
Growth System In RWBY

A man is reborn as Ruby Roes and Yang Cioa Lung's BIG brother. And is that just the story? ...... No. "My System's Awakening Can't be this late! Especially when Taiyang is starting to act super violent against me..... And my sisters can't be acting neglectful, too!" "I need to resolve this...." ~~~~~~∆~∆~∆~~~~~~ I'm just going to warn you that this has harem and might also have possible incest

ProcrastinatiMeem · アニメ·コミックス
7 Chs

Semblance, Cookies and Sweet Times

[ ~ Chapter • Start ~ ]

An entire year has passed since my aura had been unlocked by mom.

Since then, I had been trying to find out what my Semblance was.

Was it a burst of speed? Nope.

Super Strength? Nope.

Absorption of energy like Yang or even manipulation of it? Definitely not.

It took me several days to figure out what my semblance is. And it was, to put it simply: an inventory. You know, like that sheep lady on Volume 7.

It's not as simple as just storing it on a pocket dimension as I also found out that another drawback is that I would feel heavier and become barely able to move if I stored something I am currently unable to lift like an entire bookshelf (by accident, what a shame...).

Simply because, I theorized that I'm literally storing things inside my body, perhaps more specifically, my own soul (possibly?).

Right, going on another topic such as shaking my head back to reality, as I summoned a long wooden stick I would use in training.

"Alright Reidal! It's been an entire week since we started to teach you anything good that we have!" My uncle, Qrow had said as he took out his own wooden stick he might as well best me up with.

And the teachings.... they're actually mostly about physical and tactical things any newbie huntsman and huntresses needed, nothing else of much importance.

"I'll just, eh... go easy on you, alright?" The older former bandit said, brandishing his mock sword and taking on a stance I was all too familiar with.

Honestly it was obviously the first time I've fought against a huntsman, even if it's was merely just a mock battle for my training.

On the sidelines, several people I know of and even a certain Raven perched on the tree watched me. Qrow probably knows she is observing.

Anyways, I had used a Kendo stance, at least the best one I had. Well, in memory of course.

"Are you both ready?" Summer asked, and both of us nodded. "Very well, take it easy you two! Otherwise.... ahem! Fight, now!"

Qrow shuddered for some reason, but anyways, he began to approach me swiftly and I had no other choice but to block whatever strike he sends me.

And there, coming at the side, I swiftly parried it with my own. Yet, I know Qrow's way stronger than me, but it was a good thing I'm heavier than I should be.

If I wasn't then I might have been pushed sideways unless I held on my ground.

"Where did you get all that strength? From your aura?" Qrow asked, and I nodded in response. "Good! Keep parrying my strikes and maybe dodge if needed, that's how I became good at fighting with my Harbinger!"

He retreated his mock sword and began swiftly attacking me while I blocked his strikes.

Maybe due to aura, I was able to keep up with the Huntsman whose completely holding back against me.

But.... the moment I saw a good opening, I immediately summoned a boulder half the size of my body from my semblance in front of me, pushing back Qrow and due to it, I immediately hopped back to not let my feet get crushed by something that heavy.

Afterwards, I felt a lightness I had been making myself familiar with within the time I was training my semblance. It's good, but just a small burst of mobility and lightness should give me some advantage.

I leapt upwards, but Qrow was nowhere to be seen and I think he's led me to a trap. But then, a black bird from above dived towards me, before it transformed to him, wooden sword in hand.


"I have tricks down my sleeve too, you know!" He shouted with a gentle grin on his face as a wooden sword almost hit me square on the chest had I not tried my hardest to block it, however I was immediately tossed to the ground, harshly.

Ow. My pained expression had been a clear way of indicating that it was quite painful. And then suddenly, a wooden stick was slammed on my chest while I coughed out saliva and forgot to breathe for a short while.

Did I mention the sound that happens if someone's aura breaks? Well, yeah....

Qrow was also beaten up by mom while Ruby and Yang went over to make sure I'm okay.

Heh, and that's his way of going easy on me.

Anyways, a while later, I had recovered, along with my aura and Qrow had to visit me to apologize, at least that's what mom, Ruby and Yang probably asked him.

"Hey, kid. Uh.... sorry, I kinda forgot I was just training someone way younger than me, you know, like how my days had gone before I became a bandit." Qrow spoke, rubbing his head before chuckling absentmindedly. "I think I only realized it now and I hope you understand."

"Yeah, I think I do." Was my reply.

The Branwens were bandits, and they're practically just different, but.... I didn't forget what you did, Qrow!

"Also, what are bandits? Are they cool? Do they do cool stuff? I wanna be one!" I half-shouted while trying to act like I was excited.

It's safe to say that I was definitely laughing deep inside as Qrow immediately coughed out.

"U-uuuh...!" He turned his head towards mom, who, although was smiling, doesn't seem to look like she is. "N-no way! Bandits pillage villages and kill innocents, we don't want you to be like them, cause they're horrible people!"

Oh well, time to go with the flow.

"So, like you?"

"Mmh, those were the old days, but now I've changed. I just didn't like doing bandit stuff anymore, so I became a huntsman, a warrior of love and peace!" Qrow only let out a sigh, and immediately admitted it, though he couldn't really help but be a little embarrassed after that.

"Love and peace, huh? Well, I also prefer to fight for all things beautiful, love and peace are merely some of those."

"Oh, I see. A big dream, huh?"

We proceeded to talk about Huntsmen and the Branwens while Qrow and I became quick friends. Promises between us were held, too.

My promise to him was that I'll become a huntsman, and his own, was to be my shield until I become a true huntsman.

A raven flew away after saying our promises, though I really did wonder why it was observing me for a long while.

Days, weeks, and months passed. Three STRQ team members are teaching and training me to later become a proper huntsman.

I also wanted to say I have been teaching Ruby some things about tactics and things. Despite that, playing around with Yang was the best thing to do to simply train her.

It's best not to forget the fact that I also trained my semblance under the observation of my mom.

On the side note, she bakes the best cookies me and my sisters love.

[ ~ Chapter • End ~ ]

Commentary: Please don't put a review until Chapter 10. That's good enough for me.

..... And yes, he does look like that El Spada character used in edgy RWBY fanfictions in Wattpad, just remove most of the edginess.

Also.... you know how most (if not, all) Abused and Neglected Male Reader fanfictions from Wattpad go, right?


Reidal stared at Ruby, who was staring at the last cookie that he was holding.

He blinked a few times, before tossing the cookie to Ruby just for a small experiment.

The now 4 year old girl immediately leaped up and bit on the cookie like a dog before chewing on it.

"Huh..... That's strange. Oh, and Ruby, that's the last cookie."

Somehow, an idea came to his mind. It kinda matters if it's somewhat good or bad. Though.....

After chewing around half of it, Ruby immediately gave the remaining half to him.

He, as calm as ever, didn't care much and began chewing.

It's just a normal day, after all.