
Greedy Player

Within a single day thousands of people between the age of 16 to 18 disappear, leaving no trace of where they went. After which they all take place in the Trials.

Cloudjackal · ファンタジー
7 Chs

Next Level

[B rank monster detected, Race: Blue Flaming Talon.]

"well shit didn't think something like this would be my opponent, I might just die well screw it, I'm pretty sure they said death in the arena wasn't permanent anyways."

The next 10 minutes are a struggle of me dodging fire that the bird is shooting from above. I have to admit that bird caught on real fast to what's happening, meaning it has intelligence a whole new problem has arose. Most monsters have a one track mind of kill or at least that's what I've seen so far, but this bird noticed I didn't have any ranged attacks so it's just been up there shooting down on me.

After 30 more minutes of this bull the bird lets out what I assume is a pissed off screech, and dive bombs me. This is the chance I've been waiting for pulling out my new sword and activate most of my abilities. when the Bird is about to hit me I use leap and wind blast to get above it and stab into this beast from above. Did I mention how big this fucker is, no well it's fucking huge it's wing span is the length of your average school bus, it's so big that even though my long sword is as far as it can get through the fucker that it's only like a third of the way through I roughly guess. That can wait for now though because this big mother fucker is flying around with me on its back and there fire spurting out of it every pour.

[Announcement through the skill AG a secret attribute has been added. Pyro +10 stat points, this attribute increases all fire related skills. Skill SG has stolen 2 skills Fire ball rank E. Skill SG has ranked up to D, once a day you can now steal one extra skill, skill fire resistance rank D has been stolen to increase rank fire damage must be dealt to you (influenced by the Pyro stat)