
Green World: The Quest of the Azure Dragon

Green World is the popular onlines games. Black Crow is the guild built by Razen and now in the middle of disbannding. In order to save the guild, Razen and it's party accepted the highest level Quest. The undefeated King of the North, the Azure Dragon. Because of lack of members, they seek help to the infamous witch in the Green World to help them to clear the Quest. Along the journey, they meet different people. Build strong bond and friendship. With trials and hardship, with enemy getting stronger, how they will survive?

Anne_Park · ファンタジー
6 Chs

|3| The Journey plus the Quest

Character's Profile

Real name: Lilith Adams

Codename: Lily

Position: Solo player/ soon became a Black Crow member

Class: Necromancer

Level: unknown

Weapon: Death Scythe

Lily is one of the solo players who got a spot on the list of the best player on the Green World after she cleared 10 high difficulty quests and 50 dungeons in 2 years. She has a long silvery-white haired reaching her knees which she braided a few strands of her hair on her left side, she has a crimson eyes, thin red lips, and pale skin that made her look like a doll. She is wearing a blue gothic lolita dress exposing her legs and back. Lily has a three servant who can fight alongside her, Alicia, Castor, and Eerah, who was defeated by her and became her puppets. She has a rare skill, Cheat. A forbidden skill that only a 'chosen' player has. Her weapon, Death Scythe, is one of the legendary weapons that can kill thousands of people in just one swing. But, using that move is strictly banned by the Guild Association and the Royal Palace of Gangsha Kingdom. She has an unpredictable personality that no one can guess what she is thinking! In short, she is dangerous.

Chapter Three

The Journey plus the Quest

Two weeks had passed. Razen's party and Lily talked last time that they will meet up in the North Gate of Sylvania.

At the Black Crow's guild.

Grunter's brows furrowed. He is checking their Guild's Inventory. He closes and opens it again as if something might change on their inventory if he did it.

"This is not enough!" He wanted to shout but stops himself after counting their remaining gold in the inventory, repeatedly cursing Razen on his mind. Then, the guild's door opened and he saw Razen who's just entering the guild's office. He glared at him. This brat is late again. He hissed.

" Hey! Grunter, what's with that look?" Razen asked him then patted his shoulder. He walks past him, didn't notice his furrowing eyebrows.

" Razen. Did you check up our inventory ?"

Razen looks at him, then turns away, feeling guilty. And that look confirmed that he never, ever, checked their Guild's inventory, made him more irritated. Their Guild leader is hopeless, for Pete's sake.

He sighs again and again. " We are out gold!" He said straight face. "How can we support our journey with this gold. " He is trying to tell Razen that they are doom. In a few hours, their journey for a quest will start and worst of it all, they don't have enough time to collect more golds.

" WHAT!????" Razen almost jumps out on his chair after he heard Grunter.

"Arrghh! I can't take it anymore! So many problems! I only want to clear dungeons!" He lays half of his body on the table and squeals like a child.

Grunter knew that Razen is an irresponsible leader and always complain about why he is the leader and not him. The reason why Razen became their leader was that it was Razen's idea to found a guild just for fun. He is just going with him because they are friends. He is just helping him in managing the guild, well helping is not the exact words to say but he is the one acted as a guild leader than him. He is always late in their meeting, rarely shows up on their missions, and having a world his own. But, there one thing Razen is good at when there is trouble. He always lends a hand to help them until they settle it. And of course, he can't refuse when he told him to help.

He just sighs on his reactions and thinks a way how to solve their problem.

"Halloo. Grunter-sama. I brought all òf my golds. It is enough? " Astary just arrives, entering the guild; holding a pack of gold. She puts her gold on the table where Razen is. Grunter has sent through private messages that they need more gold.

Razen, who feels embarrassed about his actions fixed himself. He coughs non stop to put away his embarrassment. Astary, who didn't notice what happened earlier greets him with a bright smile.

He smiles back and waves at her. His smile didn't reach his eyes. Ahh. She is really sweet.

Astary is counting her gold on the Razen table. When Grunter asked her if she can fend her gold for the guild, she didn't hesitate to say yes and she is willing to share her gold to everyone if it can help the guild. " One... two... three. four... five... six... seven.. all right! I have seven gold! " she exclaim and clap her hands.

Grunter thanks her and put the gold on their inventory. Seven gold plus ten. They have a total of seventeen gold right now. If he added his personal gold.

15 gold.

17 plus 15. A total of 32 gold.

He turned to Razen if he has gold but he only looks away and acting as if he didn't saw him. " We need to combine our gold to support this journey," he said to him.

Razen, who seems to disagree with Grunter's idea by combining their personal golds. He doesn't want to share his gold.

" Guild Leader!" Grunter said in his commanding tone. He is running out of patience.

After hearing the words "Guild leader". Razen's got scared. He opened his inventory and take out his gold.

He laid it out on the table a total of 32 golds.

" Here! Arrrggghhhh. I don't want to take it anymore. " he complains again. The precious golds he saves for a year are now gone.

" Guild leader. Don't say that. It's for our guild why we doing this. Like Grunter said, we don't want to be burden Lily-sama in the journey. We need to support her. Not only on the battle but in other needs too. " Astary scolded him. But, instead of feeling afraid he is just chuckled because she looks cute.

He scratches the back of his neck. She is really an angel. She cared for the guild more than him. But, he already knew that but his golds. He looks at Grunter with puppy eyes.

Grunter shivered at his gaze but he ignored him. He is checking again their inventory and looks like everything they needed are settled. 70 pieces of gold, he already collected Kyuri share the last night when he told her. I hope it is enough to support them on this journey! He doesn't want to shame their guild and look poor in the eyes of Lily-sama.

He looks at the time. They still have an hour left before the meeting. And Kyuri isn't here yet.

Last night, Kyuri already gave her shares of gold and it's total of 6 golds. Among the four of them, she has the smallest shares. She said she used some of her golds to learn a new skill. He wonders what it is.

At the last minute, before they left, Kyuri came. While walking in the streets, Kyuri checks her inventory and made sure everything she needed was in her inventory. She sighed in relief to see it's completed.

"Lily-sama was already in the meeting place. She said she has something to discuss with us." Razen said to his party members.

" I wonder what is it," Kyuri said closing her inventory.

" Haha. Maybe she backs--------out." Razen stops mid-air after his party member glared at him. Especially Grunter who is already throwing daggers to him.

" Just kidding. Hahaha!" He turned away and walked ahead, acting cool as nothing happened. Damn. His guild members are very scary.

They arrive at the North Gate of the Town of Sylvania. Outside the gate, they will pass through the second town, Markell before they will leave the Gangsha kingdom.

North Gate of Sylvania

At the meeting place, Razen saw many people on the gate and the big carriage owned by different people. He is also sawing some players entering and leaving the gate. Near the big carriage, one woman who is standing out. With her white hair and fair skin, you can't turn your eyes away from her. They saw a male player stumbled upon when he saw her.

Meanwhile, Lily is talking with someone. A middle-aged man, who looks like a merchant, wearing a red robe that looks expensive. Seems like this man is rich and influential. But, why Lily-sama is talking with that man.

Lily saw them and waves her hand. " Hi, over there!" Lily shouted. Made the other people look at them.

When they finally went beside her, Lily introduced them to the person she is talking to." Mr. Brunner, they are the people I'm talking about. The Black Crow's guild. Razen and his party members." The man looks at them and nods while stroking his long, white beard.

" Guys, this is Mr. Nikolov Brunner. A merchant. He gave us work to guard him while he is traveling until he arrives in the next town."

" Work?" Grunter asked. Unsure what he heard is true.

"Yep. He is an NPC. So, you better protect him at all costs. "

NPC or Non-Player Character. Any character in games not controlled by a player. Protecting an NPC is the highest priority because they live once in the games and never revive like them. Because once they disappear on Green World, they will be gone for eternity.

"W-wait. Lily-sama. I think it's t a better idea that we take other works while we are still in one quest-----. " Razen protested. 

" Why?" Lily interrupts him.

"Why? Because we are in the journey--." How's he can explain it to her that their guild didn't accept two quests, one at a time. That they need to focus first on the quest they have. That's his principle.

But, Lily didn't get him. "Uhhuh. It's only to guard the carriage until he will arrive at the next town, Okay? And more, he will give us 50 pieces of gold as a reward. " Lily whispered to them the last part. Then, smiles wickedly.

" But---!"

Lily didn't let him finish his sentences. "Alright! It's settled then." She turned to the man and closes the deal.

Razen turns around to his party members and they give him an okay sign. Looks like they are okay with it. Well, they are really in need of money. He shrugged his shoulders. It can't be helped, then.

Grunter sighs in relief. Lily-sama is really a genius. Thinks about something like this. And being a guard is a piece of cake for them because it is their specialty after all.

They station themselves to the carriage as they readying themselves to leave. Lily position herself at the front of the carriage as Razen and Grunter positioned themselves as either at both sides of the carriage. Ashtray and Kyuri position themselves at the roof because it is big enough to carry up to 6 to 10 people.

As they leaving the gate, they will pass by at the next town, Markell before they will leave the kingdom.

Outside the high wall of Gangsha kingdom, one kilometer away from the town of Markell. A mysterious forest located where it's believed to house some dangerous beasts and monsters.

With a hundredth of kilometer wides, many players and NPCs are afraid to take this route. Only those brave enough have the courage to pass through on this dangerous forest. But many merchants who were hired strong players to guard them and paid them with a large amount of gold because it is the nearest route to the next town.

According to Ashtray, with her guide map. Before they reach the Markland Country. They need to pass by this Mysterious Forest, then the Next town Larrybillie. A famous town with its rich and abundant flowers and fruit trees. Then, go through at the mountain, then the next town called Gunma, then a cave of Ancient Ruins Minerva. Then pass through in another town, the chillamorie. The first town and the boundary between the two countries, Gangsha Kingdom and the Markland Kingdom. And lastly, at the east peak of the mountains, the Snowflake Town, where is the nest of the Azure Dragon.

As they coming closer to the Mysterious forest. The chilly feeling they feel is almost visible. The churning of their stomachs as the excitement is building up.

"This is it!" Kyuri mumbled. Looking straight at the black forest ahead of them.

"The journey to the Quest of Azure Dragon---

begin. " They said in the chorus and getting ready for the battle. Pulling out their weapons.

To be continued!