

"Chaos! Get in here. Now!"

My father Ares called from his office. I wonder what he wants this time.

My name is Chaos. I'm a demigoddess daughter of Ares, the god of War, from an unknown female soldier who fought against the Nazis during World War II. At 80 years old, you could say that I'm relatively young and new into this whole mythology business thing.

Despite that, my father has entrusted me to head the Technological Warfare Division of Greek, Inc. What the heck is that you may ask? Basically, it's an organization of gods and goddesses that ensures the balance of the good and evil on earth.

Too much good will result to its nonexistence and too much evil, well, would result to extinction of humanity.

"CHAOS!" My father called again, this time with urgency.

I ran into his office to see what he wants. Well, aside from being my father, he is also my boss so I really can't ignore him, no matter how much I wanted to.

"What is it, dad?" I asked.

"Your brother, Havoc, is causing trouble on earth again! I need you to bring him back here."

"Ugh, can't you ask someone else to do it? I'm managing the Huawei Espionage Conspiracy as of the moment. I'm so close to making US and China fight."

"If you don't bring back your brother here ASAP, trust me, it's not just US and China who are going to fight. We can't have another World War in this millennium. Your grandfather is going to kill me."

"Really? Havoc? Please. I doubt he can start a World War. The most he can do is a major inconvenience like a Financial Crisis." I retorted.

"Chaos, please. It is imperative that we have your brother here before the Winter Solstice. Otherwise, earth is going to be in grave danger."

I wanted to ask more about the danger he is talking about, but my father cut me off and proceeded to give me the details of my little brother's whereabouts. Apparently, he is causing trouble in Newark, New Jersey. Nothing major though. Just causing flight delays here and there. A normal thing a young 50-year old son of Ares would do for fun.