
Grey Sky

I never thought I would feel love and happiness I needed until it rained.

Taarini_Singh · 都市
1 Chs

Chapter 1

It's another same day. Office , work and then home. Is it because I really want to do it or I am forcing myself.

(At the Company Dinner)

"I would like to raise a toast." said Mark , one of Justin's most trustworthy employee of his company. Since the company sales has risen and demand in market has increased , Justin celebrated it with his employees. "I thank our CEO Justin for joining us today and all the teams for this project. This couldn't have been accomplished if you all weren't there. I hope that we keep on achieving our goals and become a better company. Thank you all and enjoy the night.". With that they all chug their drinks. Some went to the dance floor and some enjoyed the sea view.

"So why not play some games , shall we?." said Justin exciting his employees sharing the table with him. "Why not Sir , let's play Truth and Dare." said Tom , The most excited one. " No please , grow up Tom." said his close friend Christian. "Fine , let's play." "Sir , are you sure?" said James worrying about the consequences if something goes wrong. "Why , is a CEO not allowed to play these games." said Justin confidently. "OK , since Sir is ready , I'll spin the bottle." With whole energy , Tom spins the bottle , Curiosity filled amongst all of them , who will be the first victim of the bottle to answer the unpredictable questions. "And , wow , Christian is first in the trap." said Tom almost throwing himself at him. "Go ahead , ask me anything. I'm not afraid." said Christian confidently with a poker face. "OK , Truth or Dare." " Truth" "Were you with Maria the night I called you." a little tension is surrounded as Christian takes some time to answer. "I already told you that I was at office that day." said Christian elbowing his friend indicating to watch his words. "Fine , I'll spin the bottle again." said Tom as he's still not satisfied with the comment. "Which day are you talking about Tom?." said Justin which stern voice which made the atmosphere more tense. "Actually Sir-" said Christian sensing his boss's voice , thinking of killing his friend once he reaches in their joint apartment. "I am just joking , take it easy." said his boss in a playful voice making them breathe properly. "Excuse me , I'll go to the restroom." making his way to the restroom , leaving his employees to appreciate the sea. "Mr. Tom , have you lost your mind!." said Christian almost choking him. "What , I was just clearing my curiosity. This game is all about this only , you know that." making puppy eyes to make him look innocent , which of course didn't work. "Why are you all giving me this look , what's wrong?" "You almost made Chris get caught red handed about his private life and you're saying what's wrong!!." said James defending his colleague. "You should be careful about this , he might have lost his job because of you." being apologetic about his actions , Tom apologizes to his friend. "I am sorry bro." "It's okay , just be careful around boss."

Accompanied with wind and silence , Justin was standing near the shore. Some memories playing in his mind and flashbacks reminding him how far he has came. But one memory which is his favorite keeps playing in his mind until he is interrupted. "Again , thinking about that." "What's wrong with that , I have memories only which I can have." explaining to his high school friend and his colleague Mark. "Why don't you try to find out ?" said Mark. "As if I didn't try." looking at his friend and leaving him alone , going back to his employees. "Did I miss something?" said Justin making his employees startled. "No Sir , shall we start again." said Tom. "What?, the game." said Justin. "Yes sir." "Ok , go on." said Justin as Tom spins the bottle again , who choose Justin this time. "Oh , Sir what do you choose , Truth or Dare." "Let's go with Truth then." said Justin leaving everyone in shock , not aware of what will Tom ask. "OK , So have you ever been in love." said Tom enthusiastically which took Justin off guard , sudden rush of memos flashed in his mind , reminding him his old days and a white umbrella which he still has. "Tom please don't asking stupid things." said James giving him a death glare. "I'll tell them to prepare the dinner." said Mark getting up from his seat trying to divert his friend's mind , when suddenly someone grabbed his hand. "It's Ok , I'll answer the question." said Justin looking at Mark's eyes indicating him to sit. "It's OK Sir , we understand you can-." "I said it's Ok , I'll answer." said Justin making his employees and atmosphere tensed.

"So how do I start , It rained that day , pretty softly."

This is one of my favorites and I hope you all like it.

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