

In a story of intertwined pasts and broken vows, linked by an artifact and love, they navigate a haunting curse's grasp, discovering hidden truths and unforeseen emotions, all while striving to shatter the curse and find a way back to reality. In a forgotten town nestled among ancient forests, Is the famous Grimrose house Former paranormal investigators embark on a thrilling adventure, only to find themselves unexpectedly transported into a world where witchcraft reigns supreme within the pages of an ancient book. Surrounded by diverse supernatural entities, their survival hinges on navigating this mystical realm. As they grapple with the unfamiliar and mysterious, they must harness their wits and resilience to endure the unknown forces lurking within. As they navigate perilous encounters and unearth secrets, their ultimate goal remains unlocking the path back to their reality.

S_R_13 · ファンタジー
7 Chs


My breath hitched, and my vision blurred. At that moment, I extended my hand, reaching out to grasp Ziel. When he turned around, their worried voices reached my ears. I tried to speak, but no words came out of my mouth. Then, a fleeting memory rushed through my mind.

The vague man was standing in front of me, and i heard his deep voice.

"You all no longer offer assistance that holds any value or necessity for me; your presence has become a mere nuisance, Die."

he snapped his fingers. i heard a thud sound next to me. a person fell down and something rolled off while blood splattered on the ground it's dull eyes stare at me a sign that he has no life, his head separated from his body i stood there horrified, the smell of blood stench my nose, feeling sick on my stomach. On his second snap, i felt a nauseating pain in my body. i looked down, and there's blood? A blood?! A knife piercing me from the back. who are these cold-blooded people?! i collapse to the ground, writhing in agony while i cover the wound in my stomach with my hand to stop the blood from seeping out.

"Please!! Noo! I-i still need to see my wife and my daughter please i beg of you!!! Don't kill me!!"

I said these words, yet it wasn't even my voice. I can't control my body. after that, another figure of a man appeared in front of me with an axe. He held it up high right to me and about to strike me in the head.

My eyes snapped open, my heart still pounding from the lingering fear of the nightmare i had. Beads of cold sweat glistened on my forehead, and my breathing was ragged. I frantically looked around the room suspiciously that the horror I've dreamed of may have followed me here, i sat right up holding my buzzing head. realizing, i appeared to be inside the house.

The door suddenly swung open, and Ziel and Yumi rushed to my side. Yumi's teary-eyed concern was evident as she asked, "What happened to you there?"

Sniffling and wiping away her tears, she continued, "You suddenly just fainted! Ziel and I were so worried!"

"Yes! You should've said you're sick; I wouldn't have had to force you, bro, to come with us." When Ziel echoed his words, I shook my head, assuring them that I was just fine. "I'm not sick; it's probably just the exhaustion from the trip we had," I said, concealing the details of the dream I had, fearing it would only worry them more.

It seemed like that dream was related to the old memory of the owner of this house. I couldn't be wrong; there was only one man person who died in this house, but the police report indicated they never found anything about the body. They just suggested he took his own life.

As I pondered this, I gripped the sheets, frowning, determined to solve the mysteries surrounding these events. Yumi's voice pulled me out of my deep thoughts. "ion? Are you sure you're alright?" I nodded, eventually. they went to their own rooms, allowing me to rest as it was already night.

Unable to sleep due to that haunting dreams of mine, I got up and made my way to the bathroom. After washing my face and staring at my reflection in the mirror, I let out a sigh, attempting to calm my racing thoughts.

Surveying the house, everything appeared to be in good condition, although it's a bit dusty. However, my attention was drawn to a bookshelf, and since I enjoyed reading, it seemed like a good way to distract myself. Out of all the collection, a peculiar red book stood out, and its title made me chuckle as it bore the same name as the house, "Grimrose Haunting Manse, huh? The author must be a fan of this house," I mused to myself.

I began to read the book, but it didn't turn out to be as interesting as I had hoped. Glancing at my watch, I noticed that it was already late at night. I decided to head to my room, hoping that the nightmares wouldn't trouble me tonight.

As I settled in to sleep, I suddenly heard Ziel slam his door and begin to curse. Startled, I rushed to open my door, unintentionally colliding with Yumi. "Do you have any idea what's going on to Ziel?" I asked her. She shook her head, her worry mirrored in her eyes. "I'm not sure; I was just about to check on him myself." Together, we went to Ziel's room and found him pacing back and forth in the hallway.

Ziel stopped his pacing and raised his head, addressing Me and Yumi. "Zhion! Yumi! You're both here; I have something important to share with you guys!" Yumi and I exchanged puzzled glances. "Alright, please tell us what's going on," we agreed and made our way to the living room, eager to hear what Ziel had to say.

Ziel began to recount the events, "Do you remember earlier? When you fainted cause your stupid body is weak, now you need to change it, so yeah, we brought you to your room, and we thoroughly searched the entire house. We even set up our equipment in specific areas. I've always felt uneasy in my room, so I decided to install a Full-Spectrum DVR."

I look at ziel and nodded my head a A DVR recording system with infrared technology allows us investigators to observe and record in low light or total darkness with great clarity while being able to maintain our normal sight in darkness which is often used to look for anything paranormal that our clients report seeing in the dark, thus we can see paranormal sightings even if it's dark.

Ziel continued. "i also placed a motion detector near my window. I had a these uneasiness that someone was observing me from that direction. That night, as I went to sleep, something occurred."


After I returned to my room, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. It wasn't the usual entities we encountered in our investigations. I sensed that this presence wasn't of this world – well, technically not, because they're deceased? I chuckled at the thought. Ever since I was a child, I have had the ability to feel the presence of ghosts and other entities. It began since the day both Zhion's and my families tragically died in that accident. I felt their presence beside me, slowly fading away. I couldn't recall much about it, and I couldn't explain how I sensed their presence, so yeah, whatever.

As I lay in bed, I heard a strange noise. I rubbed my eyes and reached for the lamp, illuminating the room. My hand encountered an icy coldness, and as I looked, I was met with a pair of chilling red eyes staring right at me, and my heart stoppedbeating for a second. its breath reeked of mud, and the face was contorted, with worms crawling on it. I couldn't help but be overwhelmed by shock and scream, "AAAHHH! WHO THE HELL ARE YOUUU???"


"So yeah, in a blinked on an eye that person was gone It wasn't frightening, but it did startle me," Ziel admitted, chuckling nervously, while Yumi rolled her eyes at him. "You're such a scaredy-cat. Why would you even ask a ghost who they are? Duh. Fortunately, you didn't fall in love with that entity since you two were practically staring each other down," she teased Ziel, tousling his hair playfully.

"Well it seems that person is haunting you now so i have to share somethings with you both" I informed Yumi and Ziel, recounting my dreams, the mysterious lady, about that person and the horrifying nightmares I had experienced.

We decided to research the owner of the house, whose name is Weil Slovakia, but unfortunately, we couldn't find any information about him. I got up and stretched, saying, "Let's call it a day, guys. Let's continue tomorrow; there's nothing more we can do today." I glanced over at Yumi and Ziel, who both expressed their frustration. Yumi sighed, "Ugh, how annoying. We did everything for nothing."

Ziel added, "I know, right? But who knows, maybe we'll find something tomorrow." As they prepared to head back to bed, something unexpected happened. Before they could even take a step, both Yumi and Ziel collapsed to the ground, and my eyes widened in alarm. I attempted to help them, but a sudden wave of dizziness overcame me. Gritting my teeth, I muttered, "Ah, not this headache again," before I, too, fell to the ground, and everything faded to black.

It's almost there!!

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