
GTA 5 - Viper

Keith, a bank robber from New York moves to San Andreas to start a new chapter in his live. After his last crew fell apart, or more accurately they died after hitting the New York grand reserve. he needed something new and San Andreas had that. (it is a mix of GTA 5 and GTA online content) (r18 tag - I was planning on having a couple r18 scenes/ chapter but will limit the amount of plot that revolves around that in case some people want to skip parts containing such descriptions.)

KAAS_Sad_Dragon · ゲーム
66 Chs


Keith sat behind his desk, coming through everything Molly had send his way.

It included properties of all kinds, mostly illegal with front facing companies to cover them up, but some legal once as well, likely to do with their accusation being done through some nefarious means…

It was surprisingly well documented, something Keith greatly appreciated as he sorted everything into sections…

Have of the items on the list weren't actively used, but the once that were held employees and security personnel, something he had to pay for if he wanted them to continue working…

He had already contacted Malcom, with him agreeing to come to the office to help set everything into place. Not to mention Stacy working on keeping what they had operational running at his behest…

She had originally thought of firing them to make it easier for them to set everything up at their own pace… But to Keith that just sounded like firing the employees who knew what they were doing, with them having to train new employees in order to fill the roles they vacated…

Losing money was never ideal, but he simply viewed it as an investment… he had gotten the properties basically for free…

"Sir Malcom has just arrived." Smiling Keith shouted back.

"Send him up.." Keith continued to sort through everything, compiling his only complete file that Malcom would be managing…

Their original deal was for him to manage at least ten properties, but now he would have close to thirty, with at the moment twelve being ready and fully operational…

"Malcom, good that you are here.." Malcom looked better than the last time they had met, having gained a more healthy complexion with him being released from the hospital.

"Hey Keith… so what's this about?" Keith raised an eyebrow…

"Business of course."

"You got the things that I asked for?" Malcom sounded a bit surprised, likely not expecting Keith to be able to set up as fast as he did.

"Even better.." Keith turned his monitor around, showing Malcom a map with notes attached to each of the thirty locations Malcom would be working with..

"You didn't get them from the open road network did you?" He studied the map carefully…

"No… but as far as I see it they are save, some even having a front to hide behind.."

"What kind of front?"

"The good kind, shipping, cleaning and bug exterminators." The reason why they were good was that it wouldn't be strange for vans to go in and out of those places, but at the same time they could always refuse business, or subcontract those kinds of companies to seem legit…

"Mhh… ill look into it with a guy I know.." Keith looked him dead in the eyes, prompting Malcom to explain why he wanted to bring someone else into the fold.

"He handles the open road network, helps for a cut of the profit but trust me its worth it.." having someone on the team that could ensure a inflow of supplies with contacts to sell them to could help them stay out of police their radars…

"Fine… you can call him now, sort through it together… I got some computers that you can work on back there…" Keith pointed a towards the conference table on the other side of the room…

"Alright… oh, before I go.. That thing yesterday… you know, with the lost.." Malcom seemed hesitant to fully approach the topic..

"I've heard, such a tragedy… but I think it has resolved both of our problems with them…"

"Yeah… I guess..."

"Malcom they are rivals… when they play nice, we play nice… When they attack.." Keith let his words hang, making it obvious to Malcom what their stance on the matter was..

"You get the picture Malc… now please… I got my hands full with this…" Keith turned to monitor back towards him… letting Malcom head for the computers..


The total amount of properties Keith received was slightly above fifty, thirty being allocated to Malcom left twenty-three still on the table…

With twelve large warehouses that didn't need anything further, a safe house of some kind, plus another ten smaller warehouses, that seemed more suitable for the type of thing Devin was interested in, smuggling cars…

They were spread all over the San Andreas, with them being located in and outside of the city limits, forming an extensive web that could be used as a basis for any empire… the only problem with them being located so far away from each other was protection, something that would cost him greatly if he put enough personnel on each of them to protect against raids…

Something that would be better would be a strike force that he could send out in case of any attack, with only basic security being present on the site to alert and keep of any people that assaulted the building..

He thought of hiring Merryweather, but decided against it, simply seeing it as a less optimal options for in the long term.

Keith of course needed to buy these kinds of facilities to house these soldiers… the best kind would be close enough to protect the surrounding businesses within moments, but that simply want possible outside of the city, as in the Grand Senora Desert the travel time between everything was simply to big for cars to get to in time…

But who said they needed cars… in the city they would be limited, but out there, using an helicopter would be way better, the increase in mobility would greatly assist, not to mention the air support likely proving overwhelming for any would be attacker…

Keith continued his train of thought eventually thinking of creating his own private military…. It maybe wouldn't be cleared for US operations, but that wouldn't matter as they would mostly work for Keith himself in his operations…

As he began to note down the things he would need Malcom came back towards him..

"Keith… I reviewed everything with LJT." Keith nodded his head.


"We agreed that the locations were good, so ill start managing over the first twelve…" Starting up as fast as possible was good… but Keith thought of the other properties.

"What about the other eighteen?" they didn't have personnel or equipment but Keith trusted that Malcom could find the personnel without a problem.

"That's the thing… buying that kind of equipment sets of alarm bells…"

"Fine… ill look into getting the equipment to set up the rest…"

"LJT already has… just needs people to pick it up… don't worry about personnel ill deal with that.."

"Fine… did you give him my number?" Keith wanted to heave a sigh of relief.

"Not yet.."

"Do that then… ill see about getting the rest set up.."

"Alright… one last thing.."

"Yes Malcom.."

"The supplies… you can buy them if you would like but stealing them is a viable option, if you would like?" Keith took a glance around him, noting the amount of paper scattered on his desk with files on every location he had gotten under his position.

"Does it look like I have the time to get supplies… just buy them… as long as you are making profit."

"Understood… Ill contact you when everything is set for the current once… oh and expect a call from LJT real soon."

"Got it…" Keith didn't know much about LJT, just that he was the creator of the open network, something he had barely interacted with due to his lack of funds at the time.

With Malcom leaving Keith had a little time to sort set up a small count of how many employees he would need, bringing the list to Stacy for her to look on Securoserve to find people to work under them…

"Hey boss, shouldn't you maybe get some more management personnel?"

"we are doing fine for now right?"

"I understand that it might seem so but I cant manage every operation while staying available on call."

"We should be fine for the moment."

"But how can I manage all these properties at the same time.."

"You will just have to manage the warehouses, use the original crew as supervisors while you keep an overview over the them."

"What about the other warehouses?"

"Ill be going through those, as long as you get the right people ill see about making it work.." Keith wouldn't make them all operational, planning to use only halve of them at the same time before switching up locations….

Limiting each crew to one warehouse at the time while lowering any investigation into their other locations…

It would work to limit the amount of heat, not to mention having less things to keep track of… it was the same with the large cargo warehouses, although Keith only thought of limiting the amount of teams instead of the amount of locations open, as delivering the goods as fast as possible with different locations each time could prove it more difficult for others to track them..

The employee count also reflected it, having only the halve of the expected people required to give every warehouse the required people to operate it.

Getting back to his desk Keith received a call from an unknown number, settling in his seat before answering..


"Your LJT right?" Keith was the first to break the silence, not having the time to play games.

["Who do you expect it to be?"] the voice sounded a little distorted... but Keith didn't pay it much mind.

"Alright then, Malcom says you are the one to go to on these matters.."

["For all your road riding needs."] LJT's pattern of speech reminded Keith of someone else… tacking a second to imagine the possibility…

"Mhh… Malcom said that you would have locations to set up the other facilities."

["Don't got everything just yet… still looking in to what each location would be best for…"]

"Got anything for those close to the other locations?" Most of the operational productions were out of the city limits, but it didn't matter much… as long as they could keep operating, something that would be easier if they were close together when defending or otherwise managing them.

["I can look into it… contact me when you are ready."] Keith sighed as he put his phone back into his pocket…

The thirty million from the Union depository hadn't been deposited yet, likely taking another day or two for it all to be wired… until then changing the stock market in his favour would simply be wasteful…

So for now, Keith was limited to planning the framework for his private army…

Part of that was choosing locations…. In the city it wasn't to difficult, simply find something a little on the edge and place a small outpost there…. City centre would attract a lot more attention

Places near the scrapyard would work as that area was mostly abandoned with little civilian presence… The area around LSIA also held potential, with it being a somewhat less favourable area due to the air traffic coming in and out, creating a almost constant stream of noise to the surroundings…

Keith still needed to find a place out in the desert, but he didn't need to worry about it to much as that was mostly free of any onlookers…

Looking into it any further would be wasting time as he simply didn't have a bugged set for the place yet.

So Keith turned to the legality of setting up an private army… they didn't need to have clearance to operate on US soil, but he did need to know what he could and couldn't do out in the open…

Using them for security purposes seemed possible, with a little bit of bending the law to make it work like he wanted… with that in mind, setting up an private army took more than just money…. It required certain certificates, operating licences and exemptions…

Otherwise operating and using an armed helicopter could get them into a little trouble with law enforcement…

The person who could get these documents could be them, after a long process, but Keith instead hoped that Lester could sort it out, even if he charged a fee it would still be more time effective than doing it himself.