

After Jenara Kaya, a 19-year-old girl, manages to get her US student Visa, she embarks on a journey of self-discovery in an unfamiliar country. She experiences life on a whole new perspective; pain, tears and heartbreak become her bestfriend. Through every storm, she grows stronger. * Inspired by writer's true events. ... Story created by: God. Written by: Maureen Nzungu

Teemzie · 都市
35 Chs


Gillian was having the time of her life back in Tanzania while some lives were crumbling because of her stupid lips. A couple of days later, Allan came to inform his dad that Vicky had asked for a divorce. I happened to be passing by and heard it. Unfortunately, Allan saw me and knew I heard what he said. He then came and asked me not to blame myself since I wasn't the reason. He tried to convince me that their marriage already had issues before I came, but I knew he was just sugarcoating the reality.

That night, I went on my knees and prayed to God. I came to that house with good intentions of assisting my old man, not destroying marriages and families. So, I asked God to save their marriage. The devil shouldn't win. Those two were made for each other. And they had a 9 year old son too. He didn't deserve to be traumatized.

Gillian came back after about a month. It was now the end of June. Neither Allan nor Vicky came to see Mr. Callavan after that incident. Allan only made sure to call everyday. Gillian, without even a shame, dared to ask me about what happened;

"I hear Allan and Vicky are getting a divorce.", she said, her tone being jolly for some reason.

I then became certain that it was her who started all that. There's no doubt she's the one who fed the lies to Vicky, and it was Vicky who told her that she wanted a divorce. I wish Vicky would realize that her enemy was Gillian, not me. She was the one who rejoiced when news of divorce began circulating. After all, her plan was to get Allan and have him only to herself.

People are so cruel, unimaginably cruel and cold, and heartless.

"I don't know what's going on.", I said, not wanting to entertain that evil hypocrite.

"I heard she came here and caused a scene.".

"No, it was nothing. She was just looking for some plates.".

Her face changed. She was looking forward to hearing that I was maybe miserable, but my answers, and my unbothered expression left her wondering. I wasn't going to quit, if that's what she was expecting. I was supporting my family back home and really needed that job. Deep down I knew that she wouldn't win that fight. I already put Allan and Vicky's marriage in my prayers because I somehow felt responsible.

And fortunately for me, Allan and Vicky had gone to see a marriage counselor and she did encourage them to try and save their marriage. To do that, they had to revisit the places which meant a lot to them, and to them, that place was Paris, France. The trip was planned so fast. In no time, they were at the condo, saying goodbye to Mr. Callavan for they'd be gone for a month. It was already August. Since it was a very important trip, Allan decided not to be in contact, whether for Mr. Callavan or his work. He wanted to be present for his family.

Gillian and I had no idea that Allan had left a chunk of money to his dad to use it for our salaries and for his personal needs. They had hidden it somewhere and Mr. Callavan kept the key.

"Did you hear that Allan, and his wife are traveling?", Gillian asked me when she came over.

"Yeah.", I replied.

"I wonder what he's thinking. How is he going to pay me? If he won't pay me, I won't pay you. That's how it goes.".

"I'll pay you.", Mr. Callavan interrupted our conversation, "My son left enough money for that. So, I'll pay you at the end of every week.".

"Where is that money?", Gillian asked, enthusiastically.

"I can't show you.", Mr. Callavan maintained his stand.

"At least tell us how much it is.", she kept grilling him.

"I can't say. Just wait for your payday. You'll get your money.".

I didn't add anything into that conversation. I let the grown ups talk. And yes, if I was Mr. Callavan, I'd have done the same thing, not just to Gillian, but to me too. You can't trust anybody in this world, especially when it concerns money.
