
Chapter 39

Well it wasn't like there was really any merit in just verbally lashing back out like a brat against another brat. "Sure," you agreed quietly, "I won't even tell her I met her mother just last night and she tried to offer me the chance to join up with her."

Ruby's eyes widened slightly, "Wait..she what?" the silver eyed girl hissed in shock.

"Besides," you continued, snuggling your face into the soft expanse of her breasts, "I find it quite hard to to work up the urge to be angry at her when I've got your breasts in my face."

Ruby snorted a little, "You're such a perv." she replied, eyes going back to normal. But she didn't move to pull your face from her cleavage.

Interesting. "..You know, I thought you'd be a lot more embarrassed by me pointing that out." you said. You were actually looking forward to her cute reaction.

"I spent enough time around you two weeks ago to get used to how you are," Ruby replied, smiling lightly, and you noted her pace had continued at the extended pace she'd set to get a head away moments, so you were both a decent distance in front of the others, meaning they couldn't really hear you now, "Besides, you've had quite a rough hand given to you lately after you died and you came to help us without asking for anything in return back with Tyrian and even agreed to Professor Ozpin's deal to help us again when you have nothing at stake here besides Cinder."

The black and red haired girl reached up with the hand not carrying you and gently pressed your head into her soft mounds of her chest, "If letting you rest your head between my boobs makes you happy after all that, then I don't mind." she assured you. Little as it was though, you could still see a tiny bit of red inflaming her cheeks.

You pulled your head back from her breasts and looked up at her, a the closest thing you could make to a smirk spreading across your face, "You're too nice Ruby," you shook your head, "But, don't blame me if I take you up on your offer then." you teased.

"I wouldn't offer if I didn't mean it," Ruby shook her head, "Besides, it means I'll constantly have a legendary Grimm that can grow gargantuan attached to me constantly. That's awesome! You can pay me back by letting me ride you!"

You snorted, "Sure," you agreed, you didn't mind letting her ride on your back when you had the space for it. But you couldn't let her leave that possible innuendo in the air without comment right? "Though, I'll kinda need to get my human body back before you can ride me."

Her face darkened red a bit more and she pouted, "It won't be as cute to be this pervy when you're back in a human form."

You couldn't help it, you laughed. Ruby joined in a moment later. The girl was easy to get along with.

It wasn't long later that you found yourself carried into a large, spacious and luxurious mansion. Man, being a hunter really did pay fucking well didn't it?

Ruby pushed open the door easily and immediately sat down on the couch as you both talked.

"My crystal is actually really tough," you explained, she had been asking about some of the abilities you'd gained so far, "Way tougher than the average metal used in weapons. Way tougher than my gauntlets were."

"Maybe if you make some I can melt it down a bit and line Crescent Rose with it? Maybe make some bullets with it?" Ruby clapped her hands excitedly. Then she blinked and looked down at you where you were propped up against her chest still, "But wait, where are your gauntlets? I just realised you don't have them on."

"Oh those," you blinked. You gave a sad sigh, "The mecha shift wasn't able to keep up with how big my paws got when I evolved into my new form and when I woke up they were kind of in pieces." You loved those things. They weren't the best quality of weapons, but they looked fucking cool and you'd had them for over two years and spent months forging them.

A supreme sad look appeared on Ruby's face, "I'M SO SORRY FOR YOUR LOSS!" she cried and wrapped you tightly in a massive hug, burning your face into her bosom once again, though in a much less enjoyable way.

A second later though, over Ruby's...sobs? You heard the front door open and the click-clack of high heels on wooden floor getting closer and closer. A moment later, Ruby's arms were pulled from around you and a small dainty hand grabbed you by the scruff and lifted you into the air.

You found a pair of half-lidded icy blue eyes staring at you and you gulped, "H-hey Weiss!" you sheepishly greeted her.

"You and me, we need to talk." she stated, rather sternly too.

"..I need an adult?" you hesitantly joked.

"I'm eighteen now, I am an adult." the white haired girl refuted flatly. Ouch, looks like she wasn't in a joking mood right now. What did you do to piss her off this time?

You swivelled in her grip and sent a cute pleading look to the girl whos chest your head was buried in just moments ago, "Save me Ruby!" you cried out for salvation.

Ruby just chuckled sheepishly and scratched the back of her neck, "..I think I need to go give Crescent Rose a check up!" she stated and then disappeared in a blur of rose petals.

"Noooo!" you groaned in utter despair as your salvation left you to the sharks.

A soft finger bopped you gently on the head and you look up to see Weiss rolling her eyes, "Stop being such a drama queen." she said and began making her way upstairs, carrying you in one hand by the scruff of fur around your mane, almost like a purse.