

When Fenris accepted the contract that would bind his soul to Morrigan his eyes were drawn to the Manticores like two opposing magnets. His green eyes met Morrigan's red and an invisible bond was formed and Fenris felt something in his mind come alight. Instinctually he knew that the light represented the soul bond between him and Morrigan, blinking rapidly Fenris's vision was crowded with a slew of notifications. Mentally dismissing them, for now, Fenris turned his attention back on Morrigan the young manticore was letting out great purs of satisfaction as she continued to rub herself against his chest.

With one hand he began to scratch the fur around her ears while he looked over his new prompts.


[ New function: Soul Familiar ]

You have gained a soul familiar and subsequently, the soul familiar function, as your familiar continues to grow more options will become available. Who knows what this will entail just know that your familiar is no longer a simple beast you can now communicate with your bonded animal using your mental link.


[ Morrigan ]

Species: Manticore (Mutated)

Sex: Female

Age: 2 Days

Abilities: ???


Closing the notifications Fenris tried to communicate with Morrigan, ' Can you hear me Morrigan ' the Manticore stopped purring and looked up at him with a hidden intelligence in its eyes, ' F- father. ' Even though it was a one-word response Fenris was shocked that he could actually talk with the Manticore, ' did you just call me father ' there was a pause before a small feminine voice confirmed his question ' Father. ' Fenris felt a sudden desire to protect the animal at all costs.

Wanting to share the news Fenris looked at Zoe and seeing the questioning look in her eyes Fenris then explained what had happened and how Morrigan had called him father. Zoe had giddily asked what the Manticore had thought of her without any input from Fenris Morrigan had sent a mental image of her time in Zoe's clutches then had climbed onto Fenris's shoulders all to the disappointment of Zoe when Fenris had told her that she had traumatized the young creature.

Laughing at Zoe's reaction Fenris got up from the countertop and started to prepare lunch when he saw that the sun was at its peak in the sky. With the help of magic, he had quickly made an arrangement of sandwiches also setting out some raw salmon for Morrigan. They decided to take their meal outside and had an imprompt to picnic, both of them had completely forgotten about their quests and took and well-deserved break. Morrigan took the opportunity to explore the vast property of her master, but Fenris didn't let her get too far as the Manticore was still relatively weak and a random wolf could probably still kill her.

Morrigan had actually gotten several scratches when she had caught and killed a fox and proudly displayed it to Fenris wanting him to praise her for. This gave Zoe the opportunity to finish her quest though Fenris had to spend five minutes ensuring the manticore that Zoe wouldn't hurt her. When Zoe healed Morrigan's last cut a prompt appeared in front of her.


[ Quest Completed ]

You have completed the quest Experimentation you have gained the following.

[Shop Function]

[Knowledge of the Human body]


When Zoe closed the prompt a flood of knowledge assaulted her mind, the names of organs bones, and everything in between was downloaded into her mind. Zoe froze for a second at the sheer amount of information that she now knew but Zoe quickly snapped out of it. After that Fenris and Zoe went back inside Fenris also wanting to complete his own quest or at least make a dent in the demanding task. With Morrigan on his shoulder, Fenris returned to the basement and started to enchant more scrolls taking care to stop for a few minutes whenever he failed to enchant a scroll. As of now, he could only do about five scrolls with a hundred percent success rate before he started to fail the enchant.

Eventually, Fenris had created 100 scrolls with charms for everyday situations such as cleaning or cooking. Fenris had also created five scrolls with the spell Incarcerous that would summon thick ropes around whatever the scroll was pointed at. Fenris had found that scrolls containing more complex spells were definitely harder to enchant as his success rate dropped to one out of ten and he almost suffered a magical backlash again. Stretching in his seat Fenris heard his spine pop as he let out a yawn. Deciding to take a break from the monotony of enchanting the scrolls Fenris pulled out the materials for his side project, the enchanted ebony book cover, a wooden awl that he quickly enchanted, a spool of unicorn hair and some dragon hearts strings. The magical items he had gotten from Salazar's vault and he was glad that he had them because the items were expensive even with the money he had gotten from the vaults.

With precise movements, Fenris created six holes in the book cover three on each side so he could eventually bind paper into cover making it a real book. Morrigan looked on as her master continued to assemble his project by taking the enchanted parchment and using the unicorn hair to bind the paper to the black wood cover. Eventually, it was done and Fenris had himself a thick wooden tome and the black wood seemed to absorb the light from the LEDs on the wall. To anyone else, it would look like an artifact of evil but as the creator, Fenris knew that it wasn't finished. In a small glass vile several strands of dark red strings could be seen, removing the cork with a pop Fenris used a pair of tweezers to take seven dragon heartstrings out of the vial before putting the cork back.

One by one Fenris placed each strand on the book cover and once all seven strands had made it onto the book cover Fenris watched with bated breath as each strand moved towards the center of the front cover and formed a circle. Then nothing happened, frowning Fenris went to use the tweezers to remove the heartstrings only to find that each one was stuck to the cover and wouldn't budge.