
Begin another Journey (Part-2)

Sakumo and Renji were sitting on a log during the night while keeping the watch

Sakumo: "So, when are you going to tell me"

"Tell you what?", asked the confused Renji

Sakumo karate chop Renji's head, which the latter only growled, "I already told you, I spent every single moment for 3 years with you, we fought enemies till death, we returned for each other on the battlefield no matter the condition, we trained till both of us dropped unconscious together, idiot do you really believe you can hide things from me"

"Don't dote on me so much sensei, Auntie is going to be jealous"

"On the contrary, she is going to be super happy when I will tell her that Now I can understand you before you even speak.", he said with a fond smile

"She is a great-great woman, I truly like her, so take care of her old man", he said with a threatening glare.

He smiled and ruffled his hair, "You won't need to tell me that you Idiot, I will protect my wife, Even if it cost me everything"

"Yea, A wonderful woman like her, I am astounded to even think she is going to be the mother of my little honorary Brother... Lady Kushina would be so-so happy, she always wished to be an older sister"

"Pity, she got you", Sakumo chuckled

"Yea... What a pity", Renji chuckled

"So, what is going on with Mikoto"

Renji took out 10 or so messages from his pocket...

The more Sakumo read those messages, the more his eyes widened.

'Dammit... They are spying on us through her', thought Sakumo

But still... He, whose experience can't be measured in fingers, He, whose ideals, are something Renji always wished to adopt... For him this is all just a mistake, Lord Hokage, made a mistake of giving this task to Mikoto, She maybe General Kagami's Daughter... But---

"Can't you trust her?", said Saukmo calmly

"She is loyal to Hokage, that old man only wish to control me, if I even for a second trust her won't I be a fool who is being used?"

"Do you wish to know something?"

"What is it?"

"Do you know, Despite their uses, Why there are not many spies in Uchiha clan"

"That's Because... Because..."

He can not tell the reason, That's right, How the hell can someone with his Sharingan not become a spy, Except that of Handful of Spies in Uchiha, there are definitely not many... Why? What happened.

"Well, then you should know that Uchiha feels deeper emotions than any other person out there... whether it's love, hatred, friendship, they feel it all and once their emotions surpassed a certain level they awaken their Sharingan... They simply can not act to be in love, their inner proudness, and their cheat like eyes make it impossible for anyone to see the love they feel."


"But there was someone who did, the love the Uchiha's carry, that's why First Hokage built Konoha, for Uchiha's to live peacefully, for Senju's to live peacefully, He really hoped that someone in the future would be able to see the love their eyes carry... Lord third Hokage understand it, but he can not see through Uchiha's pain, he can not understand their pride... I understand it, but even I can't see through their pain... But you are different, Uzumaki Renji, you are the second person other than the first Hokage to ever see their pain, You understand their pride... Don't give up on your best friend Fugaku now, Don't Lose your Trust in Mikoto now... Because if you did, you will become just like us, the one who isolates the Uchiha's... they do not deserve this unfair treatment Renji"


"Nobody treasure love as much as the Uchiha. That's why they sealed that off by themselves. That's what Sharingan eyes of the Uchiha mean to convey: 'The eye that reflects feelings'... Please think it through, I will be going back to sleep, stay here for 30 more minutes, It's Mikoto's turn to take over"

Mikoto came out of her camp, to take over her guard duty...

It was when her eyes suddenly widened, The entire ground has been turned into seawater, as a fountain came out of the water, and one blue hair shadow dancing freely, it was beautiful... He was beautiful... He was like a fairy that descended on the earth.

Have you ever seen such a beautiful water fountain, that when you saw it, you could say a million words? The water is the clearest thing in the world. You could even see through it as if it was a piece of glass. The water slid down smoothly as it felt, having no problems with the giant drop. Never before She has seen anything as magnificent as this scene. Through, it can seem a bit overwhelming; the view is one of the most breathtaking pictures she ever saw.

The figure danced like a fairy, like an angel, he was beautiful and his face showed a smile, that looked like it was relief of some burden.

'An object needn't be large. That girl, as tiny as a violet... That girl, drifting in the sky like the petals of a flower draws me to her with a force greater than the one exerted by the earth. In a single moment, I fell and rolled toward her without rhyme or reason, just as Newton's apple did. With a thump. With a thump-thump. My heart bounced from the heavens to the earth in dizzying motion. Such was the moment I'd first fallen in love... Uchiha Mikoto Let's fall in love, Let's love each other, till we are over each other'

He smiled and looked at her, she looked at the wet him

At that moment, the time was stopped... for him it was just like this moment, he fell in love in his last life, a life with Water princess. A life he can't remember after years anymore.

'If I could stop the time so we can stay together forever, I would even sell my soul. Because it's so hard for me to feel this way. I apologize for wishing that I had never met you. But even if I could turn back the time, I would meet you again. We would have the same arguments again. You would have fallen in love with me again. I would love you again', he smiled fondly with nothing but love in his eyes.

As he comes forward and gently holds her hands. That very moment was purely magical.

From the corner of shadow, a White hair Jonin commander smiled, as he gently caresses the picture of his wife, 'I will come back, and we will Name our Child together', he smiled fondly and left leaving those two together.


"Alright, Kids, Renji's abilities as a Sensor will only carry us till here, from this moment on, we are going to enter sand borders, Renji is not a sensor by norms, and he can't sense under the earth... So, We will begin you guys training, from here on out, We will mainly focus on your chakra control, once you guys are good enough to use those eyes of yours to see the enemy, we will be good to go"

Although Telling this in front of Mikoto was dangerous, but She is weak, she is not good enough to let a message slip out of the eyes of a jonin and a jonin commander.

But it's only a temporary solution, Till they are away from Konoha, Once they Reach Konoha, There will be more of a permanent solution.

But Sakumo purposefully held back very important news of Renji's sensing, Renji can sense under Earth, although tough, he still can sense nearly everything, although he can never tell their strength like a true sensor could do

It still a good chance to officially start a formal training of the genins...

Renji was meditating in the side... and looking at the message in front of him


[Mission Completed: Survive]

[Reward Granted: Ocean Release (Kekkai Genkai)/ Hydroforming activation time reduction by 6 sec]

[Choose One]


[Choose Hydroforming Activation time]

"Alright, grant me it then"

[Granted Perk]

[The mission rank has been changed due to the increase in difficulty]

[Reward Granted: Any clan Trait {Player Choose}]

(Please Choose the Clan)

"Will I get any Kekkai Genkai along with it?"


"That means If I choose Senju that means that I will get, Mukoton"


"Very Well, I choose Uzumaki", Renji smiled wryly, How could he choose Senju or any other clan, He is Uzukage, he is an Uzumaki whether blood-related or not.

And if he starts creating forest out of no-where, won't that be suspicious?

So, if there was a chance to select a clan, whether he was asked again and again he will always choose Uzumaki clan, that's what he was, an Uzumaki.


[Clan Created: Uzumaki]

[Blood Purity: 100%]

[Granted Item]

[Cloak of Stillness, S class item] [Bound to host]

[This cloak was created by the Uzumaki clan making it very powerful. It is sealed to be unbreakable, If the user puts the hood of the cloak up, It will force anyone who makes eye contact with the wearer to speak be paralyzed]

Limit- only works on enemies at least 10 levels below yours

[Perks Granted]

Chakra Beast- Grants +5000 Chakra every time you level up. Stats are being calculated accordingly

'What the freak... 5000 Chakra points, that's means, 10,000 chakra points in just 2 levels... Awesome'


Suddenly, he felt his heart drop for a second this was great pain he was feeling, it was a wonder that there was not a single sensor nearby, or this could go really bad and southwards...

Renji chakra level's shot up, to the level of a beast, it was too much, he was a jinchiruki without being one.

Chakra Pressure- Host contains a nearly infinite amount of chakra, Can pressurize other's with his chakra

Worthy warrior- You have proven yourself worthy of God's powers, Thus, Great Poseidon Grants you the sacred Kekkai Mora Noryokugan/ Element Usable: Space and Time

Uzumaki founder's talent- Gain 50 levels to Fuinjutsu skills.

Grrrrrrrr....he gritted his teeth as a bone-breaking pain afflicted him yet again, this time he did a better job of keeping it low.


[Fuinjutsu arts: Level 60]

[Fuinjutsu arts Talent: Godly]

[Calliegraphy arts: Level 100]

He, who could only make level 1 seal, with the help of Kushina, now suddenly can make level 6 seals, he smiled wryly, how the hell is he going to explain this to Kushina. Who always pester him to train in fuinjutusu arts.

Strong as a tree- +50 Vitality every time you level up, The status calculated accordingly

He gritted his teeth in pain yet again, as his vitality shot up, his stamina shot up as well, he was nearly sure if this keeps going he is going to become a jinchiruki without a beast.

Uzumaki Prince- Your's Blood purity is of the highest level in the entire Uzumaki Clan, Giving you the status of a royal Prince. +50 REP with any Uzumaki, Weather they know you or not, if they see you, they will be utmost respectful to you.

Adamantine Sealing Chains- The Bloodline ability, A fuinjutsu that only, Uzumaki's can use.

[Fuinjtusu reached level 6: Made Contract with the Godly Titan Oceanus]

[Water Sage Arts: Unlocked] [Have to learn first]

At that Renji's eyes set on fire... he finally can summon his supposedly 'Godly Beast of water'

He made a quick hand sign that apparently now he knew everything about.

[Warning* Warning Oceanus can only be summoned on water, Hydromancy is required for summon]

"Tch, What kind of a weak Summon requires Water field to be summoned, are you sure, it is the godly beast you talk about?"

[Oceanus is the ultimate being of water, Oceanus is the Titan given to host by Great god Poseidon himself, please be sure of the quality]

"Alright tell me about this Oceanus"

[The titan of the water elemental is able to manipulate his primal element on tsunami levels and creating waterspouts. Oceanus is the largest of the elemental titans reaching over a staggering 537 to 600 meters in height, towering over the Shinsuusenju technique by Hashirama Senju. Oceanus' tsunamis can destroy entire villages with relative ease. He is able to control the oceans ebb and flow with relative ease. In comparison to a tailed-beast, Oceanus is a force to fear even to the likes of those chakra constructs]


Oceanus can even defeat tail beasts?


"Look like I truly struck gold, didn't I?"

"Alright What is this Kekkai Mora, Noryokugan"

[Host has been given a Sacred Kekkai Genkai for proving himself, to be a worthy warrior, The Noryokugan is the sacred Kekkei Mōra. It is characterized by the bluish sphere just above the sternum. It allows Host to see through space and time and also Grants space and time abilities to the host]

With this ability, he, who was a Jonin in terms of strength suddenly jumped into the ranks of Jonin Commanders, Though he still can't beat Generals, since all of them are so freakingly powerful to the extreme. Like that of Iwa General and Konoha's General, Kagami Uchiha, even if he uses space and time technique, till he becomes strong enough on his own, Kage levels are impossible to beat, by the likes of Jonin or Jonin Commanders.

He told Sakumo about his Kekkai Genkai, telling a lie that he awakes it during the war with Iwa's General...

Sakumo never doubted Renji ever... they hid it from the Fugaku, Hiashi, and Mikoto.

Even Kushina is not allowed to know of this secret, not 'yet' anyway


Few days have been gone by, Team Sakumo and Fugaku cut-off their rest time, so that they could reach the Suna borders as fast as possible; Renji and Sakumo bodies conditions just getting worse and worse without the medical attention with constant running and fighting their way out of Iwa's borders, their bodies were reaching their limits but they can't very well rest; even if it kills them they can't rest because every single moment they spent here is every single moment their comrades die; that's why no one, not even royalties like Fugaku Hiashi and Mikoto complain, even if these almost no resting constant running test their and possibly surpass the limits they still have to keep running, they have to get the antidote to medical squad of Konoha on Suna border and faster they do it the more lives they save.

"*Huff*Huff," alright kids*huff*huff* after this, we will enter suna border; same as before we will be attacked constantly so we will need to hurry back to konoha's camp, that's why we will rest here for 30 minutes; one thing all of you need to know is suna is different from iwa while iwa is more of a head on attack type of village; suna is the village of assassins with all these sand around, it makes even better situation for them; their assassination techniques involves puppetry and wind jutsus with all the poison mixed around it's better if we don't touch them, or get hit by them we can't use the antidote on our self we have to give it to the medical squad so that they can make antidotes in bunches, any question"

A hand rose

"Yes, Hiashi"

"No touching means no taijutsu? and what about the guys who are already infected can we touch them"

"Yes, no touching means no taijutsu; even though I know it will severely reduce your effectiveness since the entire Hyuuga clan is famous for its taijutsu, but until we get the antidote through medical squad... no taijutsu; also even though I don't know whether touching already infected people will spread it or not; but if I have to make orders, I will say don't touch them, any other question"

"Alright since there is no question, let's rest and eat something, we have a hard fight ahead"

Renji came to Sakumo where he was resting and sat beside him

"I guess there are more questions"

Renji just chuckled at that, "You could say it, but it's not related what you said right now"

"What is it"

"Third Kazekage died, lady Chiyo is pulling the strings and made the war but someone as old as her won't be a new kazekage; there is a kazekage that lady Chiyo is controlling like a puppet, do you have an idea who is it"

(A Better way to understand it, Lady Chiyo is the female form of Danzo, who think of gaining power in the name of protecting the village)

"I don't, but if I have to take a guess, then I would say it's their general rasa; he fit everything for being a new Kazekage and his respect for lady Chiyo is too high, so he is easy to be controlled as well"

"Woah, I didn't know that generals could become Kages"

"This is not a normal phenomena, no single village like their general, gone, that's why; there are always two kage level in a hidden village first being a kage himself and second being their general, in Suna's case first one being lady Chiyo who by every right should have become Kazekage but her age forbid her doing so; and second being their general rasa; I guess if they have any other choice rasa would have never become the kage"

"But then, shouldn't our village have won the war with them just like that?"

Yes, but theirs lady Chiyo played a great move and start a world war and put Iwa on our tail with Kumo and Kiri on potential danger zone as well, with this do you think we can send our general or our full force against them, we are on the verge of losing our territory because we can only send 30% of our true army, no matter how weak they become but they are still one of 5 great hidden village; losing one kazekage won't weaken them so much that 30% of our army can take them on head-on, after they win the war they would join Iwa and crush us borrowing their strength Kiri will take the chance of our moment of weakness and crush us from the third side with Kumo and Kiri hatred they will start the war at our village destroying entire Konoha"

"That's an entirely elaborated plan, this lady Chiyo is scary, but even if we join the fight how do we fight I mean we can't very well defeat a kage"

"This time we are not alone kid, Jiraiya is a Sannin for a reason with lady Chiyo getting older he can take her on; as for rasa, we have Hyuuga head Hiashi's father, as well as Uchiha head, Fugaku father; with me joining we have 4 jonin commander with me surpassing the entire rank of jonin commanders; and you are also on the verge of being jonin commander; you are also an Uzumaki who are practically the bans of bijju with their adamantine chains, alongside the antidote that can kill their poison, sand ninjas don't stand a chance against us"

Renji: "They thought of everything but they made a mistake, underestimating the sannin Tsunade didn't they?"

Sakumo: "Any one of the single variable, can change the entire tide of war, this time the variable was Tsunade it was practically all her who won us the fight"

"What about Sasori, do we need to reveal his plan to them? even though rasa is being controlled like a puppet, he is not really a puppet; someone hurting their third kazekage will be punished being her grandchild or not"

"I agree but we are not sure if it's Sasori who did it; not to mention being her grandchild have its perks, we don't have the proof and we can't very well search for it with Suna on our neck like this"

"So, we are going to fight like a puppet?"

"Sigh, even I don't like dancing at another person tune, but this time we have no choice we have to fight head-on like the idiots"

"RENJI, SENSEI FOOD IS READY!!!", came the voice of Mikoto who prepared whatever food she can make without lightning the fire

"Let's eat kid we are heading to borders after this, this war we are going to or should I say have to win it"

Renji: "To protect the innocents"

Sakumo: "To protect the innocence"

[Some of you might complain this is going the same way as Uzumaki Yurei, Well that's true, The basic idea behind the two stories, is basically the same, Last time, I tried to write Yurei again, but people said that there were too many plotholes and the story is not capting anymore, like it was the first time, so I changed the story completely and this thing comes out]

[Since I lost my account of Drinking Water, I can't write using that account, but I can always make a new one, no biggie]

[Lastly, If anyone likes my work Please give Reviews, and Comments, once the story is famous enough, Stones will come automatically, and the story will become famous]

[Both stories are mine, No plagiarism there]