
Chapter 37

It was, quite ego enhancing you had to admit to see the looks of pure shock as you towered above your friends..and a few others. A surge of happiness filtered through you when you noticed Weiss enter the clearing you were in alongside them all, and you couldn't wait to catch up with her.

Interestingly, Xiao Long was there as well. You wondered how she'd react if you told her that her milf of a mother offered to be your dick ornament once you got human form back if you joined up with her. A tempting offer to be honest, if only to get human form back quicker. You could really use some help to puzzle out how to work this magic thing out.

'Please don't open the conversation with that,' Pyrrha groaned, already used to your blunt approach to things, 'Yang didn't like talking about them, but she had several issues that we noticed back in school in regards to her mother.'

You mentally snorted. You didn't really give a shit about Xiao Long. She always strutted about, wiggling her tits and ass and thought she was hot shit. Always making those stupid shitty puns and talking a big game. But she lost her temper as easy as breathing half the time, and thought nothing of shit she did to others. In the grand scheme of things, she wasn't that much better than Cardin half the time. The amount of guys she'd led on back in school and then punched out if they tried to get handsy numbered in the dozens.

Fucking stupid tease. She at least knew better than to try and pull that shit with you with all the times you'd kicked her ass in class.

Your eyes flickered to the front of the group where a young boy stepped out from behind Ruby and Nora. You didn't recognise him at all, and he wasn't exactly tall either, he smaller than Ruby. So, he must have been even younger than her.

The boy smiled up at him, admiring his form, "My my, a Manticore King, it has been some time since one of this species has walked Remnant," the boy spoke up, "I am impressed Mr. Stone, I have to admit."

You raised a brow at him before looking down at Nora and Ruby, "..Who is this kid and why is he acting like he knows me?" you asked them bluntly.

The boy laughed lightly at you outright ignoring him and you saw Weiss facepalm for some reason. A sense of nostalgia filled you, she used to do that at least once a day when you hung out back at Beacon. "Ya don't know?" Nora asked, "It's Ozpin!"

"Nora, Professor Ozpin is dead," you shook your head, "Unless he has some magical voodoo that lets him reincarnate or something or he ended up in this kids head like Pyrrha did with me, that can't be the headmaster."

"..Well, you're not too far off the mark actually Mr. Stone, but nonetheless, I'm glad to see for myself that despite the situation, you don't seem to changed much at all," the boy claimed to be Ozpin answered for Nora, "It's a relief to see Salem's reach has failed to sway you."

Oh. Well, that was a thing then. You were just gonna roll with it. you'd seen too much shit to deny it at this point, and the kid did speak like Ozpin at least, and now that you took a closer look at him, was carrying his cane. You shrugged, "The Wet Dream Grimm Queen can't do shit to me as long as my aura is up." you replied.

The reincarnated Ozpin gasped and stumbled back as if struck, and you worried something had gone wrong for a moment...before he burst out laughing, "Wet Dream Grimm Queen? Hehe! Oh Mr. Stone, please never change," he said through his laughter, "I can only imagine the reaction she had to such a name. My, it positively tickles me pink."

"Wet Dream Grimm Queen!? Really? Seriously?" Weiss shouted, finally exploding and beginning to march up towards you, "You really do have no sense of self preservation do you? I can only imagine the type of strength this woman Salem has with how scared everyone is of her, and yet you still mouth off like that to her?"

Despite how angry she sounded, there was a big smile on her face, and tears budding in the corner of her eyes. While it looked like she was about to try and hit him, as funny as that would be with the sheer size different between the two of you. Instead, when she reached you, she grasped the fur of your leg and hugged your paw tightly, "..I missed you big dummy." she sniffled.

Little boy Ozpin coughed after a few moments of your sentimental reunion with your best friend. And Weiss jumped back with a cute little yelp, face blushing profusely.

Ah, so adorable!

"While it is lovely to see you again Mr. Stone, things may have taken a turn for the worst," Ozpin began, "You seem to know quite a lot about what is going on, but let me say, things are beginning to get quite dire. It would be most helpful if we could have you within the city close by and on hand in case things get 'dicey' as they say."

"..Oz, that's gonna be a problem with you know..." Qrow spoke up and gestured up towards your head, indicating your height.

"Indeed," Ozpin nodded, "Still, with Mr. Stone's strength and his ability to sense human emotion as a Grimm we have him close by in the days to come."

Err. You don't really remember ever agreeing to join up for some cause. But, you did owe Professor Ozpin a lot for allowing you to join Beacon early. And, well, you were fond of some of the people seemingly drawn into what was going on, like Weiss and Nora, plus, they're all Pyrrha's friends too, "Professor Ozpin, my only real goals right now are to get revenge on that bitch Cinder for what she did to me and Pyrrha and get my human form back," you replied, "..But if you need my help, I'll do what I can. It's just, I'm way too big to get into the city at all."

Ozpin smiled up at you and lifted one hand off of his cane. He held his palm up towards you and you saw green light shimmer in his hands, "Not to worry, I have a way to get around that," he replied, "I can bestow upon you a gift. A power created through my magic. It will drain some of the meager strength I have left, but it will allow you to enter Mistral with us. Though, if you accept it, I dare say you will be bound by duty, if only to a degree to help us."

'What do you want to do?' Pyrrha asked after a moment, 'I'd prefer to be around my friends and help them in the front. But it's true while we're stuck in there you won't really be able to hunt Grimm and get stronger for a while.'

That was a drawback for sure. But, you could at least spend the time training up your aura, and you hadn't really spent a lot of time working on that. And Ozpin seemed to know about magic as well, and his offer wasn't quite as big an obligation as any the wet dream or Raven had offered you. He just expected you to basically fulfill your side of a deal in return for being gifted this power.

You could maybe see about learning more magic from him while you were there and keeping an eye on your friends.