

Magical_writer_14 · ファンタジー
1 Chs


(In class)

Violet:(Turns around)"Why don't we go to Hawaii for our summer vacation".

All:"Yeah, sure".

Jericca:"we can go on my parents ship,I mean it's big and my parents wouldn't mind if we use it since their are always at work".

Winter:"l don't know if I can go ".

Violet:"Why, l'm sure your parents will allow you to come beg them ".

Winter:" It not like their can't but...(got an idea) you know what I will be there".

Rocky:"Will they be food cause am not going without any food onboard".

Jericca:"Can't you think of anything else but food".

Winter:"Hey guys can we bring pets, cause I don't want to leave my cute little puppy alone".

Rocky:"Sure we can, right"?

All:"yeah, sure, okay".

Teacher:"Focus you four at the back".

After A Week

(The school has gone on a holiday and the girls are all ready. At the ship Rocky was the first to come then the others)

Jericca:"Hey violet, winter! I can't believe you actually convinced your parents to let you go for this vacation".

Winter:"Yeah i know I made them say yes".

Violet & Jericca:" what do you mean What".

Winter:"I meant i begged them".

Violet:"Oh for a second their, I thought you hypnotize them or something".

winter:(silently)"Or did I".



Rocky:"(walks towards them with a BBQ on a stick)"ugh you guys have to try their bbq on a stick, it's so good".

Winter:"Now that I have to try".

Jericca:" Let go then".

Violet:"Wait winter did you really hypnotize your parents".

Winter:"No I did not".

Violet:"Just slow down cause I don't believe you".

Ranger dog:(Bark's)"roof roof roof roof".

Summer cat:(hissing at the dog)Hissss

Meow meow meow meow".

(ranger and summer chasing each other).

Violet:"Ranger! bad boy stop it now"the.

(There both ran to the edge of the ship and summer jumped and ranger followed but they luckily landed on a row boat beside the ship).

Violet:"Ranger! (jump's after them).

All:"Violet!!!"(They all run to her but were relief that she is safe on the row boat beside the ship).

Winter:"Thank god your safe"(just Then a whale hit the ship, that the ship shock very hard).


Rocky:"What was that"( the rope holding the row boat started breaking).

Winter:"hold on to my hands"(took her hands with the others but the rope finally broke and there all feel together).

Hi guys 👋 Well I will be posting this story every Wednesday and Saturday thanks for reading bye.