
My Arrival into the world

It was a rainy Sunday morning at about 5am on the 14th day of the seventh month of the year I was born into the family of the Ekes.

Being the first child and daughter of my family, I was cherished and loved by all,my naming ceremony was held a week after my birth and I was named Onyinyechi(gift of God) just call me gift to relieve yourself the stress of pronouncing my name.

My life started and I grew up becoming a beautiful calm teenage girl, attended school up to my primary level and then life took another turn for me I had to leave my parents to go live with my aunt in another state far away from where my parents lived.

Hmmm let me sip some water before I continue because I have a whole of experiences I have to write down.

so back to what I was saying earlier I moved to live with my aunt and there, saw a totally different life from what I was living and a whole lot of different people with different languages, different lifestyle entirely, at first I was amazed and no sooner than I thought I had blended in with my new environment,started a new school,made couple of friends and forgot I was totally new to the environment .