
Grey - Of Black and White

The tale chronicles the journey of a nobody who finds himself transported to the mystical realm of Aena after inheriting a mysterious red box This magical world is plagued by an incessant threat—the zak'nagi, massive insect-like monsters that overrun the land for countless generations. As our protagonist grapples with understanding this unfamiliar reality, ancient mysteries and legends start to unravel and the true enemy is unveiled in this aetherpunk world, where magic and science collide.

Babazam · ファンタジー
77 Chs

La Cour de Tremaux (Part One)

The following day, General Martel was present in the summoning chamber to oversee the operation. The members of the Court of Tremaux had been notified via their special rings, and the air in the throne room seemed to shimmer and warp as the summoning portals were activated.

After a brief moment, circles of ethereal light appeared on the floor of the throne room, and a group of individuals appeared from within them. These were the members of the Court of Tremaux, clad in coruscating armor and exquisite attire. They were leaders and warriors who had pledged their allegiance to the Emperor.

The members of the Court of Tremaux were representatives of the seven major races of the Tremaux Dynasty. They had gathered in the throne room, eagerly awaiting the octagon-shaped table to rise from underneath the throne room's floor. As they stood there, their presence filled the room with a sense of marvel, reminding all those present of the power and majesty of the Tremaux Dynasty.

「 Princess Connie 」


"May I be a part of this meeting?"

「 Emperor Alardus 」

"State your reason, Princess."

Emperor Alardus looked at his daughter with a mix of curiosity and concern. Princess Connie took a deep breath before speaking.

「 Princess Connie 」

"I believe I can provide valuable insight into the situation regarding Zanno and Cardinal Peaks."

"The premonitions from Kejora Bersatu would greatly offer the court insights on what is happening."

The members of the Court of Tremaux exchanged glances, intrigued by Princess Connie's claim. They respected her connection with the divine spirit and understood that her visions held weight.

「 Queen Kaelin 」

"Your Excellency, if Princess Connie believes she can contribute to our discussions, I see no reason to exclude her."

Queen Kaelin Venaria, the sovereign of the elves of Venaria, radiated an air of regality and wisdom. Her long, flowing silver hair cascaded down her back, adorned with delicate elven braids and a jeweled tiara that sparkled with transcendental light. Her almond-shaped eyes, the color of emerald, held a depth of knowledge and compassion.

She wore a flowing gown made of elven silk, woven with complex elven patterns and adorned with shimmering gemstones. The gown seemed to shift and change colors, reflecting the light around her. A golden sash adorned her waist, bearing the emblem of the Court of Tremaux.

Queen Kaelin carried herself with grace and poise, her every movement deliberate and confident. Her voice had a melodic quality, resonating with authority and wisdom.

As a member of the Court of Tremaux, Queen Kaelin was known for her diplomatic prowess and keen intellect. She possessed a deep understanding of political exquisiteness and had earned the respect and trust of her fellow council members.

Emperor Alardus considered the queen's words, then nodded in agreement.

「 Emperor Alardus 」

"Very well, Connie."

"You may join the meeting, but remember to speak with wisdom and caution."

Princess Connie bowed respectfully to her father and the members of the Court of Tremaux, grateful for their trust.

「 Princess Connie 」

"Thank you, Father, and esteemed members of the Court."

"I will do my best to contribute meaningfully to our deliberations."

Upon the emergence of an octagon-shaped table from the floor, the esteemed Emperor Alardus and his wife, Empress Arielle descended from their thrones, proceeding towards the elevated table. Between her parents stood Princess Connie, facing the members of the Court of Tremaux. The discussion commenced with the emperor conveying the urgent message received from Shadow Guard Reza.

「 Emperor Alardus 」

"Noble members of the Court of Tremaux, we have gathered here today to discuss a pressing matter that has come to our attention."

"One of our commanders, Shadow Guard Reza, has sent word of a dire situation unfolding in the town of Cardinal Peaks of the Qeddah Sultanate..."

"A threat that could potentially affect our kingdom."

The members of the Court listened attentively, their expressions solemn and focused.

「 Queen Kaelin 」

"Your Excellency, could you provide us with more details regarding the nature of this threat?"

"Up until this moment, members of the Court were only fed with rumors and hearsays."

Emperor Alardus nodded, his gaze serious.

「 Emperor Alardus 」

"According to Shadow Guard Reza, the Qeddah Sultanate has accused Zanno Starr, the prominent figure in Cardinal Peaks, of espionage and treason."

"They plan to apprehend him and bring him to their court for trial."

Princess Connie stepped forward, her voice clear and determined.

「 Princess Connie 」

"But Zanno is innocent!"

"I have seen it in my visions, and I believe we must take action."

"To protect him and..."

"And uncover the truth."

「 Emperor Alardus (incensed) 」

"Behave yourself in front of the Court, Princess Arra Noir Henriette de Corronoet!"

Her father's voice boomed with authority, echoing throughout the throne room, surprising Princess Connie. She had not expected her father to use her full name, and it indicated that he wanted her to remember her place.

Princess Connie's eyes widened with a sense of realization sweeping over her. She had momentarily forgotten her role as the princess and the protocols associated with it. The members of the Court of Tremaux watched the interaction, their expressions impassive.

「 Princess Connie 」

"My apologies, Father, and esteemed members of the Court."

"I let my emotions get the better of me."

"I am here to offer any assistance I can, within the bounds of my position."

Emperor Alardus softened his gaze, understanding the depth of his daughter's convictions.

「 Emperor Alardus 」

"You are passionate, Princess..."

"And that is commendable."

"But remember, we must find a balance between our personal desires and our responsibilities as rulers."

Princess Connie nodded, accepting her father's guidance. She took a step back, standing between her parents once again.

「 Emperor Alardus 」

"Let us proceed with the discussion..."

"The Qeddah Sultanate's actions are concerning, and we must determine the best way to respond to the crisis at hand."

「 Skylord Grera 」

"Emperor Alardus, if I may?"

「 Emperor Alardus 」


"Skylord Grera."

Skylord Grera Falco, the representative of the geryan race, was an imposing figure with vibrant plumage that shimmered in a variety of colors. Geryans were also known as the birdfolks, and their appearance reflected their avian heritage.

Skylord Grera stood tall, with a lean and graceful physique, adorned in ceremonial robes that mirrored the hues of a tropical sunset. His feathers, predominantly a deep shade of azure, were interspersed with streaks of gold, emerald, and ruby, creating a mesmerizing pattern that seemed to shift with each movement. His wings, folded neatly against their back, showcased a detailed display of feathers, each one meticulously arranged.

The Skylord's eyes, reminiscent of a falcon's, glowed with intelligence and curiosity. His beak, slender and sharp, hinted at the race's keen perception and analytical nature. A golden coronet adorned his head, symbolizing the position he held as the representative of the geryan race and their authority within the Court of Tremaux.

As the envoy for the geryans, Skylord Grera possessed a reputation for their strategic thinking and diplomatic finesse. They were known for their ability to mediate conflicts and find creative solutions to complex problems. Their voice carried a rhythmic quality, reminiscent of birdsong, and their words were often laced with wisdom and insight.

Emperor Alardus acknowledged Skylord Grera's request to speak, permitting him to address the court.

「 Skylord Grera 」

"Emperor Alardus, esteemed members of the Court, let us approach this crisis with a measured perspective."

"First, we need to interpret the vision conveyed by the Spirit of Charity, Kejora Bersatu before any decision could be made."

「 Emperor Alardus 」

"Skylord Grera..."

"Your words do weigh with wisdom."

「 Skylord Grera 」

"Thank you, Your Excellency."

「 Emperor Alardus 」

"Princess Connie, you may have the room."

Princess Connie stepped forward once again, grateful for the opportunity to share her insights. She took a deep breath, centering herself before speaking.

「 Princess Connie 」

"Thank you, Father, and esteemed members of the Court."

"My Eidolon, the Spirit of Charity and Prosperity, Kejora Bersatu has had several premonitions up until now..."

"In one of them, he saw the prominent figure of Cardinal Peaks, Zanno Starr, standing amidst swarms of zak'nagi, his eyes filled with innocence and determination."

"He pleaded for my help, urging me to uncover the truth and prevent the escalation of this conflict."

The members of the Court listened intently, their attention focused on Princess Connie's words. But one of the members stood, after hearing Princess Connie mention the zak'nagi.

「 High Warchief Tristan 」


High Warchief Tristan, the representative of the loxodar race, rose from his seat with a commanding presence. Standing tall and broad-shouldered, he possessed an imposing figure. His muscular form was covered in thick, gray skin that bore the faintest hint of wrinkles, a testament to his experience and age, with eyes, deep and wise.

The High Warchief's tusks, formidable and ivory in color, curved gracefully outward from his lower jaw, framing his stern expression. He wore traditional loxodar armor, finely crafted from enchanted æsthers and adorned with engravings that depicted heroic tales and ancient symbols of loxodan heritage. Across his broad chest, a medallion depicting the Tree of Life hung, symbolizing his role as the High Warchief of the loxodars.

As the leader of the loxodars, Hig Warchief Tristan embodied their values of honor, loyalty, and fierce protection of their kin. His voice carried a deep resonance, commanding attention and respect.

「 Warchief Tristan 」

"Zak'nagi, you say?"

"Princess Connie, please elaborate on the significance of this creature in the vision."