
Fobela Taki-Taki

"Uh, what are you doing?" George asked. He agreed to accompany Diego on his quest to find the treasure though he was a bit disappointed with the mediocre reaction. He was expecting him to maybe do a happy dance or leap in joy or at least get excited just like how he was so passionate in recruiting him, but no. If anything, he looked devastated.

And now, the person in question was doing this weird set up in front of the enormous, rusty gate that hasn't been used in ages. Still at the Bonaville North Cemetery.

On either side of the gate was a stone statue of a short and plump old man chugging a bottle of beer. Grinning like an excited kid who received his first ever birthday present. He was wearing a loose robe that was way too oversized for him.

It has been a decade since people stopped burying bodies in this cemetery. There was no more space left. And the statues have been neglected. Moss, mildew, and molds have infested them due to constant exposure to moisture and heat.

"We're going to Phulas, my friend."

A curious thing since George agreed was Diego suddenly becoming so obsessed about friendship and camaraderie. Saying stuff like, "A good friend will listen to all your rants."

And yes. George finds him weird contrary to his first impression.

"I know that but are we having a picnic or something? Because that's how it looks to me. Besides, where did you even get all these? I mean, how'd you do that?"

Diego carried nothing except for a purse made of crocodile skin. In George's estimate, he could only fit one of his hands in it, (barely), yet for some reason, Diego was able to pull out a picnic mat, a bottle of booze, and a block of cheese and some crackers. Something that should have been impossible.

"You don't know a thing about this guy, do you?" Diego asked. Obviously referring to the stone statue.

"Well, I know a bit. I was never interested in the first place. But I'm not sure. This guy's story has a lot of versions for some reason. And you didn't answer my question by the way."

"Tell me," Diego urged him as he pulled a used mourning candle from his purse.

"Err, well, in the version I am most familiar with, it was said he was Fobela Taki-Taki. An old man who drinks a lot, parties a lot, and laughs a lot. It was pretty contagious according to a lot of people.

"But uh, he suddenly disappeared. Rumor has it he drowned while island hopping alone, he's always alone. But nobody really knows. In some versions, they said he killed himself. Saying that people who laugh the most are the saddest bunch."

"Well, I can't disagree with the first half but the latter is bullshit. Who said he was dead? But is that all you know though? Why do you think people made this statue of him and put it in the cemetery specifically? They could've put it elsewhere. Like at the square or something." Diego said. Still not answering George's question about the purse.

"Uh, I purposely omitted that part because I thought it was stupid. But are you saying he's alive?"

"Tell me," Diego urged him again.

George was baffled. 'Why's he so insistent on this topic?'

But he still answered nonetheless.

"According to some versions. Very few, mind you. That he suddenly disappeared not because he died, but because he became the guardian of the dead or something."

"Close enough," Diego said while patting his green robe. George noticed the embroidered owl at Diego's back using silver thread. He thought it was pretty.

"Please, have a seat, George. And from this point onward, I will show you something amazing so I hope you are ready."

"Okay?" Still confused but George decided to follow for now.

He sat cross-legged across from Diego.

Diego took out a match and lit the candle.

To George, it just looked like a normal candle. But to Diego and his kind, it was indispensable.

Gray smoke exploded from it. And while it wasn't scented or anything. Just the normal scent of paraffin wax but George finds the smell somehow… stimulating?

But it didn't stop there. The smoke continued to spread around them until it resembled fog. He suddenly wants to sleep. He felt light and fluffy. The sensation was akin to the relief you feel when you orgasm. But instead of just the thing between your legs, he felt it all over his body.

"Puwaaa! Stretching on this side really hits the spot." Then they suddenly heard a voice. It was coming from above them.

George looked up and his eyes almost popped out of their sockets when he saw the statue moved. No. That wasn't quite right. Rather, the statue became a human! It was alive!

Fobela Taki-Taki is alive!

The old man let out a hearty laugh before he jumped in their direction.

Fobela smelt of liquor and was eyeing the booze on the mat. Then he stared at Diego. Then to George. Then back to Diego.

"I know this one," he said while looking at Diego. "But I can't remember you," he said to George. "Which year did you die?"

But before he could hear a response, George suddenly fainted.