
GTA 5 - Viper

Keith, a bank robber from New York moves to San Andreas to start a new chapter in his live. After his last crew fell apart, or more accurately they died after hitting the New York grand reserve. he needed something new and San Andreas had that. (it is a mix of GTA 5 and GTA online content) (r18 tag - I was planning on having a couple r18 scenes/ chapter but will limit the amount of plot that revolves around that in case some people want to skip parts containing such descriptions.)

KAAS_Sad_Dragon · ゲーム
66 Chs

Lamar down

Exiting the movie theatre, Keith and Franklin walked along the side of the road along with chop to keep them company.

"What did you think about the movie?" Franklin asked as he walked past some people wearing costumes for photo's

"It was alright.. the ending was a bit rushed, along with the plot not being to strong."

"Yeah… the first one was better in that regard.." Keith wasn't to sure, but he could sense that Franklin wasn't super keen on telling him the whole story.

"Do you want to do anything else?"

"Nah… I just need to call some of my friends…"

"Something happened?"

"Yeah… Lamar.. he always gets me into trouble, always looking for that one thing to make him big… he wanted in on the cars we boosted for Devin, but by the time he came everything was already done… but he just called me an asshole and left."

"Why that?"

"Just something to do with me leaving him behind for the big leagues."

"Franklin… just go do something with him, you know I could set something up for you… but just call him, see what he is up to…" Franklin nodded, taking out his phone only for him to halter once seeing it.

"Sorry.. I gotta call someone real quick." Franklin walked a bit away from all the crowds, dialling something on his phone with a worried look.

Keith didn't mind it to much, enjoying his time with Chop while Franklin was somewhere else talking on the phone, his words being drowned out by all the noise around them.

Just as Chop was tossing and turning on the ground with his belly exposed Franklin walked up with a concerned look on his face.

"Lamar got into something deep… can you help?" Franklin didn't sound to sure about it himself, but seemed determined at the same time…

"Text me the location… oh and call Michael and Trevor…" Keith suspected that the help would come in handy even more so due to how doubtful Franklin sounded about the situation.

Both rushed out to their cars, getting in before checking the location, finding it to be a Car park on the North West side of Los Santo's.

Before long Keith had arrived to the opposite building getting a view of the place from the side… moments after Franklin arrived with Michael at his side.

They got out of the car, walking towards Keith who leaned on the side of his car.

"Trevor said he will be here soon." Franklin looked at the car park in front as he spoke.

"There was no need to call that lunatic." Michael didn't seem to pleased with the thought of Trevor arriving behind them.

"Michael… we came to help."

"Fine, so how do we want to do this Franklin?"

"We got to get to the top floor…" Franklin thought about it for a moment as he looked at the building "Lets move up together, splitting up at the end to get them from multiple angles."

"Ill get some cover fire set up." Keith still had his sniper rifle with him, and with the time he had to himself he had searched the area looking for vantage points.

"Sounds good..." Franklin nodded as Keith got back into his car, planning to drive it to a opposite building to get a good angle.

Within minutes, Keith held a view of the top of the car park, angling his sniper rifle to find Lamar within the crowd of gangsters.

Surveying it a second time, Keith found Lamar being shoved to the back of the car park. All the people around him were either smiling or laughing as Lamar seem to try and reason with the other.

"I see Lamar, he is on the north end…." Keith pushed in a button before talking, informing the others of Lamar's place on top of the roof.

["Wait until we get into position, we begin on my mark."] the response came from a communications channel connected to a earpiece.


"Come on man… I didn't do anything, can't we just talk like gentlemen?" Lamar backed up as he looked around for a way to escape…

Stretch had told him to secure a deal for him, and he had jumped at the opportunity, immediately going towards the place that was mentioned, only to be ambushed by the Ballas.

"Talk like gentlemen, you caused all of this trouble, don't think we don't know what you did." Lamar was pushed again this time falling to the ground.

"He man. Listen listen... I don't know what you are talking about, this is just all a big misunderstanding." He quickly got back up, raising his hands before

"What is there to misunderstand… you were set up you fool."

"Nah… my homeboy Stretch said he would handle it.."

"This is it you are the…" His head splashed on the ground before he could continue shouting at Lamar.

It had been cleanly popped of his body.

Those around Lamar panicked as he himself dove behind something to not get mixed in the crossfire.


Keith shot the first guy in the head, he seemed to be one of the leaders within the group so taking him out would surly stir up more of a panic then taking out any random goon around him.

Some of them immediately got into cover while others stood stunned by the body without a head.

Those who were in the open were gunned down from the side as Franklin and Michael preformed a pincer attack, attacking them from both sides, resulting in the death of close to halve of the people on the roof.

Keith tried to help them have the chance to move up, but couldn't as the enemies covered themselves with their cars, closing most of the possibilities Keith had of killing them…

Thinking quickly, Keith switched to his other bullets, planning on blowing up the cars they were hiding behind with the explosive bullets he had on him..

He didn't have many on hand, but they were enough to cripple their defences making in easy for the others to move up and secure tactical positions…

Running out of the bullets, Keith switched back, only to be surprised as more cars showed up, causing both Michael and Franklin to be shot at from both sides..

["Get them off of our backs!"] Michael shouted out, as he got up between two cars, trying to stay out of the line of fire.

"Working on it." The men that showed up were just to many, four cars with four men each, resulting in their progress to completely shut down… Keith could take out some men but wouldn't be as quick because of the time he took to get a good shot in.

Just as the situation turned a bit bleak, a Buzzard chopper showed up in it, a familiar lunatic inside shouting a plethora of profanities as he gunned down the people on the ground with the side mounted turrets, reducing the people on the ground into minced meat.

"He sure knows how to make an entrance doesn't he." Keith recognised the person inside of the Buzzard, although he had no clue as to how Trevor managed to attain the chopper, Keith was happy that he did.

With the help of Trevor the enemies were quickly gotten rid of, completing the rescue of Lamar.

The commotion that they had created, caused police to head into their direction.

"Ill head off, wouldn't want to get accused of something now would we." Keith pulled out his earpiece, before packing up the sniper rifle.

Climbing down the ladder that had allowed him access to the roof, Keith got back to his car, before the police could interfere.

The rescue had taken up some time, resulting in the sun already closing in to the waters edge in the distance. Leaving Keith searching for a place to dine before heading off to Molly's location.

Parking on the side of the road, Keith got out of his car, heading into the nice looking dining establishment with a overview of the coast.

It wasn't to crowded inside, so he was quickly seated by a cute young waitress. Who immediately asked the usual opening questions.

"Can I get you started with anything?" Keith wasn't familiar with the place so instead of bothering to look at all the options, he instead chose to talk to the young lady.

"What would you recommend?" Keith smiled warmly, not wanting to come off as too bothersome to deal with, as he looked into her eyes of the somewhat short girl.

"Oh.. well I would recommend the daily special." She seemed to think for a moment before answering, bending down to point to the place on the menu, what showed the price of the product. Causing her shirt to hang a little, revealing some cleavage unintentionally.

"That being a?" Keith didn't care much about what it was, simply being curious as to what he was about to order as he didn't bother much with the price, refocusing his eyes on her head, as they now stood at eye level, noticing her cleavage with a small glance.

"It's a spicy chicken soup with some potato wedges on the side." The girl still seemed to notice her small mistake, gaining a bit of a blush as she raised her head back up, with Keith's gaze following a step behind, noticing the nametag that she wore on the way up.

"Well, I am sure that it will be good." It did sound quite delicious to Keith, although the sound of something could be surprisingly deceitful with the actual dish being not so well made as it would have suggested.

"Alight will you have anything else with that?" The woman noted it down before looking up at Keith again, a kind business smile on her lips her puffy cheeks being slightly red from before.

"No thank you, miss Sunshine." Although it sounded quite corny, Keith only read what her nametag said, finding her name surprisingly fitting for her seemingly bright smile and quite substantial assets.

Looking around Keith could see more nametags similar to the woman who had noted down his order, one peaking his interest was a tall man named sir Midnight, who was working behind the bar, skilfully preparing drinks.

As Keith looked around he could sense that he was getting glared at from across the room, looking over, Keith saw a man with unkempt hair and a bulging belly from his dirty t-shirt sitting at one of the tables in the corner.

His eyes showing a clear lack of sleep even from the distance that Keith was looking at him from…

The man seemed surprised that he was noticed, quickly lowering his head into the ordering menu to avoid Keith's gaze.

After waiting for a while his food arrived, brought by the always cheerful miss sunshine… and although Keith suspected that she was simply being kind for tips, he appreciated the dedication to her part. Even suspecting that it could be more then just a persona.

After the first couple of sips of the soup, Keith realised the mistake he had made… he had underestimated the spiciness of the soup, thinking nothing off it and ordering no drink on the side to quench his parched throat.

Enduring the scorching sensation, Keith finished his soup, before continuing on with the potato wedged, enjoying their blandness much more then he ever wished too.

Finishing up his meal, Keith was again visited by miss sunshine, who gave him a dessert card.

The restaurant was now mostly empty, with only some customers remaining as they were finishing up their desserts or packing up as they were about to leave.

Keith even noticed that no more customers were coming in.

"Are you guys closing soon?"

"Well on this day we close earlier then normal, but on any other day we are open till ten." Keith nodded understanding their situation.

"Well ill just order something simple ten… lets see, oh ill get this one.." Keith pointed to one of the pictures on the menu, smiling kindly as he did so.

"One sweat and salty sorbet to go." Miss sunshine muttered as she noted it down with a smile, returning to the kitchen with his plates afterwards.

Keith took out his wallet as he waited, counting out some bills before putting the rest back into his pocket.

Keith had always been somewhat generous to service people, with their job it was easy to dismiss them, but being kind to others usually resulted in better service.

It was not like he was short on cash anyway..

Miss sunshine walked back to his table as Keith checked his phone, looking at the time before while seeing some messages below.. it wasn't to late, just barely scraping past nine at the moment, so Keith thought that he had enough time to enjoy the rest of the day before heading towards the place molly asked him to be.

Accepting the plastic cup with a accompanying spoon at the side Keith asked for the total.

"Its twenty three filthy nine." Nodding his head, Keith handed over the bills he had prepared, totalling to a thousand dollars.

For Keith it was nothing, but for little miss sunshine it was more then an couple days work.

With a big smile, she thanked Keith. Guiding him out the door as some tears showed up on the edges of her eyes.