
Royal Ancient Texts

The next day, when Nalan Ruoshui saw Frank again, she was shocked to find that the man standing in front of her seemed to be a different person.Frank's appearance is still so ordinary, but that faint smile, deep eyes. It seems that there is an unspeakable temperament.


"Have you regained your strength?"


"No, why would you ask that?"


"I feel something has happened to you," said Nalan Ruoshui. "You seem to have a different temperament.Isn't it because you've regained your strength?


Startled, Frank quickly gathered his strength and said with a smile, "How could that be possible?"


Nalan Ruoshui regained his calm look and said, "Maybe it's my illusion. Well, I'll continue to do acupuncture for you."


This time the acupuncture lasted for an hour, and after Nalan Ruoshui left, Frank hurriedly urged the True Qi of the whole body to circulate in the hundred vessels.But the effect is far less than the first time.


He opened his eyes and breathed a sigh of relief. "It seems that there is really no shortcut to martial arts!" He said.


Since then, Nalan Ruoshui has come almost every day, but not every time, he sometimes hits the acupoints of Frank's whole body.In order to activate the True Qi in his body.Slowly, the two gradually became familiar with each other, and Nalan Ruoshui was no longer as indifferent as before, and occasionally chatted with him.


Frank learned from the conversation that although Nalan Ruoshui was a member of Qishi Mansion, he seldom lived here and usually lived at home.Her father was an official in the court, and his position was not too low, and she herself and Chu Yue were friends from childhood to adulthood.As a result, she was able to frequent the Royal Registry, from which she learned most of her medical skills.


When he heard Nalan Ruoshui mention the royal books, Frank's eyes lit up, and he knew there must be a lot of precious ancient books there.Perhaps there was a record of ten thousand years ago, and he was excited to think of it.


"Miss Nalan, you are really a prodigy. Most of your excellent medical skills are self-taught. It's really admirable."


"Actually, it's nothing," said Nalan Ruoshui lightly. "Anyone can do it if they are willing to work hard."


"I can't do it," Frank sighed. "I'm a mountain man. I don't even know the words. How can I learn those things in books?"


Nalan Ruoshui said in surprise, "You.." Can't you read?


Yes, I don't know a word. I can't even write my own name.At this point, Frank looked a little lonely. Although it was a lie, he had some true feelings.


I was an orphan. I was abandoned in the mountains. A kind old hunter picked me up and adopted me.I didn't go to school to read because of the shortage of money.When I was sixteen years old, my adoptive father left me, and my sky has been gray ever since.


My adoptive father not only raised me and gave me the warmth of my family, but also taught me some martial arts skills.But how much strength can a boy of sixteen have? When I was hunting in the mountains,Run away again and again under the claws of wild animals. In winter, the snow is knee-deep, but I have no shoes to wear.He could only shiver in his thin clothes and hide in a humble hut where the cold wind was raging.


No warmth, no food.. I can only beg God to stop the snowstorm as soon as possible. During the long winter,Sometimes I can only eat food once every six or seven days, and it is the kind neighbor who saves it from his own living rations.Give alms to my..


I once fell ill from hunger and cold, and once my neighbors didn't see me go out for a long time, so they broke into the humble hut my adoptive father had left behind.I had been in a coma for many days, and the neighbors said,At that time, I kept shouting in my mouth: "Mom …" Mom But I know that I will never have a mother in my life.There was only one godfather..


Frank wiped the tears from his face and said, "I'm sorry, Miss Nalan. I made you laugh. I was so excited."It's hard to extricate oneself for a while..


Nalan Ruoshui had a mist in his eyes and said softly, "I'm the one who said I'm sorry. I reminded you of the sad past.".I'm sorry, I didn't know you had such a rough past.


"It's nothing. The bitter past makes me appreciate the happiness I have now."


Women are good by nature, and Frank's "tragic past" fills Nalan Ruoshui's heart with a sour taste."Master Chen," she said softly, "do you want to learn to read? I can teach you.


"Really?" Frank was overjoyed, which he expected, but he was somewhat ashamed that he had won sympathy with his lies.


Of course it's true. I'll give you acupuncture in the morning and teach you to read in the afternoon.At this moment, Nalan Ruoshui's face is no longer as plain and indifferent as usual, but is replaced by a flowery smile.


Frank did not expect this beautiful woman with a cold appearance and a faint temperament of dust to smile so charming.


Women are naturally kind and compassionate, and Nalan Ruoshui was moved by Frank's "unhappy childhood."In the following days, he changed his old coldness, carefully treated his body, and tried every means to restore his strength.At the same time, he carefully taught him to read and write.


Frank felt ashamed and had more respect for this beautiful woman.


More than half a month later, Frank's "condition" had not improved, which surprised Nalan Ruoshui, who had read all the medical classics.But there's nothing I can do.


During this period, Chu Yue came several times, and each time she comforted Frank not to worry.


The little princess has also come secretly several times, of course, each time will not let go of Frank's difficulties, but may feel guilty in the heart.She didn't go too far. Even so, the little devil gave Frank a headache.However, Frank was surprised to see her sneaking around every time.Later, after listening to Nalan Ruoshui's story, I learned that the little devil was hiding from the old witch who studied magic.


The old witch once wanted to accept the little princess as an apprentice, but the little princess was not happy anyway, so she took the martial arts master Zhuge Chengfeng as her teacher.For this matter, the old witch was so angry that she almost had a duel with Zhuge Chengfeng.However, she did not give up the idea of accepting the little princess as a disciple. Every time she saw her, she would "explain her feelings and move her with reason.".The little princess was scared, and every time she came to Qishi Mansion, she would sneak around.


After listening to Nalan Ruoshui's words, Frank laughed wildly. He didn't expect that this evil little witch would also be afraid and frustrated.It is simply an anecdote.


Nalan Ruoshui also showed a faint smile at the corners of her mouth, which could make such an indifferent woman smile.It can be imagined that the little devil must be "notorious" in the imperial capital.


One day, Zhuge Chengfeng, the master of the little princess, was suddenly seriously injured and returned, causing an uproar in the imperial capital.Frank was also surprised that he had seen the peerless cultivation of this great master of martial arts.The great battle between Zhuge Chengfeng and the giant snake is still fresh in his memory.


Zhuge Chengfeng did see the legendary Kirin in the Falling Wind Mountains, and countless practitioners rushed to the Kirin crazily.Everyone wants to tame the mythical beast.Even those who knew they had no hope came forward one after another, wanting to add fuel to the flames and kill the mythical beast, so that they could get a scale and a half claw to go back to refine the medicine.


Zhuge Chengfeng looked on coldly, knowing that the power of the mythical beast was beyond the reach of ordinary people.A holy serpent that failed to turn into a dragon had already stretched him, not to mention the legendary mythical beast.Sure enough, as he expected, the Kirin beast did not panic in the face of the siege of hundreds of people, and it opened its mouth and spewed out a large flame.The temperature of the flames was so high that the first group of people had just rushed up and were burned out.


Zhuge Chengfeng wanted to leave, but Kirin stared at him, and the mythical beast could also sense the strong people in the crowd.It was deeply hostile to the intruders who had broken into the ancient cave and awakened it, and it stepped on the fire.He rushed to Zhuge Chengfeng at the first time.


The battle between Zhuge Chengfeng and the mythical beast was extremely fierce, and countless people who came for the Kirin suffered the disaster of the fish in the pond.Or be pierced by the soaring sword gas, or be burned to ashes by the turbulent flames, countless people died.In the end, Zhuge was defeated by the wind and escaped with serious injuries. He escaped from the Luofeng Mountains in extreme danger.


Only one or two out of ten people managed to escape the dangerous place, which caused a great disturbance on the mainland.More advanced practitioners break into the Fallen Wind Mountains and want to tame the Kirin as a mount.Especially the dragon knights in the western continent, after hearing about this, were far more interested in the Kirin than the dragon.Dozens of powerful dragon knights set off from various countries to the Fallen Wind Mountains.


Zhuge Chengfeng only briefly said the matter once, but the danger can be imagined.That battle must have been much more intense than the one with the serpent.


The little princess was extremely discontented. "It's a pity that I didn't see such a good show," she muttered.It's rare for an old man to make a fool of himself. I didn't see him with my own eyes. Alas!


After Zhuge Chengfeng came back to explain some things, he left in a hurry and hid to heal his wounds.You will be so angry that you can't spit out another mouthful of blood.


Since then, the Kylin incident has been boiling on the mainland for more than a month, and countless practitioners have returned home, until the Kylin disappeared from the Falling Wind Mountains.This matter has just come to an end.


Since Frank's family Xuangong entered the third heaven, he could leave at any time, but at this time he was not in a hurry.Every day, in addition to receiving "treatment," he devotes himself to learning the language commonly used in mainland China.


Time flies, and two months have passed in a twinkling of an eye, but there is still no sign of "recovery" in his strength.But he had mastered the language commonly used in the mainland today, which amazed Nalan Ruoshui.I didn't expect him to have such a talent in writing.


Frank reads all kinds of history books crazily, official history, unofficial history.. He turned it all over.


Every time he thought of the cemetery of gods and demons, he felt a throb in his heart. He had come back from that ancient cemetery, and he was very concerned about its past.Desperate to know all its secrets.Frank has a very strong feeling that the great secret that was unknown ten thousand years ago has not been annihilated in history.Sooner or later, the truth will come out.


He tried to find traces of historical facts ten thousand years ago in the history books, but he was disappointed.All kinds of historical data are limited to major events within five thousand years, which can not be traced back to ten thousand years ago.


Surprised at his interest in history, Nalan Ruoshui couldn't help asking, "Why does Master Chen have such a soft spot for history?"There are so many poems in the Qishi Mansion. How come you've never read them?


Frank smiled awkwardly and said, "Well.." Although poetry and Cifu have a long artistic conception, they can cultivate people's sentiment.But I still feel that history has a more sense of involvement, which makes people feel the tremor of the soul.In the past, I was illiterate, had not read any books, and had never known that the mainland had such a magnificent past.The rise and fall of a powerful empire, the prosperity and decline of an excellent nation.. Five thousand years of ups and downs,Five thousand years of splendor.. Let people sigh with emotion, let people be shocked!


A strange look flashed through Nalan Ruoshui's eyes. "Master Chen has a lot of feelings," he said with a smile. "It seems that he has gained a lot."


Frank felt ashamed for a while, but he didn't expect that he would talk nonsense and say something that seemed to be fruitful.


You've only been literate for two months, and you've already been able to read through the history of the mainland. It's really admirable!With a smile on his face, Nalan Ruoshui praised.


When Frank saw that Nalan was in a good mood at this time, he said what he had already planned in his mind: Miss Nalan,I've read all the history books in the Qishi Mansion. Would you like me to go with you to the Palace Records Room to have a look?


Nalan Ruoshui looked at him in surprise and said, "Are you really that interested in history?"?The official room of the palace was very strict, and I was able to go in because I was a good friend of Princess Yue, and if I brought another person.Difficult, I'm afraid. However, you can give it a try. If you can get Princess Yu to accompany you, things might be easier.


Frank had a headache at the mention of the little devil. He quickly shook his head and said, "No, I'd better read the poems in the Qishi Mansion."


"It doesn't matter. Tomorrow I'll go to see Princess Yu."


No, no.. I'm determined not to read any more. After reading so much history, I have a headache.


"Hehe.." Although Nalanruo was not as cold as ice when he was at the level, he seldom showed a smile, and at the moment his flowery smile was particularly moving.Like rippling spring water, it makes ripples in people's hearts.


Frank was absent for a while, and Nalan Ruoshui's next words interrupted his reverie.


Don't worry, I'll never go to Princess Yu. Even if I want to, I'll go to Princess Yue. Princess Yu is notoriously difficult to deal with.I don't want to get myself into trouble.


Frank laughed and said, "I didn't expect your Highness to be famous. I thought I was the only one who had a headache for her."


In the evening, Frank lay in bed and recalled the experience of the past two months, which was like a drama.He became a hermit in the state of Chu.In the past two months, his greatest achievement was that he learned the common language of the mainland here, and he was completely integrated with the society.


The next day, with a smile on her face, Nalan Ruoshui said to Frank, "Princess Moon has already said hello to the management of the archives."After I give you acupuncture later, you can come with me.


Frank was overjoyed. After the acupuncture, he followed Nalan Ruoshui out of Qishi Mansion.More than a dozen warriors guarded around a luxurious carriage, Nalan Ruoshui beckoned him to get on the carriage together, and Frank thanked him.Smelling the intoxicating fragrance all the way, we soon arrived at the imperial city.


Imperial palace forbidden place, civil officials get off the sedan chair, military officers get off the horse, in addition to the royal family, no one can enjoy special treatment.Inside the palace, palaces and terraces are scattered high and low, magnificent and magnificent.Frank followed Nalan Ruoshui to turn left and right in the palace, and came to a magnificent hall.


The person in charge here is a 40-year-old Hanlin scholar, because Chu Yue informed in advance, so he did not say much.


Classics in the hall are like mountains, but they are scattered, row by row, row by row, neatly stacked.


Frank skips poetry, skips astrology, skips medicine in the sea of stacks.. He went straight to the door of the library marked with history.Looking at the collection of nearly ten thousand books inside, he felt dizzy for a while. How long would he be able to finish reading so many books? It was too much.


He patiently searched in the sea of books. He only looked at the first page of each book. If the content was the history of nearly five thousand years,All of them were "sent home.".


In the following days, Frank and Nalan Ruoshui went back and forth between Qishi Mansion and the Royal Book Room every day.He reads the history books in a boring way every day.


One day, Frank casually pulled out a book from the bookshelf, opened it and saw that it was a modern font. Without thinking, he put it in the same place.But the words on the cover caught his attention, and in the middle of it he pulled his hand back.


He opened the book for a cursory glance, but before long, he was deeply attracted.This is a book about the classification of the strength of practitioners.Although monks, magicians, Eastern warriors and Western warriors have their own criteria for division, in order to compare their strength, they are divided into three categories:From low to high, they are divided into five grades.But the lowest rank mentioned above is also the best of the best, and the people who can get to the top are all powerful people.The average master is not within the scope of this book.


Through the introduction in the book, he has a certain understanding of the strength of the advanced practitioners in the mainland today.


Monks are the most mysterious, because they rarely make a move, the outside world is quite controversial about the division of their strength.Their cultivation realm is simply divided into: foundation building, Qi nourishing, sublimation, elixir formation, and yuanying.However, the book notes that there may be a higher realm above this, and it is said that the highest realm leads directly to the realm of immortality.It's just that no one has seen this kind of person do it.


Magicians can be divided into quasi-magician, middle-level magician, high-level magician, big magician and magician teacher according to their strength.


The cultivation realm of the Eastern martial arts can be divided into: refining essence and transforming qi, innate realm, sword qi out of the body, refining qi and transforming spirit, and spirit solidifying qi.In addition, it is mentioned in the book that someone has gone beyond these five realms, and it is hard to imagine that he can almost communicate with the gods.


Western martial arts can be divided into Swordsmith, Swordmaster, Sword Master, Sword Saint and Sword God according to their strength.In addition, there is a special kind of practitioner among the Western warriors, the Dragon Knight, who combines the overbearing warrior with the powerful dragon.It has super terrible destructive power.According to the strength can be divided into: Dragon Knight, Dragon Knight.


Different types of practitioners are divided into five ranks, so that their strengths are comparable.The strength of the same rank is not much different.But ascetics and magicians have a clear advantage over warriors, when their opponents are weaker than them and below their rank.They can play their own strengths, directly control the vitality between heaven and earth, and carry out a wide range of attacks.Indiscriminate attacks on multiple adversaries.


According to the book, if we divide the ranks of strength, most of the warriors,Have been blocked in the ranks of the master of the door.Although everyone can practice martial arts, the vast majority of people can not practice to a high level.Only a small number of people can be ranked as masters.


Although ascetics and magicians have higher physical requirements, the number of these people is very small.But most of these people are rank masters, and it is clear that the constitution of the practitioner has a great deal to do with his future achievements.Generally speaking, the number of masters of the four kinds of practitioners is not much different.


Frank closed the book and breathed a sigh of relief, and finally understood the strength of the practitioners in the present world.However, he believed that the highest level of a practitioner was not limited to the fifth level, and as far as he knew, his father Chen Zhan's cultivation at that time.It has gone far beyond the fifth level of cultivation realm of Oriental martial arts.


He objectively estimated his own strength and rank, and his family's Xuangong had entered the third heaven.Just able to urge the sword gas outside the body, barely able to be regarded as a third-order practitioner, on the mainland.He is already a real master.


Frank found the book by accident, which made him feel that he had benefited a lot.


In the next few days, he met a strange old man in the stacks.The old man was very old, his eyes were cloudy and dull, his teeth had already fallen, and his wrinkled skin was like a wrinkled paper ball.There are dozens of hairs on the top of the bald head.


Frank was startled when he first saw the old man, thinking that someone had died and cheated his body from the coffin.Out of politeness, he greeted the old man with a smile every time he saw him, but never spoke.


On this day, Frank was reading the history books in a dull way when an old voice suddenly sounded behind him:You like history so much.


Frank was so frightened that he almost jumped up, and the strange old man, like a ghost, came silently less than a foot behind him.He blamed himself for being too devoted to reading.


"Yes, I like it better, but there don't seem to be any special ancient books here. The earliest dates back to five thousand years ago."


Do you like to read ancient books? Can you understand the words on it?


I still have some knowledge of ancient Chinese characters, and I can read almost all ancient books.He raised the book in his hand and said, You see, this is written four thousand years ago, although it is more complicated than it is now.But it is still discernible. Frank is not lying. He is really sensitive to words.In addition, the current common characters of the mainland are evolved from the ancient characters of the original immortal fantasy continent.It is not difficult to distinguish these words in the middle transition period.


Frank had the illusion of seeing a flash of green light from the old man's cloudy eyes.


The old man asked, "Why do you like reading ancient books?"


Frank said, "I'm more interested in ancient myths and legends, and I want to learn something about them from ancient books."


The old man laughed, and to Frank's ears, he felt very dense.


Young man, if you can really read ancient books, I'll take you to another library, where the real ancient documents are.Far older than the books here.


Frank was overjoyed and began to guess the identity of the old man. He had seen that the old man was not an ordinary person.Otherwise, it is impossible to lead him into another library at will.


Passing through the front hall, the two of them walked to the rear hall, which was particularly quiet. Pushing open the heavy door, rows of bookshelves appeared in front of Frank.The bookshelves are full of books on historic sites.


From the first step into the ancient library, Frank felt a subtle and strange fluctuation, like a trickle, like a faint breeze.If there is no, it is hard to fathom.


Dizzy! Could it be that all the ancient books here have become refined? How could there be such a fluctuation?Now all the prohibitions in Frank's body have disappeared, his sense of inspiration has been restored, and his sensitivity to the outside world is far more acute than that of ordinary people.


"Look," said the old man, as if unaware, "there are all ancient books here, most of which are priceless.If you can understand it, this is undoubtedly a treasure.


"Treasure?" Frank was a little puzzled.


The old man said, There are many books about martial arts, magic, medicine, poison and so on.Many of them are lost learning. The royal family sent a special person to collate and compile these ancient books, but only a few of them could be translated.I don't know how deep your knowledge of ancient Chinese characters is. If you are better than those scholars of the Imperial Academy..


Without waiting for him to finish, Frank plunged into the pile of books.


For several days in a row, he wandered through the ancient history, which surprised Nalan Ruoshui.She opened her mouth wide in surprise when she accidentally learned that Frank could read ancient books.When Frank gave her a medical book compiled from ancient books, Nalan Ruoshui screamed excitedly, "Oh, my God!"I'm not dreaming, am I? She hugged Frank with joy.


Feeling the soft body, Frank was intoxicated, and he hugged Nalan Ruoshui with his backhand, but the delicate body quickly left him.There was a chuckle in the distance. From then on, whenever Frank saw Nalan Ruoshui's smile, his heart beat faster.


"Shall we find another medical book and sort it out for her today?"


Boy, what kind of nymphomaniac are you? Look at your worthless appearance. It really makes me ashamed to be a man with you.The old poisonous monster clung to the wall of the courtyard with his arm, showing his head, and struck at the right time.


Dead old man, you're peeping at me again. It's so sick and disgusting.Be careful that I buy a string of firecrackers, light them and throw them into your yard.As they became more and more familiar with each other, Frank and the old poison monster gradually began to joke, and later, when they met, they satirized each other.But for a long time, he did not dare to play with the old witch, who moved back and forth in his east yard and backyard, which made him tremble with fear.


How dare you! If you light firecrackers, I will make you heartbroken in seven steps, your soul in ten, your flesh in thirteen, and your bones in fifteen.


"Shit, you sick old man." Frank felt a chill and walked quickly to the outside of the house.Today, Nalan Ruoshui did not give him acupuncture and moxibustion, saying that he would treat him after carefully studying the Medical Saint's Letters.


When Frank arrived at the ancient library, the old man had already arrived.


Not a bad young man. It seems that you really have some knowledge of ancient Chinese characters, and you can really understand those ancient books.I'm going to trouble you today.


"Oh, old man, please tell me. If I can help you, I will."


The old man took out a yellowed ancient book from his bosom, put it on the table, took the paper and brush and began to copy it.After a while, the whole piece of paper was full of copies.


"Well, can you translate the contents of this piece of paper for me?"


Frank took the sentence and saw that it didn't make sense. "Old man, these sentences don't make sense," he said. "Did you copy it right?"


The old man said, "You can just translate it. Don't worry about whether it works or not. Can you translate three articles for me every day?"


Yes, no problem."Frank said in his heart," This old guy is so suspicious that he broke up the sentence and asked me to translate it.What kind of book is this that you have to keep secret?


He had lost all his previous affection for the old man, and knew that the strange old man had been after him from the beginning.Its fundamental purpose is to ask him to translate the book.


The text on the paper, according to Frank's estimate, should be six or seven thousand years ago.There are only a few dozen words, but they contain some sensitive words such as "God" and "corpse".It made him more curious about the book.