
Greater Than Gods: Chojusen Akimichi [Complete: I'm On The Job Editting~ This Is What I'm Suppose To Write, Right?]

Naruto, but Naruto isn't the MC, Its Choji's twin brother that has a system. As much as I wish for Chojusen to be a space-trotting gopnik, we probably won’t ever see that come to fruition. This is the closest I can come to photoshopping an image that resembles Chojusen. He’s supposed to have parted hair like a comb-over. But, aside from that, the image is pretty much ok. Sources for the novel cover (I Photoshopped the images together, but this is where I got them before it was edited~): http://www.kinyu-z.net/WDF-1566448.html https://www.deviantart.com/torivic/art/Gopnik-Slav-Ishida-734359751 https://i.pinimg.com/originals/f1/6c/01/f16c015d6865695689833f76f70be901.jpg http://ninrp.wikia.com/wiki/Akimichi_Clan

BrightDawn · その他
145 Chs

Origin of Doomview

Back in the Doomview Castle. Now that the army left behind to protect this relic of the past had been taken care of, Chojusen could freely explore this place. When he entered as a "challenger" he had only been able to walk down the red-carpeted hallway, now he could explore all the nooks and crannies this castle had to offer.

Chojusen once again called for the descent of his Heartforce World and his shock could not be contained. This castle… it was practically a treasure vault! Chojusen's Heartforce World expanded and expanded, far more than the range of a standard Chaosverse, but he still couldn't find the end to this castle.

The Doomview Castle was, from the outside, just about the size of the planet it hovered over, but like most refined magical treasures, its interior was countless times larger than its exterior. And its interior wasn't content with just being "a bit bigger." No the previous master of this place actually felt the need to add "several" extra hidden dimensions to the castle.

Every room Chojusen's heartforce world came across had its own hidden dimension within. There were dimensions used to house precious natural treasures, other dimensions had countless armaments of various grades and even Universe Treasures — the greatest treasure artificers could create, which surpassed even Eternal Grade treasures.

Even more dimensions had special formations to contain special environments, and the last set of dimensions Chojusen found, included a library full of jade slips, and an occupations Dimension.

Chojusen first went to the library to see if he could find anything about the history of this Doomview Castle. He entered the dimension housing the library and was met with countless jade slips neatly organized, stored in the trillions of bookshelves this library had to offer. 99% of the library was split into three sections, one holding 33% of the library's content for Immortal Ki, another 33% holding the library's content for Divine energy, and the last 33% holding the library's content for Heartforce.

The last 1% of the library's content held miscellaneous information. Some of this information pertained to the various places in some "Sithe" Chaosverse, other jade slips held information on the various occupational Daos — things like alchemy, cooking, constructs, etc — and the last jade slips that Chojusen found, were about this Doomview Castle and mana.

After reading these jade slips with his godsense, Chojusen said to himself "So this place is just a fortress of the Sithe? Even though this Chaosverse repealed these nasty invaders, some of the enemy's left over war machines still remain."

The part that Chojusen didn't understand was why he was allowed to take these tests even though he was part of the castle's enemy. Wouldn't the master of this place have put down a command to not allow inhabitants of his enemy's chaosverse from taking the tests? As Chojusen thought of these things he took out the Archon level golem, Solejin, from his personal dimension and forcefully binded the golem to himself.

The first things out of Solejin's mouth after being binded to Chojusen were pleas of mercy. Solejin cried "Master! Master! Please don't wipe my treasure spirit. I-I, It wasn't my fault!"

"Relax, I'm not going to wipe out your memories or your treasure spirit."

"Y-your not mad?"

"Even if I was, what would be the point of wiping your memories away? It's not like you even did anything in the end." Chojusen shook his head and the started his interrogation. He said "Do you still remember your previous master?"

"Of course! I'm an achron level golem! My memory isn't so bad that I'd forget something that happened a couple billion chaos cycles ago."

A couple billion chaos cycles ago? "...Anyways, why didn't your master set down any rules disallowing his enemies from taking part in the tests of this castle?"

"Uh… he did. His words before leaving were "Solejin, stay with the castle and wait for our return. When we win this war, members of our Sithe Race will come back to test themselves in the Doomview Castle. Before that happens though, never allow the members of this Chaosverse from getting through to the last test! Let them through to the bronze, silver, and golden thrones; those idotits will probably kill themselves trying to pass. But if by some miracle they do manage to pass the golden throne, never allow them into the platinum throne.""

"So… why did you let me go into the white space with the platinum room?"

"His orders were to block people from this Chaosverse from making it to the last test, but you… you aren't from here. The Chaosverse is not supporting you like a resident, but it isn't repelling you like a foreign hostile, meaning you are either an ascender or you come from another Chaosverse, yet harbor no ill intent to this Chaosverse. Given that you came here as an Ancestral Immortal, I can only guess that you are an ascender. Only Autarchs would dare to traverse the Infinite Void to go into other Chaosverse, and even then they might die..."

Chojusen now had another headache coming his way. The Sithe… From the jade slips that he had read, they sent parties all over the Omniverse to check the strength of the various Chaosverses. Thankfully, the Chaosverse he was currently in — the Allfiend Chaosverse — was rather strong, holding a mighty line up of 20 Autarchs.

Apparently, the previous owner of this Doomview Castle had died sometime after leaving, thinking that the Sithe would eventually conquer all the Chaosverses. He had left his station here in the Allfiend Chaosverse, because one of the other Chaosverses, the weakest one, was discovered to have only seven Autarchs; that poor premature Chaosverse became the target of these war-hungry Sithes.

As Chojusen was coming to this conclusion, he detected that someone was attempting to use karma to teleport to his location. "Mhmm? Someone wants to scry my karma? Fuck off!" Chojusen's Dao of Reality and Karma worked in conjunction to lead the idiot trying to messing with his karma into a wild goose chase; trying to pinpoint Chojusen's location with Karma was next to impossible.

After the first attempt at scrying his Karma, Chojusen felt it was odd, but then literally thousands of people tried the same thing from all the various levels of Karmic influence. Chojusen even detected a quite a few Autarch level figures try to scry his Karma; though none succeeded in finding anything out. But then a familiar line of Karma started glowing; this karmic thread connected Chojusen to Libo.

Libo was the first person Chojusen met upon ascending to this plane, and he was a good friend as well. Messing with others trying to scry his karma was fine as these people had nothing to do with Chojusen, but Libo was different and Chojusen didn't want to mess up his Karmic merit. Thus, Chojusen isolated Libo's karmic thread, and sent a message through it. He said "Oi! Why are so many of you guys trying to trace me with karma!"

Off in some random corner within the River of Time, Autarch Libo was following the trend of trying to find the cause of that horrifying maelstrom of energy with karma. He wasn't exactly a master of Karma, at least not when compared to Autarch Jimbo, but Libo did use Karma as one of the supplementary Daos to reach Autarchy.

Libo had already seen countless people fail at karmic scrying. Any attempt at connecting to Chojusen's lines of karma would result in a massive loss of karmic merit, but he was an Autarch and chances like this were exceptionally rare. He didn't care if he lost all his karmic merit and became a sinfiend. As long as he managed to find the sources of that energy storm, any loss was worth it.

Thus you can image how elated Libo became after establishing a connection to the source of the phenomenon. This elation quickly turned to confusion, bewilderment, denial, and then horror, as Libo recognized the voice of the "phenomenon" to be Chojusen.

"You! You caused that storm?"

"Yeah, sorry for wrecking your Realmverse, I'll pay you back in the future~"

"What the fuck? How'd you… Nevermind. Where are you anyways? All the Autarchs have already assembled to find the "rare treasure" that caused that storm, but since it was you, I'll need you to accompany me to discuss what happened in a meeting of the Autarchs."

"Alright, I'll go meet you in a second, just let me take care of somethings first. I guess you can go gather the rest of the Autarchs and set up the meeting place, while I finish my business." Even though Chojusen had established a line of communication through his karmic thread, Libo still couldn't trace where the thread lead.

"Fine, but remember you're on my side, if we come to a debate~"

"Yeah, yeah…" This shameless man certainly couldn't be one of the majestic Autarchs, could he? Chojusen cut off the communication and returned his focus to binding this castle.

Late Chapter, but I have an excuse. You see... my dog was munching on my keyboard, so I had to use the Dao of Poverty to persuade my family into buying another keyboard for me. Then with "Fire and Fury," I scolded my dog into never munching on my keyboard again. Anyways, it cost me eighteen years of my lifespan to invoke the Dao in real life, but it was all worth it in the end~

BrightDawncreators' thoughts