
chapter 4

All For One had succeeded in coaxing young Midoriya to stray from joining U.A. The green haired boy returned to what had been his training facility & shared the news with his teacher. All For One had a sinister smirk under his mask not visible to Izuku, allowing for the man to put on the perfect facade. He pretended to be surprised upon hearing about the 'malfunctioning' robot. What really sold his performance was the real shock of listening to Midoriya explain what he had seen & believed about the other examinees. The boy had lost his faith in the heroes, things had turned out better for All For One than he had previously hoped.

"I should have listened to you.. I'm sorry.", Izuku said upon finishing his recap of the Entrance Exam. The green haired boy had to fight back tears, he felt childish for not originally listening to his teacher.

All For One had not only given him his quirk, but had shown so much support throughout Midoriya's training. The young boy felt selfish for not following the teacher's orders sooner. Whatever his newfound master had planned for him, he was prepared to gladly accept it.

"You only did what you believed to be right at the time. I won't hold it against you.", All For One replied. Izuku was grateful to hear such words, unknowing that they were entirely manipulative.

"You told me you believed I was destined for more than what U.A had to offer.. what did you mean by that?", Midoriya eagerly asked.

The sadistic smile widened in length under All For One's mask. "Yes. I will personally teach you how to improve your quirk and overcome any obstacles it comes with. Unlike U.A, you will be provided one on one training.", the man answered.

Midoriya couldn't help but smile, his hero training would be ten times more beneficial than the other students. "So when do we start? What the next step?", Izuku asked.

"Doing what those so called heroes won't. You'll kill your enemies to ensure they would no longer pose a threat.", All For One responded with glee.

Midoriya felt although his brain just short circuited. Kill? Me.. kill someone?, the young boy thought.

"After your first, the rest become easy. I understand why you would find this to be unsettling..", All For One took notice of Izuku's expression and decided to tread carefully on the topic.

"Jeez All For One.. I don't know if I'm capable of just.. KILLING someone, ya know? Even if they are bad!", Midoriya replied whilst fidgeting with himself. The subject was so disturbing..

The masked man couldn't contain an exasperated sigh as he tried to think of a way to convince Midoriya that murder was necessary. "How many times has All Might or another pro hero captured someone that just ended up breaking out of prison anyways? This would prevent such a thing from happening.", All For One tried reasoning.

"Yeah, but..", Midoriya pondered the statement & started seeing All For One's point. "That still doesn't make murder okay.", Izuku held to his ideals.

"Is it murder when its done in self defense? I don't think so. The same could be said for when you're saving somebody. It makes no difference.", All For One countered Izuku's statement.

Midoriya had no more of an argument but the expression on his face still helped All For One know the boy hadn't changed his mind just yet. The masked man rubbed the blank spot on his face where the temple of his nose would be if he still had one. It took him a few seconds to think of another example he could use to try and waver Midoriya.

"What if.. someone was trying to harm your mother?", the vile man asked. His grin was a mischievous one, still unseen due to his life support gear.

Izuku felt a mix of crude emotions upon thinking about a villain attacking his mom. Anger swelled deep within him, rising upwards like a volcano about to erupt. The scenarios running through young Midoriya's mind made him bite back an agonizing shout. The amount of sorrow he would feel if he lost his mother came full circle just at the thought, making sure that fighting back tears wasn't an option.

"What would you do to that person?", All For One questioned with excitement to hear the green haired boy's answer. Surely, this would persuade the boy..

"I'd.. send them to jail just like any other criminal.", Midoriya huffed out despite his emotions.

This infuriated All For One, making the masked man want to lash out at Izuku & show him his disappointment in a physical demeanor. However, the powerful being prevented himself from losing control and released the emotion through disapproving words.

"Why?! Why can't you see the bigger picture?! Is it because you're just a child?! That should be no excuse, you have to overcome your weaknesses if you're ever to surpass All Might!", All For One scolded Midoriya.

Izuku found himself flinching at the end of every sentence. He didn't mean to upset his sensei so much.

All For One thought carefully about his next words. What if scenarios weren't enough for this child, he needed to share a true story with the boy to win him over. That made him think of the other disciple he took under his wing.. finally, that blue haired brat would be good for something.

"Let me tell you a story about Tomura..", All For One gained Izuku's undivided attention from the remark. "He suffered from an incident where no hero came to save him.", the masked man began to explain.

"As a child, younger than he is now, Tomura lost both his parents to what you would call a villain. People who passed by never offered to help him.. they assumed that a hero would take care of it. Due to this, the man who had killed Tomura's mother and father was able to take advantage of the boy.", All For One said while trying to hold back a laugh. He was fortunate for the mask on this day, it was covering a lot of his true nature.

"The villain had stimulated Tomura to blame society for the reason he wasn't saved sooner. He used this incident to create a hatred for heroes within Tomura's mindset.", All For One spoke on behalf of his own manipulation to an oblivious Izuku.

"It was only after I arrived and rescued him that I could deflate this mentality.", All For One lied.

"You killed the villain?", Izuku asked despite knowing the obvious answer.

"Now you understand that if this man was vanquished sooner, Tomura wouldn't have suffered such a fate.", All For One believed he had succeeded in winning Izuku over.

The masked menace had originally planned to groom Tomura Shigaraki into becoming his successor, but now he was fully invested in providing Izuku Midoriya with this role. The green haired boy had a long and slow upbringing ahead of him, but he'd make a powerful opponent to the next One For All user some day. All For One couldn't be anymore proud of how well things were turning out.

"I do.. I just, don't know if I'm able to take another person's life.. no matter how bad they are.", Izuku was still unsure of himself but All For One had succeeded in planting the seed within the boy's mind. For now.. that was enough to satisfy the masked menace.

"In time, you will come to accept what must be done. For now, go home and get some rest. You had a long day.", All For One pretended to care for the boy's well being. While he did want Izuku to become his successor, the boy was always expendable as long as All For One had Tomura.

"Tomorrow, you and Tomura will begin your REAL training.", All For One said before adding, "Make sure you look out for him. I told you this before, he still has so much to learn." Izuku nodded in response while making the silent vow that he would watch over Tomura like a brother.

With that all said and done, Midoriya finally returned home. Even after all the chaos that ensued from the morning, his wild adventure wasn't done just yet. Waiting for him when he got home was the furthest from what he expected.. A GIRL! Not any girl, but THE girl! Ochaco Uraraka!

Izuku felt like he was about to pass out upon seeing her wave from the dinner table with his mom. How long had she been here?! What did his mom discuss with her? Izuku had so many questions that he felt like his head was about to explode!

"Welcome home sweetie! Come have a seat, your friend decided to stop by!", Izuku's mom greeted her son with a flimsy explanation.

"Uraraka San! What are you doing here?!", Izuku asked with curiosity & confusion.

"Oh! I wanted to bring you this!", Ochaco replied while placing a small package on the table.

"Huh? What's that?", Izuku only had more questions as he took the box so he could examine it.

Both Ochaco and Izuku's mother couldn't contain themselves anymore! "You got into U.A!", they cried out at the same time.

If he was confused before, there were no words for how dis contorted Izuku was now. "But I had zero points..", was all he could manage to say.

Ochaco couldn't help but blush as she explained the first part of the story, "Yeah, I kinda knew that after the Entrance Exam ended.. I asked Present Mic if I could lend you some of the points I earned to try and return the favor of you saving me. That's when he explained a secret point system based on rescues!".

"Secret point system..", Izuku muttered as he tried to process what Uraraka had told him.

"So I then asked if I could be the one to share the good news and bring you your acceptance package!", Ochaco finished the explanation with a small giggle.

Izuku could see that the news excited both girls who stood in front of him but couldn't accept the offer. He felt bad as he said, "I'm sorry, but I can't go.. I'm declining the offer."

The two girls looked at Izuku like he sprouted a third eye. "But sweetie, you've always wanted to go to U.A..", Midoriya's mom said.

"I changed my mind.", Izuku couldn't tell them the details about All For One so he gave a brief answer.

"Come on, you've gotta go to U.A! How else would you become a hero?!", Ochaco pouted.

Izuku had to fight the urge to tell about his alternative, "I'll find a way..", he muttered.

"You're the only one who didn't run away when that robot grabbed me! They saw the potential you have to be a good hero and I do to! Please, go to school with me!", Ochaco begged.

The two girls held their hands together pleadingly as they waited for Izuku's response. Midoriya thought about his agreement with All For One, he'd already let his teacher down once before.. Izuku remembered what the masked man had told him about killing people, it made his decision waver between the two options. In the end, he decided 'it didn't hurt to try' and go to U.A for at least one day.

"Okay, fine. I'll give it a shot.", Midoriya replied. His answer gained a cheerful jump & applause from each of the girls before his mother ran over to hug him. "Mooommm!", Izuku groaned with embarrassment as Ochaco held back a laugh.

"So Ochaco, would you like to join us for dinner?", Midoriya's mom offered.

"I'd love to but I have to get home now actually. Thanks for inviting me in. I'll see you tomorrow Izuku!", Ochaco replied before leaving.

Once the girl was gone, the two green haired family members shared an awkward look. "Sooo.. a girl huh?", Midoriya's mom teased.

"MMOOMM!", Izuku groaned as his face flushed red with embarrassment again.

The next day, Izuku strolled over to U.A early in the morning so he could give it a shot as he had promised Ochaco. Upon arriving sooner than anyone else, he could completely take in the atmosphere. The hero school's appearance sure lived up to its reputation, the hype surrounding the place was surreal.

"DEKU!", an angry roar broke Midoriya out of his peaceful thoughts. Of course, the taunting nickname came from his childhood bully again. Katsuki Bakugo had gotten into the hero course as well..

"How the hell did a quirkless loser like you get into U.A?!", the aggravated boy cried out.

"There was a secret point system based on rescuing people. I guess I passed by getting those.", Izuku explained to the pointy haired blonde. Midoriya didn't think about his next words, "And I'm not quirkless. Not anymore."

"What did you say?!", Bakugo seethed through his teeth. His fists clenched in anger.

Izuku instantly realized his mistake and stumbled to make up an excuse. "Uh, y- yeah! I finally developed it!", Midoriya sputtered out with a nervous laugh.

"You think this is funny Deku?!", Bakugo shouted in anger. "Whatever your quirk is, it still doesn't make you better than me!", Katsuki declared whilst using his Explosion quirk to launch himself at Izuku.

Thanks to the Superspeed quirk bestowed upon him by All For One, Midoriya steps to the side and dodges the oncoming attack. Upon realizing he just made Bakugo miss, Izuku smiles with newfound confidence.

"How can you say that when you can't even touch me?", Izuku taunted his former bully.

"I'll kill you!", Katsuki tries hitting Midoriya with another controlled blast but the green haired boy dodges it just as easily as the first attack. All the training Izuku did with Tomura paid off!

With the provided opening, Izuku decides to go on the offense and charges Bakugo before the boy can get another explosion off. In the midst of the battle, Izuku becomes careless and forgets to pull his punches as he had been doing during his training. The amount of force put into the fist that collides with Katsuki shatters the blonde haired boy's bones although he'd been hit by a train.

Izuku doesn't seem to notice while he's still moving at such a fast pace, continuing the assault with another punch just as powerful. Bakugo coughs up what looks to be gallons of blood as the impact sends the boy flying back. Upon seeing the red liquid spray across the pavement, Izuku stops and watches as Katsuki crashes into a nearby tree. The trunk splinters from the velocity that Bakugo crashes through it with.

Izuku stands still with his extended fist for a moment, in disbelief of what had just happened. Katsuki was unmoving in a pile of broken bark, bones, and a crazy amount of blood. Even though it was an accident, Midoriya was pretty sure that he had just killed Kacchan.

The green haired boy begins to panic as he looks around the area for help. Upon seeing that nobody else is in the vicinity, Izuku runs over to the battered boy. "Kacchan! Are you okay?!", he calls out.

When he receives no response, Izuku clutches his head in agony. Katsuki was a jerk but he didn't deserve to die! The green haired boy sobs over Bakugo's corpse before fully processing what he had just done. He killed someone.. He was bound to go to jail, the punishment for such a crime would be severe. He'd never be a hero now!

So, Izuku did the only thing he knew how to anymore.He ran.