
chapter 9

Tomura Shigaraki clutched Kirogiri's arm like a child about to be left at preschool. The blue haired boy felt weary stepping foot on the property he had only recently attempted to destroy. Of course, Kurogiri and nobody else on the campus knew this truth, but it still frightened the boy.

"Don't worry Tomura, these are good people. They'll treat you nicely.", Kurogiri promised his adopted child.

"A- Are you sure?", Young Shigaraki asked. His previous keeper, All For One, had always modeled heroes out to be nothing but nuisances. Now, Tomura was putting his trust in Kurogiri that those constant words of belittlement were all false.

Kurogiri heaved a heavy sigh, "That's why I'm here to walk you in for your first day. Remember, I said I'd never let anyone hurt you ever again.", the misty man answered. Kurogiri had a complicated picture painted of heroes for himself, after being dropped out of the academy by them. His concern was shared accordingly with the young boy's.

"O- Okay.", Tomura squeezed his father figure's hand tighter. The two then entered the prestige hero school.

Young Shigaraki hadn't been expecting such a warm welcome from everyone, all of the students seemed to take interest in his scars or complimented his blue hair. The teacher, Shota Aizawa, didn't seem to know Tomura had even entered the classroom since he was too busy napping in a sleeping bag.

Kurogiri cleared his throat in an attempt to wake the teacher, "This is Tomura Shigaraki. I'm his fath- uh, guardian.", the misty man introduced themselves.

Aizawa stared blankly at the two, his eyelids slowly easing shut again. "Welcome to Class 1-A..", Shota muttered before falling back asleep.

"Are you sure you want to go through with this?", Kurogiri asked the young boy he had taken in. After seeing the teacher's demeanor, Kurogiri was apprehensive to say the least.

Tomura looked back and forth between the class beckoning him over & his father figure before answering, "Yeah.. I'll be fine.", the blue haired boy runs off to join the other students.

Katsuki Bakugo's body shook like it was going through an earthquake as doctors helped him sit up on the edge of his bed. The pro hero called Best Jeanist watched as Katsuki breathed heavily after such an extreme forced movement.

"Take it easy.. I don't want you to hurt yourself.", Tsunagu told the fellow patient.

"I couldn't get injured anymore if I tried!", Katsuki joked. The attempt at humor gained no laughs or smiles, leaving the room in an awkward & tense mood.

"Just be careful.", Best Jeanist repeated himself.

"I know!", Katsuki shouted back. This guy nags me just as much as my mom!, Bakugo thought.

After a moment of self preparation, the doctors help Katsuki stand up. It isn't long until young Bakugo topples over like a failed game of Jenga. The medical staff rush to get him back on the hospital bed despite Katsuki's protests. "I'm fine, I'm alright! Just lemme try again!", Young Bakugo shouted.

"It's okay Katsuki, this is going to take time..", Best Jeanist tried to reason with Katsuki.

"I don't have time.. Deku is still out there!", Young Bakugo screamed.

Izuku Midoriya's blade clashed with Stain's, the two engaging in an altered form of Kendo martial arts training. The hero killer swung at the green haired man's legs, causing Izuku to counter with a form of Jittejutsu that he had learned from Stain prior to their current fight. Despite his best efforts, Midoriya becomes overpowered by Stain's barrage of attacks and loses his sword.

Rather than yield and restart their sparring match, Izuku performs a backwards somersault and grabs a staff from the weapon rack nearby. Stain had briefly gone over the art of Jodo, a martial arts style strongly focused upon defending against the Japanese sword. Using the staff he had selected, Izuku began deflecting another series of attacks and responded with his own hits.

The hero killer brings his sword down on the bowstaff, applying pressure that eventually slices the stick in two. With another weapon gone, Izuku resorts to defending himself with Nippon Kempo & Aikido, two other fighting techniques briefly gone over by Stain in their training.

As the two exchanged fists and countered kicks, Izuku had to fight the urge to use his quirk. The whole point of these exercises were to train him how to fight without relying on any sort of outside power. Midoriya pressed through and smacked one of Stain's blades aside before sending a high heel kick into the hero killer's face. As the knife flipped through the air, Izuku reached out and caught it. With Stain at his mercy, Midoriya points the blade at his new trainer's neck in victory.

"I yield.", Stain says as Izuku hands the dagger back to its owner.

A spectator lends their applause, gaining the attention of both sparring partners. "Do you believe you're finally ready?", All For One asks as he approaches the two.

"He still has much to learn, but given the circumstances and depending on the mission, we may be able to achieve success.", Stain says.

"I'm ready, master.", Izuku answers the masked man & disregards Stain's input.

"I still haven't been entirely informed about what we'll be doing..", the hero killer complained.

"Allow me to explain, since I've still got some parts of the plan to confirm with Izuku anyway. We're looking to get into U.S.J, the Unforeseen Simulation Joint. It's where U.A will be taking its students next.", All For One announces.

"As sufficient of an ally you are, we still need more to have a full team. I'm looking to recruit some of the students in hopes that they'd rather become real heroes.", Izuku explains to Stain.

"And you're just thinking we'll waltz in there with no problems?", Stain interjects.

"Of course not. That's where I'll come in.", All For One replies. "One of my quirks is Warping and would allow for you to infiltrate the building undetected.", the masked man says.

"You won't be joining us?", Stain asks.

"No. I'd rather have Nomu accompany you.", All For One answers as the creature joins the group.

"Now that you've been filled in. Shall we begin?", Izuku Midoriya asks the hero killer.

The entirety of class 1-A was in awe at the massive facility. Tomura was even gawping along with the other students, taking in the amazing architecture. Several pathways winded through the spacious environment like the yellow brick road from Wizard Of Oz. Each trail led to a different zone created to specify certain disasters in order to show students how to handle them.

Young Shigaraki took in each and every one, from the Conflagration Zone designed to help heroes in training learn how to put out fires to the Flood Zone that was completely made up of water. There were even natural disaster sites created such as the Landslide Zone. What looked most promising was the Downpour Zone, designed to teach students how to work through rough weather.

"Woaahh!", were most of the audible responses from Class 1-A, while others said things such as 'Awesome'. A hero dressed like some sort of astronaut took responsibility for the praise as they approached the group.

"I built this facility myself, I call it the 'Unforeseen Simulation Joint'!", the pro hero stated.

Most of the females in Class 1-A wooed over the pro hero while others acknowledged the newcomer willingly. Tomura hadn't been exactly savvy with heroes, "Who are you?", was what he had to ask.

Everyone turned their heads to look at him with dropped jaws, more amazed that Tomura didn't know who the pro hero was than at the facility's infrastructure. The astronaut looking hero chuckled before answering, "You may know me as 'the rescue hero' called Thirteen.", they replied.

Young Shigaraki turned a shade of bright red, embarrassed in front of all his classmates. "Oh, y- yeah.. I remember now.", Tomura lied.

"Anyways.. Today, you'll be shown a new perspective! You will learn how to utilize your quirks to save lives. I hope you leave here with the understanding that you're meant to help people. Your powers are not meant to inflict harm.", Thirteen was addressing the class as a whole now, but young Shigaraki felt although the hero were still speaking directly to him.

Suddenly, in the middle of the facility, a black liquid began to fabricate and swirl in mid air. The dark substance looked like tar as it expanded into a larger ring. The shape the unidentified liquid started to take form of, was that of a giant circle large enough for people to step through.

Tomura wasn't the only one who had their blood run cold upon recognizing the green costume that belonged to Izuku Midoriya. Alongside him was the last remaining Nomu that All For One left to be at Izuku's bidding. Nobody but young Shigaraki recognized and understood just how powerful the massive hulking beast really was. However, Class 1-A and the teachers did know the last member of the trio.. the much feared hero killer called Stain.

"Midoriya.. ?", Aizawa asked aloud along with everyone else.

One of the female students named Momo Yaoyorozu sprung into action, "Sensei, aren't there intruder sensers?", she asked.

"Yes, of course there are!", Thirteen responded in the same urgent manner.

Shoto Todoroki was the next to speak up, "This is a well coordinated attack.. this place is not only far from the campus, but they picked a time when there'd be a few people here.", the half ice boy analyzed.

Tomura scratched at his neck with nervous frustration, "Izuku.. he's come well prepared.", Shigaraki said aloud.

"What happened to him?", was the question many of the students had to ask.

"Doesn't matter now, all that matters is getting you all to safety! Thirteen, get them out of here! I'll hold these three off!", Aizawa ordered as he put on goggles to conceal his erasure eyes.

Tomura desperately reached out to stop his recently appointed sensei, "Wait! He's after you! You're giving him what he wants!", young Shigaraki tried to warn the hero.

Before Aizawa could relay a response, Izuku was already upon them. Midoriya blocked the exit, his speed upon arriving there making no mistake that it was indeed their former classmate.

"On the contrary, I'm here for the students too. I didn't expect you though, Tomura.. How in the world did you turn out here of all places?", Izuku replied to Shigaraki's warning.

Aizawa glared at Midoriya, his hair raising upwards. He must be erasing my quirk right now.. I'll have to tread lightly from here on, but it seems I've found a weakness.., Izuku analyzed.

"Hello 'sensei', it seems your eyes aren't the only thing needing to be covered up. Whenever you use your quirk, I took notice that your hair stands on end.", Midoriya taunted.

"Then you know that you've been rendered useless.", Aizawa spat back.

"I wouldn't say that..", Izuku chuckled.

"What do you want with the students?!", Thirteen shouted while getting in between Midoriya and the class.

"Exactly what you claim to want from them. To recruit those who truly want to become heroes.", Izuku replied with a sincere & calm tone.

"What's that supposed to mean?", everyone questioned.

"Come with me, and I'll train you to become the next generation of heroes. Unlike these frauds who only care for fame and money, you can truly save lives.", Midoriya briefly explained his reasoning.

The class looked amongst themselves whilst murmuring to eachother. "As you can see.. none of us share your flawed logic. How you have fallen, Midoriya..", Tenya Iida stepped forward to speak for the rest of the class.

"Such a shame. Hopefully some of you will change your minds by the end of this.", Izuku said before signaling for his comrades to attack. Stain & the massive Nomu charged the group as Aizawa attempted to wrap Izuku in his bonds.

Despite having his quirk erased, Midoriya was still a force to be reckoned with as he used Stain's training to evade the restraints. Izuku displayed phenomenal acrobatics skills as he dodged the bonds and worked his way towards Aizawa. The class was in awe as they watched a former student go toe to toe with their teacher.

Meanwhile, Thirteen was forced into using their quirk to counter the oncoming reinforcements. The pro hero's quirk, Black Hole, created a vortex that turns anything sucked into it straight to dust. The quirk was simply activated by Thirteen releasing one of the fingertips on their hero costume's gloves.

Nomu and Stain lifted off the ground as they began to get sucked in by the miniature black hole. The hero killer used two of his daggers to stop his forced pull by stabbing the blades into the ground & holding on. Nomu had a harder time as the creature grasped at the ground with its fingertips and only drew up broken concrete. The massive beast roared as it was pulled in towards Thirteen's vortex.

As Midoriya ducked under another one of Aizawa's binds, he watched his allies getting sucked in by Thirteen. "Dammit..", Izuku growled before retaliating against Shota with a Yoko Geri side kick. The pro hero called Eraserhead clutched his side in pain and leapt back, allowing for Izuku to run to the aid of his comrades.

One of the students named Fumikage Tokoyami, attempted to get in Midoriya's way. "Dark Shadow!", the bird headed boy called upon his quirk for it to attack Izuku. A shadowy creature extended from the student's stomach and made a grab for Midoriya. The green haired man didn't need his quirk to manage diving over the defense.

Izuku recognized the next student that attempted to stand in his way, Shoto Todoroki, the boy no longer had ice covering his heated side. Just like last time, Shoto still only used ice as his attack despite having the other half. Midoriya slid under shards thrown at him and managed to get past the other defensive student.

Thirteen wasn't expecting the attack from behind, throwing the pro hero off balance and stopping their attack on Stain & Nomu. Still using the velocity of being pulled in by Thirteen's vortex, the Nomu drove its fist into the pro hero's astronaut style helmet. Thirteen's suit popped like a balloon on impact, leaving most of the class to presume the hero dead.

No breathing room was given as Shota Aizawa charged Izuku Midoriya in the same way he had done to Thirteen. However, before Aizawa could land any hits, Stain intervened. Shota had a hard time handling the hero killer as Izuku and Nomu turned their attention to Class 1-A.

"Have any of you reconsidered my offer?", Izuku chuckled.

"For the last time, none of us are joining you!", Tenya angrily shouted whilst using his recipro burst to launch himself at Izuku. Since Aizawa was currently busy fighting Stain, Midoriya had his quirk back and easily dodged Tenya's attack with immense speed.

As Izuku moved away from Iida, Shoto Todoroki took the opportunity to shoot an ice barrage and managed to freeze Midoriya's legs in place momentarily. "Tenya, go get the other teachers!", Shoto exclaimed.

"I can't just leave you, what about-", Iida started to protest but Shoto wouldn't allow him.

"Just go! We'll hold them off!", Todoroki cried out.

Tenya nodded in response before racing out of the facility so he could find backup. Izuku grunted with annoyance upon letting one of the students escape to bring back reinforcements. Now my time is limited to achieve our goals.., Midoriya worried.

Shoto spun around to face the oncoming Nomu, unprepared for the attack. Luckily, Momo Yaoyorozu tackled Todoroki out of the way and the beast crashed through a pillar instead. "Everyone, come together to defeat this thing!", Momo ordered her fellow classmates.

As Minoru Mineta ripped the purple balls that resembled grapes off of his head and threw them in a blind fit, Hanta Sero used his Tape quirk to help bind down the beast. Once Nomu was stuck in place, other students hit it with powerful attacks. Denki Kaminari was a student who used his Electrification quirk to blast the beast with an indiscriminate discharge of 1,300,000 volts. Yuga Aoyama used his navel laser while the pink girl named Mina Ashido shot corrosive acid at the Nomu.

Class 1-A was shocked to see that their team up move had no effect on the creature as it ripped free of the improvised restraints. Izuku Midoriya broke free of the ice prison Todoroki had made, joining the Nomu in battle. The two teams had a stand off before charging one another.

Mezo Shoji used his enhanced strength and Dupli-Arms quirk to rack the Nomu like a football player. The hero in training couldn't move the creature alone, so Eijiro Kirishima used his Hardening quirk to help push back the beast. Rikido Sato had to swallow a packet of sugar to activate his quirk before joining the strong students in shoving the monster. Despite their best efforts, Nomu was far superior in strength and knocked the three aside like bowling pins.

Meanwhile, Izuku Midoriya ducked under Tsuyu Asui's lengthy tongue before grabbing it and yanking her into a controlled punch that would only render the female student unconscious.

"How could you hit a girl?!", Fumikage roared before calling upon Dark Shadow to attack Izuku.

Midoriya decided now would be the time to try out his new attack and began spinning his arms in a quick rotation. Just as he had practiced, a wind funnel was created from the motions in order to blow Dark Shadow back.

Nomu had no problem fending off his next opponent either, Mashirao Ojiro swung his massive tail at the beast, but Nomu simply caught it mid swing. Mashirao panicked as the monster used the extra appendage to toss Ojiro across the room.

Stain continued holding his own against Eraserhead, slicing down any of the fiber strands that tried wrapping around him. Unknowingly, Aizawa wasted his quirk and dried out his eyes for no reason as he kept staring at Stain in order to prevent the enemy's quirk from activating. The fight was coming to an end as the two huffed & puffed, nearly exhausted from exerting so much energy in combat.

As Midoriya kept the continuous barrage of students at bay, he didn't think to look behind himself as something snuck up on him. The attacker wrapped theirself around Izuku, but the green haired man couldn't see anyone there. "Got ya!", shouted a victorious feminine voice.

Izuku remembered the invisible girl from when he had been a student, She must have used her quirk to secretly come up behind me.. She'd make a great spy or assassin., he thought.

Midoriya was about to toss her off when he felt something warm and squishy press against his back. Wait.. her clothes would normally be floating though.. so for her to be completely invisible.., Izuku began to piece together the clues through basic logic. "Are you naked?!", Midoriya shouted in shock as he tried to wriggle free of Toru's grip. The two were so embarrassed that they practically flew apart, each one muttering incoherent things in response to one another.

All of the fighting was soon interrupted by the arrival of someone crashing through the ceiling and landing in a heroic pose. Standing before everyone was the number one hero called All Might. The muscular man flashed a toothy grin to reassure the students, "Have no fear! For I am here!", the symbol of peace boomed for all to hear.

"Did Tenya send you!?", a bunch of the students asked in relief.

"No, I was merely on my way to help teach this lesson when I noticed something was amok! But I am proud of you for sending someone to get help! Good call!", All Might explained.

All Might then turned his attention to the trio of Izuku, Stain, and the equally muscular Nomu. "Now, which one of you wants to be taken down first!?", All Might asked.