"..Sure.. where is he now?" Keith got out of bed, putting on some clothes as he put his phone on speaker mode..

["Thank you boss.. the guy that called.. his name was Walter, currently at.. ammu-nation in Pillbox Hill.. right by the car dealership.."] Keith didn't really understand why his help would be needed with something so seemingly trivial.. he didn't know what he had that none of the others did… but it didn't really matter to him..

"I know the place.. will be there in a bit.. he Raul?" Something came to Keiths mind as he grabbed his shoos..

["Yes boss?"] Raul seemed somewhat surprised, hearing from his voice at least..

"What type of car would work the best?" A small sigh of relieve came from the other side of the phone, barely audible..

["Any four seater would be fine, but I think your personal car would be right for the job sir.."] Keith was surprised that he thought that his car would be fit for the job, seeing as it was a two seater muscle car..

"That's everything, I will come by end of the week to see the profits, that alright?" Keith grabbed some EgoChasers and his car keys

["Will see you then.."] Raul hung up, Leaving Keith free to enjoy his snacks while driving to the ammu-Nation..


Arriving at the place, Keith could see Walter, a somewhat chubby looking guy standing outside.. stopping near him Keith opened the passenger door window from where he sat..

"You Walter?"

"Yes." He looked somewhat surprised by the car and seemingly Keith himself..

"Get in.." Keith didn't mind.. usually a taxi service wasn't in a muscle car, but that was the only one he really had..

Keith began thinking about buying a new car as Walter got in..

'It could be useful for when I need to drive with someone..' Keith didn't drive with many people, but if his VIP taxi's were occupied then he would need something presentable to drive..

"So where to?" Keith put the thought of buying a new car on hold.. he still had a job to do currently and he always tried to be serious even when doing something like taxiing someone..

"Down to the port, the shipyard of signal street.." Keith thought he remembered the place.. As it was close to one of the places he could expand to.. just a little bit of gang presence, but nothing eh couldn't deal with..

Silence permeated the car for a bit as Keith started his drive, but after a while of wandering Keith just felled like he had to ask..

"Soo.. you don't seem like a dock worker.. why you headed there?" His outfit didn't really fit to someone who worked at the docks.. at first glance some might presume it, but his outfit wasn't really fit for the occasion.. that paired with the fact that he seemingly just came from a ammu-nation..

"There are some guys.. that like to hang out down there that I need to talk to.. its about my niece.. she hasn't been home in three days and I.." Keith nodded along as Walter seemed to get emotional, suppressing it in his voice as he spoke..

"Have you heard of The Lost.. a biker gang.."

"Yeah. I.eh.. heard of them.. they the once you are after?"

"Yes.. there are just a bunch of cowards, if you stand up to them, look them right in the eye.. you can see who they really are.. a bunch of scared kids.. that never had any friends at school, living out some homoerotic fantasy.." Keith tended to agree, most of the lost were just some guys plucked of the street.. but the problem was that they were a group with backing..

"A few tattoos, a leather jacked and a bandana, don't make you tough.. I've worked construction my whole life.. Guys who don't need to act tough, because they are.. Not dressing up like some girly glam rock reject.. and even the few that did.. did it on the weekends on their own time.." Keith wanted to laugh a little, but didn't want to seem rude to Walter as he spoke..

"Young thugs these days are all bark and no bite.. they don't scare me.."

"I should warn you before you do anything.. young members of the lost don't see the responsibility they have in the organization… they are most likely quick to anger… they may be scared for a fight.. but not really to scared to shoot.."

"You shouldn't worry.. I just want to know where Kelly is.. ever since my sisters loser husband ran out on her, I've been like a father to her.. and I know I am strict, but you have to be these days.. the world we life in.. I mean look at you, making a honest living doing a job like this, I just want that for her.."

"I only do this on the side.. a honest wage doing a job like this isn't really there for someone like me.. I am more of the investment type.." Assassinating, manipulating, the stock market had the best payouts of anything, other investments were saver but needed more time..

"Really.. you don't seem like one to me.." Walter seemed surprised at the notion of a cab driver being a big time investor

"Well you grow with time right.. first small scale jobs and going bigger with each step.. until you have money to spend.." Keith could remember the progress he made, and how fast he learned.. the good times before everything crashed down..

"You are a good kid… much nicer than you look… we are nearly there.. take this gun." Walter grabbed the gun around his waist and handed it to Keith..

"Mhh, I have my own, but thanks." Keith still accepted the gun, getting something for free was always a bonus, even if it was a mediocre pistol..

"You seem like someone who protects himself.." Keith wasn't to sure if it was a complement or not..

"But before you do anything with that gun.. I know some of the members.. and how to deal with them.. if your plan works great.. if it doesn't hold of on beginning a shootout.." A shootout would mean possible damage to his car.. and not finding that niece of his.. both bad one more important than the other..

"You have contacts in the lost?" Walter seemed shocked by his words, seemingly feeling betrayed..

"Some of my work involved dealing with them… but you shouldn't concern yourself with anything other then finding your niece.." He seemed to have managed to convince Walter, that he was on his side and not someone from the lost..

"You are right.. I need focus.." Keith slowed the car down a little as they approached