
Greytest Desires:A Mafia’s Contract Marriage

A mafia war was coming. The Cosa Nostra(Italians) vs The Bratva(Russians) The odds were not in the favor of the latter. Mirabella Minsky the privileged daughter of the most hated Russian man must do everything to survive.The odds were not in her families favor so what happens when she’s thrust into a contract marriage with a Made Man who detests her guts with ever fiber of his being all for her family’s protection? Grey eyes regarded me with fury and a heated gaze I couldn’t explain.My fists clenched beside me as he got closer backing me to a wall. “Stay away from me”I gritted out,the wall cold against my back,he cocked his head that mischievous smirk appearing “Stay away?That’s not what you were saying last night”His thumb grazed my arm slowly trailing upwards “It was the alcohol”I stuttered,i hated the way my body heated up with his close proximity. His eyes darkened and in record speed he grabbed the back of my neck drawing me closer to him,my back arched under his other grip on my waist”So if I reached down,beneath this red dress of yours,you won’t be wet for me?” “No”Even my lie didn’t sound convincing to me “Waste my money all you want Mirabelle but one thing I won’t let you do is lie to me”His dark voice fanned my face the scent of whiskey and chocolate enveloping my senses. He wasn’t wrong and I hated myself for that,for being attracted to the enemy.

Angel_Bakare · 都市
17 Chs

X.Carnal Casino

Okay no one told me I was walking into the Lion's Den dressed like a fricking sheep,my grip on Luca's arm tightened.To people who randomly flicked their busy gazes to the newly arrived couple at the double doors they'd think I was smitten but no,oh no no no,I was scared.

Shaking like a leaf as I accessed the large tattooed men cheering over tables,dealing chips,money being flung like it was nothing.Sultry ladies,beautiful enough to steal your man with a smile dealing cards and old men leering at women young enough to be their daughter.

Security littered every corner of the large casino,watching as people were sucked into gambling their cash away while drinking like they had nine lives,i honestly felt like I was in that one Percy Jackson scene but make it darker,dangerous and definitely X rated.

Naked waitresses in only thongs served neon champagne,i guess.It didn't look like champagne although it was in a flute.Some were purple,green,red even orange and they were all neon and fizzling with smoke.

We made our way to dark corner and sat down,a man eyed me like i was candy and when he saw Luca he quickly averted his eyes with trembling hands.

I almost puked when a naked girl on her knees licked a line of cocaine off the shoes of a burly fat man with rings on his chunky fingers,she grinned raising her hand and began to undo his fly.I immediately gagged and large hands clasped over my mouth.

"Deep breaths,Farfalinna"He purred,his voice vibrating against me due to our close proximity."Look away,don't look at anything too closely,okay?"

I nodded against his surprisingly soft hands that covered half of my face with its width.

"Do you trust me?"He calmly asked,wow,what a question

"No"I seethed the moment his hands came off

"Smart girl"Luca smirked.That wasn't very comforting…

"Why did you bring me here?To play games?"I definitely did not know how to play but if he could teach me that would have actually made me happy.

"Oh I don't play,I'm the owner"

My jaw dropped and i immediately let go of his arm,he had me shaken to my core by the burly scary looking men here when he knew they wouldn't harm us

"Calm down,not everyone here knows i am,certainly not the geezer over there"He took out a box of cigarette from his pocket and placed the last available stick in his mouth.

I followed his gaze to a lanky man,with greasy blonde hair and a green suit that definitely didn't match those yellow leather shoes of his,he had a big old smile as two girls pleasured him with cash stuck in their panties.

"Are you running a strip club or casino?"I had to ask,come on,this was too much,even the devil would be amazed.

He chuckled his face lighting up at my question,did he find me funny?Would I get a full laugh from him one day?I blatantly observed him as he observed everyone

"You know,when I got into that helicopter today I didn't know I'd find myself in a casino in Vegas"His eyes met mine,his attention on me so intense my bare shoulders tingled"I thought you would be a monster and force yourself on me"

"That explains the vodka"

"What?!You knew I was drunk?"I had hid it well

"I could smell it from a mile away but I understand women usually need extra courage when they think of me"His eyes twinkled with his joke.Ugh the confidence of this man,I rolled my eyes and covered my mouth to muffle my giggle.

"You're not so bad when you're not threatening me y'know?"I huffed and wrapped my hands around my torso,the loud cheers fading as I focused on him,his masculine scent,deep voice and protective aura.

He didn't reply instead he kept on glancing at the color riot man and removed the cigarette from his mouth

"Are you stressed?"

"Not right now,do you care?"His question surprised me,it was the first time he'd asked me a question like that

"Should I?"I muttered looking away from his dark attention and clutched my purse,his fingers found my curls again,did he like them?

"You did once…why can't you again?"He replied

"Why didn't you say anything?Was I obvious?"

He smirked his fingers brushing my jaw"Blatantly obvious,you were in every social event I was even though you weren't supposed to be in that territory"

"I thought…I thought no one noticed me"

"Oh I did alright…if I didn't you'd be dead by now"He confessed and i realized what he was trying to say,he didn't let his men kill me.

"Why didn't you take me to your house?"I blurted out my cheeks heating up at his confused look"you said the house in staten wasn't yours,why didn't you take me to yours?"

"My house is in Brooklyn,I don't take just anyone there"


I cleared my throat"Whatever"

Shame burned through me and i beckoned to the waitress,he shook his head and she nodded and left

"What was that for?!"

"You can't get drunk,we're leaving soon"He slid his gun out of his pocket,it even had a silencer,i gasped and looked around,no one was looking at us,too busy with their stuff.

"What are you…"

"He owes my family money"He cocked the gun like he was doing something as random as flipping a newspaper his gaze falling on that man again.

"And you want to kill him?!"

He shrugged"He signed a contract,his death lets us get half of his properties,valuable enough to cover up his debt"

He was about to get up when I gripped his arm again"Wait…you can't just kill him"

"Why not?"He cocked his head not a single thought behind those dark greys.

"I don't know?!Because he's human?!Because we're in public,people?!"I whisper yelled trying to get my point across"Beat him up or something but not end his life"

"I'm not in the mood to get my knuckles bruised tonight,I want my money"

My body locked,disappointment trickling in"Why did you bring me here?I thought…"

"You thought?"

"I thought you brought me to Vegas to…I don't know"I threw my hands in the air felling like a dumb school girl"To…to get to know me or something not kill a man in front of me"

"You were romanticizing me"He quipped his stare boring into me"You were romanticizing a man who threatened to break your heart?"

"Not that word I just…I was seeing you in a human way"

"No,you were seeing me in a Prince Charming way,like you did back then,when we were younger "He released himself from my hold and got up straightening his vest,he towered over me,his body shielding my view from everyone else as he regarded me with a disdainful look.


"A few money spent,a fancy jewelry and you forget this is business,breaking you will be easy,Farfallina"He turned off the safety of his gun the click jolting my senses"I am an Enforcer and what I am about to do to this man is what I will do to you if your father crosses us"

I froze my eyes wide and he gave me one last glance before weaving his way through the tables to his victim.The man's eyes immediately widened when he saw Luca approaching,he bolted up running for the doors,in a fluid motion Luca's hand shot up,steadied and shot him.

Screams erupted,blood,all I could focus on was the blood…I blacked out.