

Chapter 27 The girl's plan, the source of divine power

Yang Qi looked around and looked at the dark mountains in the distance.

"I didn't know there were such high mountains here."

Medea said: "There are many places you don't know. There are five rivers of Styx here and a sea full of undead."

"There are plains full of flowers, mineral veins full of magical gems, and deep caves left from ancient times."

"A cave in the underworld! Can you imagine, a place deeper than the underworld, leading straight into the abyss!"

"Abyss… The super-primitive god, the body of Tartarus, the god of the abyss, is also the place where Cronus eternally fell." Yang Qi thought in his mind.

Yang Qi recalled Medea's roar and her madness during the battle just now.

"What's the grudge between you and Triton?"

"Didn't I tell you before?" Medea rubbed her hair with her hands, and suddenly purple light shone all over her body. The mud and blood all over her body disappeared, and her clothes were as clean as new again.

"I have no personal grudge against Triton."

"I have a grudge against the entire Olympus."

"Hahahaha!" Medea laughed, "I am the enemy of the entire Olympus!"

"It's cool!"

"As for why it is Triton, of course it is because," Medea sat down and leaned on Yang Qi's huge dragon body. She stretched out her hand and stroked Yang Qi's scales.

"You smelly lizard has really beautiful scales."

"Why Triton?" Yang Qi asked.

"Of course because he is the weakest."

Medea's eyes were shining as she looked at the white scales carefully, "Triton is one of the weakest gods of Olympus."

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"How ironic! Speaking of which, he is truly the son of the ocean, the only son of God between Poseidon, the God of the Sea, and Amphitrite, the Queen of the Sea."

"That wandering god Poseidon, I'm afraid even Zeus is not as affectionate as him. There are ten…fifteen…Poseidon's illegitimate sons, too many to count."

"Everyone is very powerful, but unfortunately, the orthodox son of Ocean, who was born with the Queen of the Sea, is so weak! Hahahahahaha!"

"Indeed." Yang Qi nodded. He also felt that Triton was not powerful.

Medea said: "So Poseidon gave the Ocean Horn to his precious son of God. If it hadn't been for the horn, I would have killed Triton long ago."

"Stinky lizard, but don't think that the gods of Olympus are all so weak. They are very powerful, very powerful."

"You killed Triton just because he was the weakest?"

Suddenly, Medea's hand stopped. She stood up, walked over, hugged Yang Qi's face, and got very close. Her eyes were staring straight at Yang Qi.

Yang Qi could feel the air she breathed out and smell the fragrance emanating from her body.

Suddenly, Medea's divine voice became extremely cold, her beautiful eyes seemed to be burning, and every word she spoke was like a sharp blade.

"Yes, just because he is the weakest, so we start with him!"

"I will kill all the Olympian gods one by one."

"Are you afraid?"

Her face turned cold, "If you're afraid, just leave."

"Just like them! We have nothing to do with each other from now on."

"I don't want to kill all Olympus. I just want to eat and sleep. I will kill anyone who messes with me." Yang Qi shrugged.

Yang Qi did have great ambitions when he first traveled through time and when the system started.

But since he evolved into a dragon, he may have been infected by the dragon's nature and lost interest in those things. Instead, he was most interested in eating and sleeping.

And everything that sparkles.

"…" Medea's expression changed, and then she laughed.


She hugged Yang Qi's faucet tightly and shook it desperately.

"So I like beasts. Compared with those superior gods, I really like beasts like you." Medea's face was close to Yang Qi, with a smile on her face.

"Get out!! I'm a dragon!"

"Stinky lizard!"

"Let me go, let me go." Yang Qi finally broke away from Medea's embrace.

"Hahahaha!" Medea fell to the ground and looked up at the dark night sky.

Yang Qi expressed the questions that had been lingering in his heart for a long time.

"What exactly is the so-called source of divine power?"

"When I closed my eyes and looked inside, I could see a void of space with red and black mist steaming and the sound of wind."

"During the battle just now, I could even call it out of the body."

"What exactly are these?"

"Hehe, the stinky lizard is quite curious." Medea sat up, purple light flowing in her eyes, sweeping toward Yang Qi, and then disappeared.

"I've seen the source of your power. I'm surprised."

Medea said, "Especially, you are not a demigod, which is very special."

"In the Olympian divine world, the gods, from low to high, are the beast god, the demi-god, the lower god, the middle god, the upper god, the main god, and the god king."

"Each major level is divided into nine small levels."

"There must be others above the God King, such as the God of Chaos and the Great Mother Goddess Chaos. But what rank is she? No living thing knows."

"The lowest level is the God of Beasts. The Olympus God Realm is so vast that even Zeus cannot easily surround it."

"In this vast world of gods, there are many beasts. Some beasts, perhaps because they are born different, or perhaps because of opportunities, can accumulate divine power, enlighten wisdom, and thus become the gods of beasts."

"But becoming the God of Beasts still cannot open the source of divine power. At the very least, you have to reach the level of demigod to reveal even the slightest bit of the source of divine power."

"You are not yet a demigod, but you have opened up the source of divine power. This is the most special thing about you."

"The source of divine power is the foundation of all gods and the source of all divine power. The cultivation of gods is essentially the source of strengthening divine power."


Suddenly, the vast sea appeared behind Medea, and above the sea stood a dark purple lighthouse, emitting a faint light.

Looking closely, the sea water is turbid and slightly dark red, as if it is contaminated by blood. The lighthouse is leaning over and almost falling into the sea.

There are mottled scars everywhere on the stone wall of the lighthouse, which looks old and dim.

"It wasn't like this before." Medea smiled. "In the past, the ocean was rose gold, and the purple lighthouse burst out with dazzling light, reaching the sky and the earth."

"This is the source of my divine power. It is called [Light on the Sea]. The source of my divine power is gradually collapsing."

"Okay, so you know." Medea said softly, "The source of divine power is the embodiment of the divine power of the gods. When the divine power of the gods increases, the source of their divine power will also change."

"The source of divine power can be a strange scene, a weapon, a monster, a rule, anything."

"No wonder, when I inhale that flame bead, red mist will appear in the source of my divine power." Yang Qi thought to himself and nodded.

Medea continued: "For example, Triton, you have seen the source of his divine power."

"He first used [Sea Mist, Mist Banshee] to fight you. That is not the source of his complete divine power."

"The source of his complete divine power is called [Thousand Snakes in the Fog]."

"It's the steaming sea mist that fills thousands of miles. In the sea mist, there are one hundred and eleven huge nine-headed white snakes."

"Let me think about the rest." Medea raised her head and looked up at the dark night sky. "The source of divine power of God King Zeus is ninety million dark clouds."

"Each dark cloud can produce ninety million thunderbolts. Each thundercloud is composed of ninety million lightning bolts."

"It's called [Seventy-Two Hundred and Nine Hundred Thousand Trillions of Thunder]."