


It was my first day back with Royce yet it seemed he was hiding something from me. By the look on his face, Royce was disturbed, he froze when I asked about the envelope he was holding.


"Baby, listen." Royce walked over to me. He trailed his fingers on my face and tucked my hair in my temple. "I don"t want to stress you out but since you already saw this." He lifted the envelope. "I"ll tell you everything. Come on, let"s have a seat."

"Now, tell me," I said as we were both sitting on the couch. I wasn't calm.

Royce looked me in the eye. "Before I tell you, I want to assure you that the situation is under control."

"I know," I said impatiently. The anticipation is getting on me.

"Alright. This is a summons from the company that I sued for faking evidence against me. They sued me back as expected."

"You should have told me about this."

"Baby, we just got back last night. I don"t want to welcome my baby with another problem. And besides, I got this, no need to worry. I kind of expected they would do this."

"What company? And why do you have to sue them? I"m sorry, baby, but it"s kind of rumbly in my head."

"Yeah, I"ll explain it all. The company I"m talking about is the one that helped Roxie in faking the evidence. The one sent to Marica pointed me as a suspect in the incident two years ago. I"m not gonna tell you who his name is now. But baby, it's about time we discuss these things with your parents."

"So, it was Roxie after all. I knew she wanted to destroy us, she will never succeed." Nelly held my hand.

"We will never let them succeed. We got this together, baby." Royce hugged me tight as I wrapped my arms around him as well.

"Baby, I"m sorry I haven"t told you about dad"s recovery. You did so much for our family especially in getting dad back in his best shape."

"Baby, you don"t have to. The team of doctors attending your dad is giving me constant updates." Royce patted his lap. "Come here."

I sat on Royce's lap and then he cuddled me like a baby. He kissed my forehead and whispered. "Can you cook breakfast? I"m hungry."

I laughed at his humor. "Did you miss my cooking? I"m not as good as you."

"Of course, I miss your cooking. Baby, you are good. I have to confess that I made your pasta recipe and ate it alone as my way of coping with my depression when you left me. I even had dinner at Bocca Felize alone just so I could imagine us having dinner together."

"Oh, baby." I hugged Royce so tight in the hope of easing his pain. "I"m sorry, I did that to you. I love you," I said as I broke into tears. "I never wanted to hurt you intentionally. I'm sorry that you have suffered from my past experience. Dennis and you are different in every way."

It broke my heart hearing Royce confessed. He had a hard time when I left him alone because I didn't listen to his side of the story.

"Hush... It's okay now, baby. Stop saying sorry." Royce stroked my back which was so comforting. He cuddled me like a baby. Royce wiped my tears and then he kissed me on the forehead.

"What do you want for breakfast baby?"

"Whatever it is that you feel like cooking this morning I'll eat it."

We had our breakfast and lunch in one at nearly 11 in the morning. Royce called Leo and I called Marica for them to join us in explaining to mom and dad about the fake evidence and the things that happened after it.

We arrived in our condo at 1 in the afternoon together with Marica and Leo in a separate car. Mom and dad were so happy for my friends as they always do, especially dad who could verbally greet my friends.

"Everyone, please take a seat. I'll get some food and drinks for you, guys." Mom said as she headed to the kitchen.

I thought of declining mom's offer but I couldn't. I knew mom always loved to serve us and our visitors.

Marica and Leo are on the center couch. I and Royce are on the left side while dad is on the accent couch. Mom sat on the other accent chair after getting us some snacks.

I looked at Royce before I started. "Mom, dad, my friends, and I are here to talk about the incident two years ago. But before that, we thought of sharing who made the fake evidence that was sent to Marica. It was Roxie, Roxie Diaz."

"Roxie Diaz? Who is this woman?" Dad asked, and he was puzzled.

"Uncle Arthur we are yet to know the whole truth. But it wouldn't be a long journey since Royce started gathering evidence against the other people involved." Marica said.

"How about that Roxie? We should lock her up in jail." Dad declared.

"Uncle Arthur, Roxie was my ex-girlfriend and she wants me back, that's probably the reason she keeps on troubling my relationship with Nelina. I already made a deal with Roxie. I won't sue her for faking evidence if she will leave this country and won't bother Nelly anymore. I made it clear to her and won't hesitate to lock her in jail if she disobeys. Now, the only culprit we should lock in jail is Mr. Gonzalez, the chairman of Sunny Corporation."

"Robert? I knew he couldn't be trusted. Even before the accident happened I doubted him. He badly needs my position. He wants to be the chairman."

"Mom, dad, we need to open the case again." I saw mom's face of disapproval while Dad remained composure and was attentive. "Dad, I think it"s about time I show you something that might solve the puzzle."

"What is it, Nelly?"

Royce and I exchanged looks before I disclosed what we got from Apple. "Do you remember Apple? Mark"s former secretary?"

"Yes, I remember that woman. You used to be close with Apple, right? What about her? And how did Apple get involved in this case?" Dad asked continuously with so much confusion painted on his face.

"Daddy, I asked Apple if she could be of any help about the incident 2 years ago and she didn"t refuse. I met her a few weeks ago and she gave me a USB that might help us solve the case."

"Nelly, you shouldn't have done that," Mommy said worriedly.

"Melissa, it"s okay. Our daughter is in her right mind, she"s a big girl now and wants to do what she thinks is right. Let her be."

"But Arthur, you know how dangerous this is for Nelly?"

"I know, honey. But two years was enough for them to celebrate, we should take what"s ours. This time, we will fight until we commit to the victory that we deserve. If we don't, who will?"

"Arthur, I don"t want to get back into the mess we had for two years. We already lost Mark, I can"t lose Nelly and you. I only want you and Nelly beside me."

"Mrs. Cruz, you got me, and my friends. Don't be afraid, we will help you fight the culprit behind this. Since the truth is on our side, I am confident we will end victorious," Leo assured.

Dad held mom's hand to reassure her, he stroked moms back to help her calm down.

"Thank you, Leo, Marica, and Royce. We need all the help we can get to end this. We need solid evidence to lock Robert in jail. I wouldn't be surprised if there are more people involved."

"I will make sure my investigator will look into that. We will also get the best lawyers for us to win this case," Royce answered.

"Sweetheart, give me the USB you were talking about and I will look into it. I'll see what I can do."

"Yes, dad." I pursed my lips and hesitated if I should tell them about Apple. My heart is hammering in my chest, thinking Apple might be in a bad situation.

"I"m scared about Apple"s safety. I've been trying to reach out to her for a few days already but her mobile number is out of reach. I can"t forgive myself for getting Apple into this mess." Finally, I was able to get it out of my chest.

"Sweetheart, don"t blame yourself. We"ll find a way to get to her as soon as possible." Dad comforted me.

"I hope so. Apple is a good friend, I don't want anything bad to happen to her."