
Grim's Fables

Every happy tale has it's shadows. Every good, it's own version of evil. These are those evil's. Those monsters and those stories that haunt your every waking moment. From GrimsCorner comes a collection of horrifying and thrilling fables about monsters, demons, ghosts, and ghouls, all in the forms of short stories.

GrimsCorner · ホラー
5 Chs

The Never-ending Nightmare

It was a dark and stormy night when a young woman named Lily found herself stranded on the side of the road. Her car had broken down, and she was miles away from the nearest town. With no other choice, she started walking, hoping to find help before the storm got any worse.

As she walked, the rain began to pour down harder, and the wind howled around her. Lily shivered, feeling more and more alone and vulnerable. And then she saw it - a small cabin in the distance, nestled among the trees.

Feeling grateful and relieved, Lily hurried towards the cabin, hoping to find shelter from the storm. But as she got closer, she began to feel uneasy. There was something about the cabin that didn't feel right - it was too quiet, too still.

Despite her misgivings, Lily knocked on the door. And when there was no answer, she pushed it open, hoping to find someone inside. But the cabin was empty, the furniture covered in dust and cobwebs.

As she wandered through the rooms, Lily felt a growing sense of unease. And then she saw it - a strange symbol etched into the floor, surrounded by candles and bones. And that's when she heard the whispering.

At first, it was just a soft, indistinct murmur. But as Lily listened closer, she realized that the whispering was coming from all around her, growing louder and more insistent with each passing moment.

And then she saw them - the figures, lurking in the shadows. Their eyes gleamed in the flickering candlelight, their faces twisted into grotesque masks of fear and pain. Lily tried to run, but it was too late. The figures closed in around her, their claws tearing at her flesh, their voices filling her mind with terror and despair. And as she screamed and struggled against them, Lily realized that she was never going to escape the cabin.

That she was trapped, forever, in a nightmare world of horror and brutality, with no hope of escape.

But perhaps there was hope after all, for she could feel a burst of strength from within her. A strength to stand up and fight back.

As Lily struggled against the monsters that had cornered her in the cabin, she realized that they were not human. They were creatures from another world, with twisted bodies and sharp claws. Their skin was gray and scaly, and their eyes glowed with an otherworldly light.

Lily's mind raced as she tried to make sense of what was happening. How had she stumbled into this nightmare? What had these monsters done to her?

As if in answer to her thoughts, one of the creatures lunged forward, its jaws snapping at her throat. Lily dodged out of the way, feeling the creature's claws rake across her back. She stumbled but managed to stay on her feet.

The monsters closed in on her, their eyes full of hunger and malice. Lily could hear their whispers in her mind, a twisted chorus of voices that seemed to be speaking in some ancient, unrecognizable language.

With no other options left, Lily reached into her pocket and pulled out a small canister of pepper spray. She aimed it at the closest monster and pulled the trigger, feeling a burst of relief as the creature stumbled back, clawing at its eyes.

But the others were still coming. Lily backed away, trying to keep them at bay with the pepper spray. But it was only a matter of time before they overpowered her.

As the monsters closed in, once more, Lily braced herself for the worst. But then she heard a sound outside - a car engine, growing louder by the second.

With one last burst of energy, Lily pushed past the monsters and ran out of the cabin. She stumbled towards the road, feeling the rain and wind lashing at her face.

And then she saw it - a car, its headlights shining through the darkness. The driver pulled over when he saw her, and Lily collapsed into the passenger seat, gasping for breath.

As they drove away from the cabin, Lily looked back, seeing the monsters standing in the shadows, their glowing eyes following her.

She knew that she had escaped for now, but she also knew that the monsters would always be waiting for her, just beyond the edge of her reality. And that no matter where she went or how fast she ran, they would always be there, waiting to drag her back into the nightmare world from which she had barely escaped.

Lily eventually arrived home, feeling shaken and exhausted from her encounter with the monsters. She tried to put the terrifying experience behind her and focus on getting some much-needed rest. But as she lay down in her bed, she couldn't shake the feeling that something was watching her.

She closed her eyes, trying to force herself to fall asleep. But then she heard a sound - a soft scratching at her window. She sat up in bed, her heart racing as she looked towards the window.

Outside, she could see a figure standing in the darkness, its eyes glowing with an otherworldly light. It was one of the monsters from the cabin, and it had followed her home.

Lily tried to scream, but no sound escaped her lips. The creature pressed against the window, its long claws scraping against the glass. It was trying to get inside.

She tried to run, but her legs felt heavy, as if weighed down by an invisible force. She stumbled towards the door, but before she could reach it, the creature burst through the window and grabbed her.

Lily struggled against the monster's grip, but it was too strong. Its claws dug into her flesh, drawing blood. She could feel it's hot breath on her face as it leaned in closer, ready to strike.

And then, just as suddenly as it had appeared, the creature vanished. Lily was left alone in her bedroom, gasping for breath and covered in sweat.

She knew that she had been foolish to think that she could escape the monsters' grasp. They had followed her home, and now they were going to make sure that she paid the ultimate price.

With a sense of dread creeping over her, Lily knew that she was never going to be safe again. The monsters were always going to be there, lurking just beyond the edge of her reality, waiting to strike when she least expected it.

And so, as she closed her eyes once more, Lily knew that she was about to meet her end. The monsters were going to claim her, and there was nothing she could do to stop them. In her last moments of consciousness, she realized that she should have heeded the warning of the cabin, that she should have stayed far away from the darkness that lurked within. But now it was too late. The monsters had won, and Lily was their final victim.