
Grimstone's Odyssey:Strongest Hunter's Emergence

In a world where supernatural abilities are nothing paranormal ,individuals are naturally born with them. A number of the masses awaken these supernatural abilities at a very young age, some even awaken them at infancy ,and by the age of ten,if one has not awakened one's affinity yet,there's a 99.8% chance that you will never awaken. Lucas Grimstone, a young man whose parents were B class hunters on a mission to hunt down a group of deranged hunters were unfortunately murdered,the sequel,the fifteen year old Lucas, becoming an orphan. The worst part of his story is ,he was a member of the unfortunate masses that failed to awaken their affinity by the age of ten. Even his girlfriend he deemed trusting ,dumped him, claiming that without the support of his parents, he was just another weakling amongst the masses. Not only that, he was laden with abuse and public ridicule after his parents died.... Little did Lucas know that he would be the first person to still awaken his affinity after crossing the age of ten. Lucas will not just awaken any normal affinity, he awakens an affinity that is astoundingly anomalous , an affinity called permanent mirroring. Now having the chance to redeem himself from the vicissitudes of powerlessness, and tired of being called "Lord punching bag", in a world where the strong preys on the weak, Lucas is now somersaulted unto an Odyssey, to limitlessly overpower every obstacle that threatens to control and overpower his existence. Disclaimer ;Note that this is a world of fiction, all scenes, events and characters are not imitations of real life events, or anything they represent. This is all a product of the writer's imagination . Cover art designed by Nathan..

theartisan3 · ファンタジー
53 Chs

Chapter 34. Solving the equation.

Lucas' POV.

It was not really my fault to fall asleep during a class. However, I was surprised by how much toll the previous training and assimilation of my lightning maestro skill had put on me.

I fell asleep subconsciously. I did not even realise it until I felt a hand slightly pinch my ear.

Slowly, I opened my eyes to the sight of an angry beautiful face.

She glared at me as though she wanted to swallow me.

"What's her problem?.. It's not like I committed a crime.. I only fell asleep accidentally " I sighed inwardly...

"Well, since the harm has already been done, it would'nt hurt to add more salt to the wound "... I lazily glanced at her after entertaining this shameless line of thinking,then I spoke frivolously " What time is it? ".


The angry female instructor rumbled on incessantly.. She really threw an angry fit, the most angriest fit I had ever seen.

After daring me that if I were smart enough I should solve the equation displayed on the holographic screen on the podium of the lecture hall, I gestured slightly at how easy the question was, then requested politely for a touch pen from the class.

Realizing that my classmates were busily laughing to care about my question, the angry instructor threw her pen at me.

I caught the pen swiftly, shamelessly thanked her, and proceeded to the podium, all eyes on me.

I glanced at the holographic screen then begun to write a series of mathematical sequences on the holographic projection with my touch pen.

A few minutes later, I was done.

I turned to look at the instructor who's mouth hung open so much that her chin was obviously not visible anymore..

Most of my coursemates were not so surprised. They knew of my mathematical prowess firsthand. I was always the best amongst the 500 third year student during the theory assessment rankings after all.

Mathematics was simply too easy for me, not forgetting that as a former engineering major, I dealt far more advanced mathematics problems compared to the one the instructor had asked me to solve. However a few sighed and gruntled angrily, especially some of the young masters and jade beauties who used to bully me in the past. Some of these lads were definitely planning to gang up on me during the wilderness survival assessment, they did not know that I was prepared to take them on.

I walked towards the instructor nonchalantly, handed over the touch pen to her politely, then returned to take my seat,ignoring the strange glances directed my way.

I knew this was a common occurrence for standing out amongst many, the hatred of those who were frustrated with my success.

"What is your name.. You are indeed smart, however no sleeping in my class again.. I won't tolerate such notoriety.. However ,you've done very well..

to the point of integrating different functions and formulas to solve the question.. Brilliant.. Simply brilliant. ... Excellently done" She quickly forced a smile to scurry away the awkwardness that hung in the atmosphere.

"Lucas Grimstone, instructor... Thank you instructor" I responded nonchalantly from my seat.

"Oh... I see" .

From the expression on her face as she replied, it was obvious she had figured out who I was.

"Very well class, let's call it a day...The date for your midterm exams will be communicated to you soon, start revising if you do not want to take this course next semester " With that, the instructor hurriedly scurried off.

As usual, I had no business with anyone in the class, therefore I assumed a callous demeanor and left, ignoring those who tried approaching me. After my SSS class talent was revealed, quite a number of people had attempted to suck up to me.

However, I knew they were opportunist , putting on a façade to secure some sort of connection with me, due to my potential to become an SSS rank hunter. I clearly remembered the looks of disdain directed at me on my first day in this class. I remembered it all clearly... and now, some of these same people wanted to be friends with me? 

''It sickens me... the hypocrisy of people'' I sighed.

Their train of thought was not a first for me, as I had so many associates when my parents were alive. However, they all turned into howling wolves and pounced on me when my parents passed away. 

There was no way I would be naïve to entertain such deception from people again. If in the past, they never associated with me, why then did they want to associate with me all of a sudden?...

Fake smiles, fake people... I scoffed in my heart...

The leaves of the trees scurried away as a defense mechanism of the trees to prepare themselves for harsh colds of winter.

The full moon casted it's glow upon all life beneath, as cool winds brushed past my face , causing my hair to flutter, as I walked past other people.

Chatter.. chatter... chatter

''Hey look, is that not the guy in the video?''

''Yeah, that's him... there are rumors circulating that after he humiliated Carl, Carl has disappeared. There are quite a number of people speculating that, he might have murdered Carl or something''

''Girl, if that's true, then that guy is a scary one...did you see the video?... of how he humiliated Carl?''

''I think Carl deserved to be humiliated, everyone knows that the disciple of the Sword Blade used to be bullied by Carl a lot, there's no way Lucas would just sit back and not teach the fellow a lesson when he had the chance... He would only be classified a push over if he had turned a death ear to this treatment''

''As for that Amanda girl, it's such a pity. I have not seen her in class since the video of her being humiliated by Lucas started circulating around''

''She really has received a slap in the face this time. To dump someone in a very humiliating manner, only for them to turn into a big shot in a few days time''

''Hehe, that's life for you''

This and many other conversations bellowed in the atmosphere wherever I passed.

It was no use hiding my face with the cap of my windbreaker anymore. No matter what I did, I would be recognized and be the center of attention. The best I could do was assume a cold demeanor that would prevent people from approaching me. 

To me, all that mattered at this point was becoming strong enough to a point where no one could threaten my life...

It was only a matter of time before the wilderness survival practical assessment begun.

I had to be prepared for any variables that could claim my life

I had decided to apply for a mission the next day to test a theory concerning my skills, and to gain some real life experience with beasts before the assessment begun. No matter how realistic the virtual reality tower was, it could never replace real life experiences. With real life experiences, death meant death, and with that in mind, adjusting to the harsh realities of the world was easier.

In this world where strength meant everything, I had come to realize that growth was more rapid in harsh and unfavorable environments. If I wanted to be a self sufficient renegade, I had to learn to thrive alone in the most extreme environments .

After all, even in the emotional intelligence department, I had come to accept the harsh realities of human behavior better after going through a series of consecutively demeaning emotional experiences these past few months.

The Sword Blade had done enough to deter some influential individuals like high ranked hunters who envied my potential from making life difficult for me in the academy by facedly announcing me as his disciple, and as much as I appreciated that gesture, I knew it was to help me focus on becoming stronger, not to be reliant on his power and influence. I had to thrive on my own, and develop my own wings to fly.

As for this Wednesday evening, I was feeling as sleepy as .... whatever, no simile there... But I was feeling very sleepy.

I had to get some sleep... I was a measly E rank hunter after all...

Tomorrow, I was embarking on my first mission as an awakened.

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