
Great mage’s Oath: How I became a father in another world!

This Story is about Ambr Hattori an 18 year old boy who was in the mafia. After an mission gone wrong he found himself in a different world as a Stri-Nekan (Tiger person)! While wandering around he manages to find a fancy looking house and in it a 2 year old little girl named Evelyn. He found out that Evelyn’s parents had racked up a massive debt and died before they could clear it, leaving Evelyn alone having no idea how to clear the debt ( If you thought that was stupid don’t worry he thought so to!) Feeling bad for her and wanting to help, Ambr decided to become her new father and help clear the debt in anyway possible!

Crazy88 · ファンタジー
4 Chs

Just as Always it Begins!

My name is Ambr Hattori! I am eighteen years old, weighing in about 168 pounds, and standing almost six feet tall. Just like a lot of people my age I am an otaku! But unlike them I was part of a mafia gang! Mafia, you ask? Why,yes! My parents were bosses of a gang that did what most other gangs usually didn't do: help people! Don't worry I was raised very well over the years! My parents made sure I was satisfied and I made sure I appreciate them for it! But all that changed on a certain day( I think it was a Tuesday or a Friday on a leap year but I can't remember)! I was sent on a mission to investigate a factory of another more despicable Mafia gang, which was ran by Big Palooka Joe. I went into the dark abode of the factory. It was then I saw a sign with a message and I pointed my flashlight straight at it. The sign read in big bright words "Got ya!" That's when I found out as I screamed out "It's a trap!" But it was too late! A massive fire started in the factory. Everything in sight was being burned to a crisp! As I'm about to perish I kept thinking about how I let my parents down. As the world began to fade I knew this is the end! But just as usual with stories like this, I got isekai'ed!! I then woke up in some sort of forest wondering to myself "Is this forest heaven?" That's when I saw the book next to me. As I picked it up I began to notice that my hands were covered in blue fur with orange stripes! I started freaking out at the other changes to my body! My legs were also covered in fur, I had a pair of extra ears and a fluffy tail, and I was somehow dressed in some kind of adventurer's getup. So after discovering my new body I read the cover to the book "In a new world: a guide to being isekai'ed " was the title of the book. I kept reading it to get a hang on what's going on as The book said

"Welcome Ambr Hattori to your new life! If you haven't noticed your new body we're here to tell you that you been transported to another world!"

"Oh I noticed alright!" I replied to myself as if I was talking to someone. As I continued on reading I found something in it that said " You're now a Stri-Nekan!(Which is some sort of tiger person.) Your senses have increased as well as your strength! You also are immune to poison! Well that's good to know at least I don't have to worry about people killing me by poison! Then the book said " You have been transported to the Land of Yeetis-Stan, a place that combines modern life with magical fantasy! I then thought to myself "Combined with modern life huh? Well shouldn't I see some weird city up ahead or something?" Then I turned my head to see a huge city that has some medieval like charms! "Huh! I guessed the book called it!" Then I turned the page and said "What other secrets do you hold?" I flipped through and I was surprised to find that all the other pages were blank! "What kind of book..." Is what I was about to say but then I began to ponder"Wait! Maybe it's one of those books that magically write in new information when you need it! Well that's how it worked in other fictional pop culture." So I put the book in the satchel that came with the outfit! I was so thankful that I am not dead! But then I realized the fact that I am now alone and that I have no one to help me out. Thinking about that I got depressed. I then went into the city thinking that something like that would cheer me up. As I was walking through this huge city in this new world I saw this fancy looking two story house and somehow the lights were on but there was nobody home! "Maybe I should go in and at least turn off the lights." That's what I was thinking along with "It maybe breaking and entering but at least I'm doing a good deed to whoever lives here!" So I tried opening the door but somehow it was unlocked! I got in and as I was looking for the light switches in each room, the decor got me saying "What an impressive house!" That's when I heard it! The sound of someone snoring from upstairs! I was worried that someone was gonna come down with the words "Oh crap! I'm screwed!" running through my head! So I went upstairs thinking I can explain why I am in their house and get only half of my body crushed when the room the snoring came from was a child's bedroom with the snoring coming from the crib! At that moment I was thinking "I know how this probably goes! The moment I looked into that crib some little devil spawn is going to bite my head off!" But yet I went to check anyway with a part of me thinking "Don't do this! You'll regret it!" over and over again! I popped my head over the crib when I was glad to find out that it wasn't a devil spawn it was some kind of two year old elven girl with a fox hoodie on. As I was awing at her cuteness I heard someone yell from downstairs "Hey is anyone here!? I came for what you owe!" I ran downstairs and to my surprise I see a Goblin wearing a tuxedo and a fedora! I mistook the goblin for a child and asked "Hello there little guy are your parents with you?" He screamed with rage "Oi! Are you making fun of my height? I'll have you know despite my lack of height I am 35 thank you! You probably don't know that all goblins are short you dope!" "Geez! I'm sorry!" I replied then rebuttal with " anyway what are you doing here?" He began to introduce himself " My name is Hobalong I am here to collect a little part of a debt someone owes." "Who?" I asked all curious about the situation. "Evelyn!" He replied! "The two year old night elf who lives here!" I then asked him all confused "How can a little girl have a debt to pay!?" "It used to be her parents's debt but unfortunately they died so now she's the one who has to repay it!" Which got me frustrated as I yelled " That's stupid! You can't have a Two year old repay the money that her dead parents owe!" Which he kindly replies " Well I am sorry. The king of our city needs the fraction of the debt she pays! Although it is sad that she has no parents and will be evicted due to unfortunate circumstances! I should've asked this before but since I didn't what's your name sir?" I felt bad for this little girl. With a debt and a chance of eviction I kept thinking she'll never be satisfied! I didn't know what I was getting into but I proudly replied " I am Ambr Hattori ! The adoptive father of Evelyn! And I will help her repay the debt she owes!" Hobalong proudly said " well congratulations to you sir! You helping a little girl out!" "Why thank you!" I replied with gratitude! "So how much does she owe?" Three hundred billion Two hundred and six million seven hundred forty five thousand one hundred twenty eighty nine in gold coins!" He answered! I was shocked! That's how much she owes! A part of me was thinking "What did I get myself into?" But I was also thinking "This May take long but I will repay that debt and become a great parent to a dead couple's girl!" I didn't know why I phrased it like that but thoughts aside I said " Don't worry Hobalong! I'll get that fraction of the debt for I care for my sweet sweet daughter! Which he ask " If it's not much of a problem can I come? It's no fun being just a debt collector, and I see that you care for your new daughter so I want to help you out as much as possible!" I said " Sure! Just let me check on her first! I went back upstairs thinking that if I going to clear this debt I at least should bring this so called "daughter" of mine! So I went back up to the crib to wake her! But I kept feeling something pulling me by my side. It was the satchel! It was moving on it's own! It began to drag me all over the child's room, that's when I fell over and the book came out of the satchel, it then bounced into the crib and somehow went inside Evelyn! I was panicking saying " oh god! I think I killed her with a book possessing her!" Luckily I didn't. She started to wake up, that's when I saw that the book that inspirited her gave her long light blue hair dark red highlights! Suddenly she said rubbing her eyes "what's going on in here?" I said "she speaks!" But then facepalmed and said " wait a minute the book must have allowed her to do this!" She then greeted me with " Hello there Mr. Hattori! I'm guessing you are my new daddy!" My jaw dropped "How do you know my name!?" I asked! She told me that somehow she didn't have all this stuff going on but now she knows stuff that she does not know how she knows this stuff! Apparently the book must had some hidden words on the blank pages. Maybe I couldn't see them because of some kind of magic or something like that! But I also gazed at how cute she is! I couldn't fight it I felt like I must do it! She then asks " Excuse me new daddy why are you patting my head?" I then told her " It's a way of showing someone you care about them!" That way it doesn't sound weird! I mean this world is like modern life so anime must exist here, but I think she wouldn't understand! I asked her "Hey Evelyn. Wanna go someplace with daddy?" She nodded her head! I then screamed "Okay then! Here we go! As I carried her on my back! I told Hobalong I am bringing her with us!!! She then asked out of curiosity "Who is this guy daddy?" I then introduced him to her by saying "This Evelyn is your Uncle Hobalong! Hobalong was confused "Uncle?" He said. I told him if he wants to help out he can at least be an uncle to her. "I can't argue with that! I always wanted to be an uncle!" So me and Hobalong went out the door in order to find someway to clear the debt! As we have Evelyn with us we marched in forth with an epic quest of very hard difficulty! And so the story begins!