
Greedy SCP Fan

I was transported into the SCP universe with nothing but my phone.

LostSoulOfUndead · アニメ·コミックス
5 Chs


I went to the little girls tv and I saw she was watching tv. Probably some cartoon anyway I threw the doll at her face and she got it. She was confused and almost about to cry but I started talking.

"Hello there my name is Alissa what's your name".

She didn't reply.

"Oh come on don't be such a frown face what's your name".

"Eva is my name and what are you" she said.

Thankfully after some thinking I came up with a perfect backstory for her to trust me.

"I'm a galactic space princess out here to save your world".

She was confused for a while but than said "Your a princess from another planet that's so amazing". She genuinely smiled and the distrust went way from her. After a while of talking I got her to believe me more and than the plan started.

"Look I need you to do something for me" I said.

She immediately replied "What do you need".

"I need you to go and grab a phone and call the police". "Than tell them you can make things move with your head". "Than say you want to join the police force and become a superhero".

She seemed confused and asked "How do you know that not even my parents know that". I just replied with a I'm your best friend so I have to know. She seemed hesitant but I managed to convince her to go through with it.

"Hello 911 what's your emergency" the dispatcher said.

"Hello my name is Eva and I have the ability to move things with my mind". "I was hoping to join the police and become a superhero".

The dispatcher hanged up and the phone went silent. "Good now go along with the story we made up and make sure to do the things I asked" I said. She than nodded and stayed silent until minutes later people broke in and got her than amnesties were used in witnesses.

After it was over I took a nap and than woke up to make some money. I headed for a big casino wearing only the best of clothes. I brought newly made necklace of good luck and fortune and the Polaroid. I played the games where only luck was involved and made sure to lose a couple of times. I could've walked out with fifty thousand but just went out with five thousand.

I make sure to change casinos and wear different clothes and go with different names. I hide my face pretty well with just a comic con mask. I make sure all of my money is stored inside bags inside the pocket dimension. With all the money I have I've been saving is going to be used very well in the next couple of days.

After sometime I finally started talking with the little girl. "Hey how are you so do you got the information" I said quietly. She responded with yes and told me a lot of information but also asked "Can I go back home to my parents". "Of course I just need you to stay there for some time alright" I said.

Although I felt bad for leaving this kid here it doesn't really matter. The parents have already used the amnestic. And if I save her I would only bring more attention to me but if she provides useful I will think about saving her.

She told me that the TVs she saw around the foundation using a tv called FTV. I searched it up and the company who made the tv went under and didn't sell a lot TVs. The foundation where she is at might only have those TVs. With this information all I gotta do is try and find the tv and now have access to the foundation.

While I should be doing that I have to start some business if I suppose. I take a lot of money and go to the gangsters that made ID for me. I tell them how is their boss been treating them lately.

"Man that little bitch steals everything from us".

"Yeah I can't buy nothing now".

"He's hoarding up every single dollar from us".

I than drop a lot of money which is in the thousands and say "Why don't we start talking business". They were surprised by the cash but than they agreed. A revolution was bound to happen to this gang I'm just speeding up the process.

I tell them to gather as many people and kill the boss and make me the new boss. I will make sure you guys are taken care of unlike that old boss. They nodded and swiftly made their way to do as I said.