
Graviton (Tensura)

Support me or read ahead on: https://www.p@treon.com/theogbasilisk My discord: https://discord.gg/VxR5Gn72Fp This is another Tensura FanFiction of mine. Our MC is reincarnated to a fictional world some may know quite well, but he is unlucky enough, or lucky enough depending on your point of view to become a Stray Otherworlder in the Cardinal World. This will likely have a Harem. This is a cross post from another site.

theogbasilisk · アニメ·コミックス
5 Chs

Chapter 1: Graviton

Snippet 1: Graviton

Disclaimer: I do not own the original setting.

Chapter 1: Graviton


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I continued to walk at a brisk pace towards the Grimoire Tower, the place where I can finally have a chance to change my fate. It only took fifteen years to get here.

The world of Black Clover may look like all fun and games at first, but it really isn't. Without a sufficiently strong Magic and a high-level Grimoire the common Magic Knight is practically doomed.

When you know the future of the world you begin to become quite paranoid and look for ways to ensure your survival. I'm sure anyone in my situation would do something similar.

When you know there are Devils out there capable of destroying entire stars, and others capable of matching that level of power, the majority would want to reach the same level of strength, if only to ensure one's safety.

Of course I'm not delusional enough to believe I can reach that the most special and gifted are capable of that. I simply wish to get my grimoire and then retire somewhere in peace and live out the rest of my life.

If the world is doomed then hey, what could I have done about it? In the grand scheme of things, I'm not all that special; sure, one can argue the chances of getting reincarnated into a world that you previously thought was fictional makes you pretty special. I used to think the same, at least until I realized what a death trap this world was.

When the Wizard King himself is secretly a trojan horse, even if unwillingly you begin to want to stay far far away from that cesspit, not to mention if I wanted to actually become someone who matters, those nobles will interfere. It just sounds like a pain in the ass.

The Wizard King is said to be the strongest Wizard in the country, my country being the Clover Kingdom. And such a claim is not wrong, I've watched that man perform some absurd feats from the comfort of my TV screen.

Reverse time, stop someone's time, reverse his own time, he was a master at his craft even if he only got so far due to his contract with Astaroth, the Time Devil.

Not to mention, the other captains were monsters in their own right.

Each Kingdom has its own variations of Magic, while the staple of a grimoire is kept almost all around some Kingdoms have developed their magics differently.

Still, if I have my way, I'll just hide out in the Clover Kingdom and wait for things to pass. I'll probably explore the Kingdom a bit, meet new people, and see the world but my end plan is to find somewhere nice and peaceful to settle down.

It may be cowardly but I can accept that, I have no stakes here. I'm an orphan, I have no loved ones to protect, and I don't care all that much about leaving descendants other than the actual process of creating those descendants.

But I'm sure I can get laid anywhere. I'm quite the attractive guy after all. I have blonde hair, a lean physique, and blood-red eyes.

My eyes definitely aren't standard but eh, what can you do?

Some of the kids growing up tried to bully me for it, after all when they see something different they target it, but I was able to easily brush them off. They eventually stopped after they realized their attempts weren't getting any sort of reaction out of me.

I didn't really have any friends either seeing as it was quite hard to relate to anyone when I was years older than the other kids.

I had an alright relationship with my caretaker at the church but that was it. We weren't extremely close or anything, she took care of me and I made sure to do some chores and not cause problems.

It didn't take me long until I was able to see the Grimoire Tower in the distance. The Tower itself was made out of brick. I assume it is filled to the brim with Grimoires.

Many other hopeful youths were also on their way to the Tower alongside me. Some likely had aspirations of becoming Magic Knights and becoming heroes. While others might just hope for a grimoire that can help manage the farm.

It didn't take me long to enter the Grimoire Tower and even knowing what I would see I was still astonished by the sheer amount of Grimoires all around us.

There was one massive bookshelf that surrounded the entire room and went all the way up to the ceiling packed with grimoires.

In the center of the room, there was a raised platform with a podium, I assume that's where the Tower Master will show up.

"Wow, so many!" I heard some kid yell.

"Yeah, each one of them will belong to someone too!"

Everyone was chattering as we waited for the Tower Master to show up and begin the ceremony.

Even I was feeling incredibly eager, I had no clue what Magic attribute I have, but I have high hopes.

It didn't take long for an old man to appear

"Welcome, young men and women. You will all take a massive step forward today. Today is when you gain true access to Magic!" The old man proclaimed.

It is possible to use Magic without a grimoire, it's just that you can't use it at a very high level.

"I wish you all faith, hope, and love. I am the master of this Grimoire Tower. There have been a few Wizards who have become Magic Knights from this area, and I am hopeful that some of you will continue this tradition."

The old man cleared his throat. "Ahem, now it is time to begin the awarding of the grimoires!"

The moment he finished speaking a multitude of grimoires floated out from their positions on the shelf. They each floated to their new masters, and for a moment I was worried I wouldn't get one.

Now I wasn't manaless like Asta, nor was I a prodigy like Yuto, I was quite average in fact, but a guy will still worry.

I watched a specific grimoire as it slowly floated towards me. I could feel it in my bones, that was my grimoire.

"Woah! Mine is big!"

"Heh, but mine is bigger!" I stifled a snort, hearing the kids bickering.

The moment I had my grimoire in my hands, I felt as if a new world opened up to me. I could immediately tell what my Magic Attribute was and that only made me giddy for the future.

Because my attribute with a lot of work can lead me to become one of the most powerful Wizards in existence.

Gravity is an extremely powerful attribute, in fact, one of the three rulers of the Underworld utilizes Gravity Magic.

It can be used to create black holes, increase or decrease gravity, and enhance the force behind physical attacks, the possibilities are endless!

Grimoires help their masters cast specific spells that are far in advance of their own natural magical abilities. Grimoires are also made of mana and dissipate once their masters have passed on so someone else generally cannot make use of another's grimoire.

Grimoires can even come in different sizes and have a varying amount of pages. It depends on the pages how many spells you can learn.

If someone has one page, they can learn one spell.

Of course, they could still cast spells through their own abilities, it is just far more difficult.

My grimoire was dark red with three clovers, which is average. It had a decent amount of pages as well so I won't need to worry about that.

Currently, I only have a single ability available to me: the ability to manipulate gravity to an extremely limited level.

I am not even capable of making myself fly, the most I can do is likely lift up a fairly light item and float it around.

It might not be much, but it is something.

I am still adamant about not going to the capital of the Clover Kingdom to stay away from that huge mess. But hey, maybe learning Magic on the side could become something fun.

At the very least it will be helpful for my daily life, after all Magic Beasts exist. I may one day need to defend myself against them.

Besides, if someday I find something or someone I want to protect, having the strength to do it will be necessary.

I may be considered cowardly for running away from the plot but I refuse to let a loved one die due to my cowardice. If I had one thing, one person I wanted to protect in this world I'm sure that I wouldn't have hesitated in going to the capital to become a Magic Knight, no matter the risks.

Because while it may be dangerous it is by far the best place to become stronger.

Seeing as my business was done, I promptly left the Tower and began making the journey back to my village, grimoire in hand. Thankfully, it is incredibly close by, so I don't need any extra supplies.

Once I pack everything up, I plan to leave to explore the world, and hopefully find some place to settle down.

I just don't want to die in case this world is doomed having done nothing.

I want to live a little, I don't want to know I wasted my second life hiding out due to fear.

So I'll stay away from the main plot, but that doesn't mean I can't have a little fun, right?

Heh, I remember Mereoleona Vermillion, the sister of the Captain of the Crimson Lion squad tends to hang out outside the capital.

She might be fun to meet.

As I was thinking of hot muscle mommies, I tripped and fell. Except I didn't land on the ground, I just kept falling.

All of a sudden a weird feeling undertook my body, it felt as if I was being remade.

What the fuck is happening?!

Come on, did this seriously have to happen right after I got my grimoire?

Is one of those kids pranking me or something?

Unfortunately, that thought soon drifted out of my mind as I continued falling.

All of a sudden, an absurdly massive amount of energy began enveloping me. Thanks to my somewhat trained sense, I could tell it was some sort of mana-like energy.

I could feel my body being broken apart, the pain was excruciating.

Request Accepted.


Pain Resistance acquisition successful.

Is this how my second life ends? To some prank by a stupid kid?

Fuck I didn't even get to learn any new Magics! I was so eager to begin experimenting with Gravity Magic too!

Request Accepted.


Extra Skill: Magic Manipulation acquisition successful.

Extra Skill: Magic Sense acquisition successful.

I didn't even get to live this life out to its fullest, no harem, no lovers, no friends, and no real dreams.

What a sad life.

Request Accepted.


Extra Skill: Destined Guide acquisition successful.

The untold tale of Altair ends here, huh?

And with that, I fell unconscious.

Additional abilities detected within the host.


Unique Skill: Graviton acquisition successful.

Unique Skill: Wise Grimoire acquisition successful.

I woke up with a gasp.

I'm alive!

I was lying in a grassy field of some sort.

Hahaha, I'm alive!

'Answer. Yes, the Master is alive.'

What the fuck!?

Who is that?!

'Answer. The Unique Skill: Wise Grimoire.'

….Unique Skill?


'By any chance, do I have any Extra Skills?'

'Answer. The Master has the Extra Skill: Magic Manipulation and Extra Skill: Destined Guide.'

Oh fuck. Oh fuck, I'm doomed!

Okay, calm down, maybe I'm mistaken. Maybe I haven't been thrown into this terrifying world.

Yup, this is all a dream, hopefully, I'll wake up soon.

I pinched my arm and was extremely happy when I didn't feel anything. Maybe this is all a dream after all.

'Notice. That is due to the Skill Pain Resistance.'

Of course.

Okay, well, I have one way to confirm my situation.

'Wise Grimoire, that's your name, right?'


'Okay, could you tell me the name of this world?'

'Answer. The world the Master is currently in is known as the Cardinal World.'



I was able to eventually get myself together, admittedly it took longer than it should have, but no one can blame me. When you are stuck in a world with monsters like Rimuru Tempest, Guy Crimson, and the True Dragons, I think it's fairly normal to panic.

Not to mention the big bads, Michael and Feldway.

Each one of those people mentioned could erase me with a look. Not something I particularly want to happen after almost dying a second time without having accomplished anything.

At the very least, before they erase me, I'd like to live a little, and who knows, maybe if things go the right way, I can become pretty strong myself.

I have all the tools necessary to do so, Wise Grimoire on its own is broken. Rimuru would not have gotten anywhere near as far as he did without Great Sage, and I have something equal to that.

Not to mention, I know this world very well, knowledge can help you a lot in this world. I know the higher limits of this world, and I know somewhat how to reach that level.

In this case, it is almost necessary to become somewhat strong, after all fodder in this world is casually killed without a second thought.

One day, I may be living my life, and the next moment the entire kingdom I'm in may be destroyed.

Being weak is a sin in this world, if you have the opportunity to become strong in this world it's in your best interest to take it.

I have an actual chance of becoming someone in this world.

Skills have various ranks, from Common to Extra, to Unique, and then to Ultimate, while Intrinsic Skills can vary.

At the very top, Ultimate Skills allow you to basically control the very laws of nature, they allow you to override certain aspects of reality with your own vision, giving you absolute dominion over an aspect of reality.

Wise Grimoire is really just my grimoire that was manifested as a Skill, a Unique Skill at that.

I can summon it and use it to help me utilize my Magics and Skills, it can even cast Magic on its own. It's basically like a second person always helping me in a fight.

Along with that, whenever it is summoned, it provides an overall boost to all my magical capabilities.

And then, on top of that, it is a supercomputer inside of my head that allows me to comprehend the world in ways I couldn't have even dreamed of before.

I can use Thought Acceleration to accelerate my thoughts by 1,000x through it as well as analyze a target to determine how strong they are along with a multitude of other things.

One of the most useful sub-skills by far is All of Creation, it allows me to comprehend anything as long as I have an extremely basic understanding of it and I can perceive it.

I can use All of Creation to easily replicate all sorts of Magics that I see, which on its own is extremely useful seeing as I don't have a teacher or anywhere to learn.

Something I'm planning on fixing soon enough.

Even without a teacher, I can use a variety of Elemental Magic fairly easily due to my Extra Skill: Magic Manipulation, which allows me to manipulate Magic Power at an extremely high level.

Magic Power is what is used to manipulate almost every single supernatural energy in this world, from Magicules to Holy Power to Spiritrons.

However, Humans have a large disadvantage when compared to non-humans, normally Humans have an incredibly small tolerance for Magicules. They have to rely on manipulating the Magicules already present in the world which is an incredibly difficult skill to learn. Most abandon the path of learning Magic and rather focus on developing their bodies utilizing Aura and Battlewill.

Along with that, the already minuscule amounts of Magicules Humans possess are used to reward Humans with Skills.

After all, gaining a Skill has a cost; you permanently lose some of your Magicules.

Thankfully, I do not possess nearly as large of a disadvantage as normal Humans, as thanks to Magic Manipulation, I can easily utilize the Magicules already present in the world to do my bidding.

Then my Extra Skill: Destined Guide might be the most underwhelming but the most comforting.

Thanks to Destined Guide the world subtly manipulates the strings of fate to guide me to my happy ending. What that happy ending is I have no clue, but it is comforting knowing that eventually, everything will work out as long as I continue to follow the path in front of me.

I'm not sure what it means exactly when my Skill tells me the world is ensuring my happy ending as long as I take the hints. After all, does that mean the Voice of the World is guiding me?

Who knows?

My last Extra Skill, Magic Sense, with this I can use Magic Power as an extra sense to perceive the surrounding Magicules and even see a full 360 degrees around me.

By observing the fluctuation of light and sound waves, this data can be processed and converted into perceptible data, allowing me to see and hear my surroundings.

With this, I can see in complete darkness as if it were bright as day and can continue fighting even if I go blind.

I can even look at myself from a third-person view, sort of like a video game character which was a bit trippy.

I also don't need to worry about learning any languages thanks to Magic Sense. It allows me to understand and express the intent of spoken words by deciphering sound waves that have willful meaning stored inside them, even if the language itself is unknown to me.

The downside is that it can cause a normal human brain to fry itself if the Human does not have enough processing power.

Thankfully I don't need to worry about that seeing as Wise Grimoire can handle all that for me.

Then finally, my most combat-oriented Skill, Graviton, basically allows me to manipulate Gravity to my whims.

I can manipulate Gravity at a far higher level than what I could even dream of doing back in the Clover Kingdom, so I'm not complaining too much.

I can tell I can create a miniature Black Hole if I wanted to, I just need to supply enough Magicules.

This Skill alone has propelled me to heights that few are capable of matching back in the Clover Kingdom.

With the combination of Wise Grimoire and Graviton, I'd say I'm pretty damn powerful already.

Nothing compared to Ultimate Skill wielders, but I am something.

Of course, I haven't actively tested my new Skill other than using it to fly so maybe I'm just being delusional. But from what I remember of this world, the majority of people won't stand a chance against me.

There is a reason Otherworlders are so wanted: Unique Skills are absolutely busted in their own ways.

And I have an incredible amount of potential. The only other Human Otherworlder who got as many Unique Skills at the start was Hinata Sakaguchi, also known as one of the individuals involved in creating the persona known as Chronoa.

In fact, I could probably head to the Eastern Empire and live an incredibly lavish life if I wanted to, though I'd prefer to stay as far away from Michael as possible.

Besides, going to the Eastern Empire sounds incredibly risky, sure I will immediately be awarded a high-up military rank with the potential to get higher, maybe even into the Single Digits but there is far too high of a chance of gaining the attention of beings that I am not prepared to deal with.

Who I may not ever be prepared to deal with.

There are far too many ways going to the Eastern Empire can go wrong.

Still, I better get moving, I am still a Human all things considered so I should follow the Rule of 3.

I can survive 3 hours without shelter so I need to find shelter first. 3 days without water, and then 3 weeks without food.

I was currently in an open field of some kind, I couldn't see any signs of civilization, I'm just hoping I didn't land in one of the Demon Lords' territories.

That could be potentially catastrophic.

I began experimenting with Graviton to lightly float myself. Flying was a weird experience, that was for sure.

I began moving myself around, which was fairly easy, all things considered.

Having a Unique Skill based on Gravity is incredibly useful for these kinds of things.

It didn't take me long to get the hang of flying, and with Wise Grimoire's help I was able to master the ability to fly fairly easily.

I began flying in a random direction, hopefully, I could find a road of some kind, that would lead me somewhere with other Humans.

I dodged to the side, avoiding the mad dash of the weird armored spider.

I was thankfully able to find a road of some sort shortly after I began looking, unfortunately, the place where the road led was an abandoned village.

At that point, it was getting quite dark, and I felt it was wise to just camp out in one of the abandoned homes until daybreak.

They had a well so I was thankfully able to get some water fairly easily all things considered.

Unfortunately, my stupid ass didn't stop to think of why the village was abandoned. A foolish mistake that could get me killed in a world like this.

Thankfully, I haven't been punished too hard yet due to my mistake.

"Ugh, can't you just let me go?" I politely asked the spider.

Going by its mad screech, I think that's a no. Our fight ended up leading us into the nearby forest so I don't have to worry about harming the village, after all, it may be abandoned now but maybe the villagers will return.

Still, I barely know how to properly fight as is, I've mostly been relying on Wise Grimoire to help me dodge.

I have no clue if I can take this guy, after all, I don't even know what this spider really is. It's obviously a Magic Beast of some kind, but I don't know exactly how strong it is.

I can tell it has access to more Magicules than me due to its own natural Magicule Capacity as a Magic Beast but that's all.

I don't know its fighting capability at all.

I'd rather not push its buttons if I can get away.

"Alright dickhead, I gave you a chance."

Well, I guess it's time to draw on the power of anime!

It's probably best if I don't attempt to create a miniature Black Hole. If I am unable to control it I may be fucked.

And I have no real combat experience so it's best not to do anything risky.

Aha, I know.

I jumped backward to put some distance between the spider and I, and then I held my right palm out.

"Shinra Tensei!"

I used Graviton to release a repulsion force from the palm of my hand, I put everything I could into this one attack, if it doesn't work then fuck it, I'm going to run, or rather fly for my life.

Hopefully, the spider can't chase me in the air.

The moment I released the repulsion force I could tell I had overdone it.

The spider immediately disintegrated, not being capable of handling so much force applied to it at once, but not just that, the entire area in front of me was destroyed.

The trees directly in the direction of my palm were mostly destroyed while the ones further back were uprooted and sent flying away. Dirt was kicked up all over, and I assume quite a bit of natural wildlife was destroyed.

I really overdid it.

I didn't think Graviton allowed me to cause this much damage, sure I put everything I had into it but still. It just feels a little unreal that I did this, I caused all this destruction. I realize now it was foolish to underestimate the ability to manipulate one of the fundamental forces of reality. I had subconsciously believed that the higher-level feats were beyond me.

This Shinra Tensei wasn't even anything special compared to what else I could theoretically do with Graviton.

I clenched my fists. I could feel the sheer power lying dormant inside this new body of mine.

I may have had some sort of ambition to become powerful in this world, if only for my own self-preservation, but to see the fruits of my own power was almost unreal.

"You can come out now." I said to what appears to be the open air.

I'm not quite sure why my Magic Sense wasn't able to pick up this person but Wise Girmoire was able to easily detect them.

After all, everyone has their own gravitational pull, no matter how miniscule. And my Unique Skill: Graviton happens to specialize in that department.

"How interesting, I should have been completely concealing myself." A feminine voice commented.

I turned around to see who my mysterious perpetrator was.

The moment I saw the mask however I knew, I knew why I couldn't sense her with Magic Sense.

The Anti-Magic Mask, a mask surrounded by mystery due to time shenanigans.

Thankfully the one currently wearing it isn't the Time Hero Chronoa, after all, Shizu Izawa wears a different outfit than Chronoa, if it was Chronoa I would have no clue what to do.

After all, what if I wasn't in Chronoa's previous timelines? Would she kill me for being someone who could mess everything up? Would she help me in the hopes that I could save her beloved Rimuru?

I have no clue, and it is far too risky to find out.

Still, it is best to be cautious, even if I am quite certain that this is Shizu.

"Hello miss, can I help you?" I asked, wearing a mask of politeness. Magic Sense is already proving its worth, I wouldn't even be able to properly communicate without it.

She shook her head. "No need to worry, I'm not going to harm you. That Magic Beast you killed was the one I had taken an extermination quest for. An A Rank extermination quest in particular."

I bowed my head politely. "Ah, sorry for stealing your kill then miss." If I had to suck up to her then I would. After all this Shizu may be vastly different from the one I recall.

It would be foolish to assume the real world and a fictional book are going to be exactly the same.

"No need to apologize. Though if you don't mind me asking, are you an Otherworlder?"

I looked at Shizu suspiciously, I'm sure my acting wasn't the best but I am surprised she found out so quickly.

She giggled lightly. "Ah, that cautiousness will likely save your life quite a few times." Shizu then took off her mask, allowing me to confirm that I was indeed in the presence of Shizu Izawa, the Conqueror of Flames.

"My name is Shizu Izawa, and I'm an Otherworlder like you."

I sighed seeing no reason to hide my status as an Otherworlder anymore I introduced myself.

"My name is Altair, no last name."

"I see, well why don't we resume this conversation elsewhere Altair? Some more powerful Magic Beasts may soon show up due to the attention you attracted with that attack of yours."

Ah shit, I didn't think of that. Though I think that was more my own ignorance of this world than sheer idiocy.

I nodded and followed her back towards the village. Once we were inside one of the free cabins Shizu snapped her fingers and created a Barrier of some sort around the house.

I tensed up slightly but decided to hope and pray this was the canon Shizu.

Though if Shizu wanted to harm me I'm sure she could have already. Ifrit is not to be messed with after all.

Still, it's best to be safe.

'Wise Grimoire, can you figure out a way for me to get out of this Barrier should it be necessary?'

'Answer. It is doable.'


"Now allow me to confirm, you are a Stray Otherworlder right?" She asked.

I looked at her in confusion. "Stray Otherworlder?" It's best to play the part of the clueless Otherworlder.

Maybe if I play my cards right she may take me to a nearby kingdom so I can get myself situated.

"Ah, that's right. A Stray Otherworlder is someone who has arrived in this world by accident rather than through a Summoning like most." She informed.

I nodded. "Then yes, I was making my way back to my village when I tripped and somehow appeared in a grassy field."

She nodded in understanding.

"I see, then you have a few options. One I can take you to the Free Guild which is run by one of my students. He can help you get situated in this world and even provide you with a job should you desire one."

That's Yuuki. Yeah, I'd rather stay out of that guy's crosshairs for as long as I can.

Not only does he have some broken ass abilities but he also has a significant amount of resources available to him.

"And my second option?" I asked.

She gave me a smile. "You can become one of my students. I may not look it but I am quite strong when compared to the average adventurer."

I looked at her with a slight bit of suspicion. I knew that she was a kind-hearted person, but why would she offer to take me as a student out of the blue? I doubt she had even got a read on my personality.

This just seems to be too good to be true.

My knowledge of canon is likely actively making me more suspicious than I really should be but I can't help it.

Caution is always your friend in worlds like these.

"Why would you do that for me?" I asked.

She tilted her head slightly. "You have a Unique Skill no?"

I nodded in response.

Shizu nodded in satisfaction. "I can tell there is potential in you, who knows, you may grow to be the next great Hero." I stifled a laugh hearing that. Me a Hero?

"And besides, if I can help someone with their journey in this world why shouldn't I? Someone once did the same for me and in return, she only asked that if I came across a similar opportunity that I would take it."

I see, so Chronoa asked that of her huh?

That I can understand.

"I see." I then politely bowed to her. "Then would you please teach me?" I requested.

Such an opportunity is a once-in-a-lifetime kind of thing. Shizu Izawa has been around for centuries, and the amount of knowledge and connections she possesses is immense.

Everyone has to start somewhere on the road to strength, and this start isn't all that bad.

She gave me a smile. "Call me Teacher."

And that started my journey with the Conqueror of Flames, Shizu Izawa.


I have a Discord server, come hang out if you want! /VxR5Gn72Fp I also have a channel in Shiro's Gaming Omniverse.

Beta Reader: LuluViBritania (FF.N, SB, WN and QQ)/-LuluViB|99th Britannian Emperor(Discord)

Author's Note:

Sup guys, I just had this idea pop up and decided to make a snippet.

We have our MC reborn in Black Clover and then get isekai'ed to Tensura, it really wasn't his day.

I'm not really sure where I am going to take this, hell this might never be updated again.

But still, I hope you guys enjoyed it.

Support me if you want to read ahead on pat reon *.com* / theogbasilisk