The origins of Martis and his future struggles.
Ting! Ting!
Klang! Klang!
Those are the sounds that can be heard on the battlefield. Countless lives are lost, dropping like flies.
In spite of this, they continue to fight in the war.
Chief: Onward! Let us conquer the land before us!
(Yah!) Shouted the men who heard their Chief's order.
Chief: None shall stand in our way.
He said with a straight face brimming with confidence.
His people run like wild beasts, having trained hard for a long time just for this moment. It was the time of their life.
Klang! Klang! Klang!
Ting! Ting!
Their blades meet with the enemies' though they are well trained by the Chief, they still have trouble facing the Magic Casters.
Chief: Release the dragons, and give me my blade.
Attendant: But My Lord we cannot risk losing you.
Chief: You intend to disobey me?
Attendant: I did not mean to My Lord but, our people needs you.
Chief: Our people need me now the most, if we fail here. How are we able to call ourselves warriors?
Attendant: I understand My Lord.
He quickly brought the Chief's blade. It was a huge blade 2 meters long. Despite it's size the Chief can swing it using his magical gloves: Strad's Gloves which lightens anything he holds.
The Chief grab a hold his blade and shouted:
To victory!
His shout gave his people courage and gave their enemies unending chills.
Why so?
Its because the Chief is famously known as The Demon of the Battlefield.
He swung his sword and sliced his way through the enemy lines.
His actions boost his people's morale but gave terror to his enemies.
He swung left and right with great prescision showing his experience over the years.
Enemy Magic caster have a lot of trouble dealing with him because he is so agile.
Enemies flee from the battle throwing away their weapons.
Kling! Kling!
The Chief's people are about to chase them but he stopped them before doing so.
Chief: Stop! They may be our enemies but it doesn't give an honourable victory killing off enemies without weapon.
They nodded and went after the armed ones instead.
Chief: I do not wish to kill you all but to those who dare stand before me will not be spared.
He said with a thundering voice echoing throughout the entire battlefield. Once they heard it his people and their enemies stopped moving.
The Chief walked and the enemies just stepped aside, one by one afraid of dying.
The Chief looked around and saw the enemy's Chief, standing with a staff to help himself stand. It was an elderly man, despite his age he still sought war.
Elderly Chief: Thank you for sparing my peoples lives though not all of them.
The Chief stared at the Elderly Chief.
Elderly Chief: Please kill me.
Chief: Is that what you want?
Elderly Chief: My people cannot serve two Masters at the same time and it wo...
Before he could finish his sentence the Chief interrupted.
Chief: Very well, thos Chief shall abide with your final wish.
The Elderly Chief stood firm and waited for his time to pass.
The Chief stretched out his hand: Conqueror's Curse( Its a skill that accumulates and strengthens the weilder, which absorbs the life force of the target)
It can only be used to a person who reached the rank of Continental Warrior or above.
Tears shed on the Elderly Chief's people, it was a mix of emotions. In this land, in their time, emerging victorious in a war doesn't require celebrations instead they grieve on the dead.
The Attendant rushed through the blood colored scene where blood was all over the place.
Attendant: My Lord, your wife has gave birth. But was unable to survived after giving birth. My Lord you must go see your child.
Tears flow from the Chief's eyes after hearing the news.
Chief: We may have won this war but in exchange I lost my wife.
Attendant: My Lord, do you recall what the Seer said about your child?
Chief: Yes, yes I do.
2 years before
Seer: My Lord, I had seen the future.
Chief: And what is it that you saw?
Seer: The God of War shall descend from the heavens in the form of your first born, but you will lose something of great value in exchange.
The Chief who recalled what the Seer prophecized left him in despair
Chief: So this is what he meant of great value. Let us go, bury the dead and pay your respects. Come let us go to my child.
Atttendant: Yes my Lord.
His people did what he instructed and camped at the conquered land.
At his quarters
The attendants bowed their head upod seeing their Lord.
The Chief saw his beloved wife laying lifeless in her bed.
The Attendant pointed at the baby who was being carried by their doctor.
The Chief hurriedly walk towards his child but the stopped in awe. For he saw the very symbol of the God of War in his child's forehead.
Chief: My Wife died with a smile on her face, she must have expected this to happen.
And then he glanced at his child bearing the God of War's mark.
The attendants bowed and looked at their future master.
Chief: As of today and to the end of your life you will bear the name MARTIS.