
Grand Sentinel

This is an anime styled short story series, I hope you enjoy it and thank you for your continued support! Light and dark. Good and evil. For ages, these forces have collided, one trying to topple the other. Without one or the other, the world would spiral into chaos. From these forces emerged beings called Grand Sentinels. These godlike beings have kept the balance in check with the help of their underlings, Sentinels. These Sentinels are summoned with magical abilities, aiding them in battle. The Grand Sentinels of good and evil had always been at a stalemate, being that their power was so close and negated one another. Through a treaty that the Grand Sentinels created, The Sentinel Treaty, they vowed not to fight anymore, but to send their underlings to earth as manuscripts. If someone were to read the writing on these manuscripts, the sentinels imbued within it would come forth, aiding their summoner in however they pleased. If two summoners of light and dark came into contact, a Sentinel Conflict would occur. Both Grand Sentinels imbued all of their sentinels into manuscripts, spreading them across earth in the form of a meteor shower. People on earth watched this meteor shower in awe. This type of thing was rare and only happened every fifty years. What these people didn't know was that a war was brewing in front of them.

XHayabusa1125X · ファンタジー
1 Chs

Grand Sentinel

<p>Light and dark. Good and evil. For ages, these forces have collided, one trying to topple the other. Without one or the other, the world would spiral into chaos. From these forces emerged beings called Grand Sentinels. These godlike beings have kept the balance in check with the help of their underlings, Sentinels. These Sentinels are summoned with magical abilities, aiding them in battle. The Grand Sentinels of good and evil had always been at a stalemate, being that their power was so close and negated one another. Through a treaty that the Grand Sentinels created, The Sentinel Treaty, they vowed not to fight anymore, but to send their underlings to earth as manuscripts. If someone were to read the writing on these manuscripts, the sentinels imbued within it would come forth, aiding their summoner however they pleased. If two summoners of light and dark came into contact, a Sentinel Conflict would occur. Both Grand Sentinels imbued all of their sentinels into manuscripts, spreading them across earth in the form of a meteor shower. <br/><br/>People on earth watched this meteor shower in awe. This type of thing was rare and only happened every fifty years. What these people didn't know was that a war was brewing in front of them. <br/><br/>A boy named Hoshiko Nuriya, eighteen years old, was in his freshman year of college. He loved the stars and everything past them. He had always loved them since he saw his first shooting star as a child. The college he attended specialized in astronomy, it even had its own planetarium. The campus wasn't that big, so it was easy to navigate around. Hoshiko didn't really stand out, so he stuck to himself most of the time, walking by himself to classes, but that's how he liked it. "Alright, I need to work on some of those papers soon, they are due next week, but I can't get my mind off of that planetarium" sighed as he looked off into the distance at the biggest building on campus which was home to the elusive planetarium. You couldn't step foot in there unless you were accompanied by a Professor. "One day, I'll be able to get in there." A small smile stretched across his face as he continued his trek to his class.<br/><br/>Hoshiko found his way to his class a few minutes before class began, so it gave him some time to relax. The walk from the apartments on campus to his class was about a twenty minute walk. Everyone had their own groups they hung out with, The populars, the gamers, the jocks, there was a wide variety at this school. Hoshiko took a sigh of relief knowing that he is in a group of his own. "Alright everyone, please pull out your materials for the course, we'll be picking up from last week." All eyes snapped to a short, old man dawning an all black suit with a galaxy patterned tie. "As you all know, the class trip to the crater is tomorrow, so I expect everyone to be normal human beings and not cause a ruckus, that means you Tyro" as his gaze pierced one of the jocks. Tyro yawned and kicked his feet up on his desk while leaning back on two chair legs. "I get it, I get it, only cause small problems, I can do that teach" as he flung up two finger guns and imitated them firing into the sky. Tyro was the senior jock that only took this class because he needed extra credits to graduate, he also often picked on Hoshiko for being a so-called "star nerd". Everyone gave a small laugh as the Professor shook his head as he turned around and began his lesson. Hoshiko always kept notes on every lesson, he was a sponge for astrology knowledge. He began self studies at the young age of eight years old and has continued those physical and mental notes to the present day. A few hours passed, the Professor gleamed up at the students "That concludes today's lesson, be sure to get home safely and get some rest, we have a big trip tomorrow, everyone is dismissed. Hoshiko, may I speak to you about some of the concerns you've brought up?" All eyes reached Hoshiko as he shrunk into his chair as he gave a small nod, trying to become as small as possible so the others would stop staring at him. The class began filing out of the room one by one, eventually meeting up with their groups. Hoshiko stood up once everyone had vacated the room and walked up to his professor's desk, a small gulp filled the air as he was nervous. "Y-Yes sir? Have I done something wrong?" The professor took a seat at his desk and shot a smile up at Hoshiko. "Absolutely not, I actually wanted to talk to you about the email you sent me last week about our trip and the dangers of radiation from the meteorite. We will all be ok, the government has taken precautions to test for any type of radiation or danger. Everything has come back clean and deemed safe for the public eye to see. However, our class has special privileges to get even closer than what most of the public is allowed to see. I assure you everything will go smoothly." The professor's watch made a small alarm noise. " I must be taking my leave now Hoshiko, go home and get some rest, don't think about it too much, everything will be ok." Those words lifted a ton of weight off of Hoshiko's shoulders. "Thank you sir! I'm very excited for tomorrow, I can't wait!" Hoshiko collected the rest of his things and made haste to his apartment, the sooner he could fall asleep, the sooner he'd be at that crater.<br/><br/> After another twenty minute walk back to his apartment, Hoshiko dropped his things off on his kitchen counter and took a deep breath in, held it for a few seconds and exhaled, feeling all of his social anxiety leave his body. "I really need to get some rest like the professor said, but first I need to finish some of these papers." He grabbed his things he set down and walked back to his room where his desk was. All of the papers that were due that he needed to get done were from his other classes, since he mainly focused on his astronomy work, he's been falling behind in his other classes. "Alright, lets do this.'' He thought to himself as he pulled the chair out from under the desk and took a seat, placing his work in front of him. Once he was in the groove, he was able to get his other work done pretty quickly, but today was different, his mind was flooded with thoughts of the trip tomorrow. Before he knew it, a few hours had passed and only a few assignments had been completed. "Agh! I can't do this anymore, I need to get some sleep before I stay up all night trying to get these done. I'll be able to get them done tomorrow after the trip." Hoshiko closed his notebooks and stood up from his desk, letting out a big yawn as he stretched out his muscles before jumping back onto his bed. It didn't take long before his exhaustion took over and made him succumb to sleep. Things were about to change Hoshiko's life, forever.<br/><br/>Daybreak peeked through Hoshiko's window as his alarm on his phone shot him awake. Immediately, an enormous grin ran across his face as he jumped out of bed and rushed to get ready to leave. After finishing up his morning routine, he grabbed his bag and sprinted out of the apartment complex, making no stops whatsoever to the campus. As he rounded the corner to see the building where his class was, Tyro strutted around the corner, both of them slamming into each other. Hoshiko hit the ground as Tyro towered over him. "Watch where you're going squirt, next time, I won't be so nice!" Tyro kicked the bag the Hoshiko had dropped after he had run into him, then laughed as he walked away to hop on the bus that was going to take them to the crater. Hoshiko quickly scrambled to collect his things, then made his way to the bus as well. After everyone had made it onto the bus, The Professor stepped on and took the seat behind the driver. "Okay everybody, next stop, the crater!" The driver was looking for a reaction from the whole bus, but got only small claps and small cheers. "Wow, tough crowd" he sighed under his breath as he began driving. Hoshiko reached into his bag and pulled out some headphones and slid them on, he had no interest in hearing bus gossip. It was about an hour to the crater from the campus, so Hoshiko decided he was going to take a small nap before they got there. After putting on some music, he leaned his head back onto the seat, closing his eyes, slowly drifting into sleep.<br/><br/>"We're here!" Multiple students shouted, phone flashes lit up the bus as pictures were being taken. Hoshiko slowly pried his eyes open, rubbing the sleep out of them and looking out the window. The meteor site was gigantic. It was a large field with a forest, gated off and only open to the public at certain times. Any sleep that was leftover dispersed from Hoshiko's eyes and was replaced with excitement. As the bus stopped, everyone filed out one by one, converging into a group, waiting for instructions. Hoshiko made his way to the back of the group and took his headphones off to hear everything the professor needed to explain. "This is the crater that the meteorite created when it hit, now you may walk around the crater, take pictures, take notes, only thing I ask is not to pass the security borders set up around the crater. Other than that, be back here in four hours with notes that can be used for our assignments. Dismissed." Hoshiko's heart was racing, he was so excited. He bolted off to the deep crater, taking precautions to not to get too close to the security border. "Look out how deep it goes! This is incredible!" Tyro caught wind of Hoshiko's excitement. A smirk came across his face as he walked up behind Hoshiko, grabbing the back of his collar. "Hey don't fall in squirt, we won't be able to get you out" Tyro mocked. The initial shock surprised Hoshiko, making him spin around, stepping backwards. "Don't play like that! Someone could fall in from you doi-". Hoshiko was cut off by the loose soil moving beneath his feet. Before he could move, the soil had started to move out even more, causing the security border to collapse, Hoshiko following against his will. Screams filled the air as alarms sounded. The crater was deep enough to where you couldn't see the bottom.<br/><br/> Hoshiko slowly opened his eyes, looking around desperately for help, but couldn't see anything in the darkness. He pulled out his phone and turned on the flashlight to illuminate the abyss that he had fallen into. He examined his surroundings, seeing small broken pieces of the meteorite that had landed there. Fear turned into excitement as a grin reached across his face. "These are actual pieces of the meteorite!" He picked up a few of them, examining closer. They looked like crystals almost. "This is incredible! I never thought I'd be able to get this close, maybe Tyro messing with me and making me fall down here wasn't so bad after all." He shuffled through all of the pieces of the meteorite, examining every piece closely until he came across something else. An old scroll. It looked like it hadn't been touched for ages, all tattered up a bit torn. Hoshiko, curious, reached out and gripped the scroll. It had an oddly warm feeling to it with it being so dark at the bottom of the crater. Slowly, he unraveled the tattered scroll carefully, examining the writings on it. It looked like it had been written with quill and ink. "What is this? Why is it in the crater? Wouldn't it have been destroyed when the meteorite hit?" Examining the writing closer, he noticed it was in the native language. "Wow, this must be really old, I don't see a date on it or anything, let's see what this thing says. Hoshiko took a breath, collecting himself before reading the contents of the scroll out loud. "For light and dark, I fight for one, to topple the other. I call forth this Sentinel to aid in battle for I can not do it alone." After finishing those words, a light glyph shined below Hoshiko for a brief second before flashing, blinding him.<br/><br/> Hoshiko recovered his vision, but to his amazement, he wasn't in the crater anymore. The sky was filled with clouds and the floor looked like water. His reflection on the surface showed something above him, making him look up. It was a woman, but she was floating? "I am the Grand Sentinel of Light, Eos, I am happy to see that someone of your spirit has decided to join our fight" her soft voice echoed to Hoshiko. "I'm dead aren't I?" Hoshiko questioned as he patted down his body to make sure he had all body parts. The Grand Sentinel raised her hand with a soft smile. The room was getting brighter again, blinding Hoshiko. "Oh not this again! Hoshiko screamed. Just as quick as the light came, it dissipated. Hoshiko regained his sight, only to see a woman knelt down in front of him. "As a Sentinel of light, I am happy to serve this summoner" the woman announced in a commanding voice. She was wearing a suit of knights armor with a long sword sheathed on her back. Hoshiko took a step back, now in disbelief. "W-what is going on here? This has to be a dream right? Yeah that's it I'm just dreaming." "I assure you, this is not a dream summoner," the Grand Sentinel said calmly. "I can see you have no idea what is going on, so let me fill you in. I am a Grand Sentinel, before you are one of my underlings, Hikari. She is a Sentinel that you will be responsible for from now on until this accursed war is over." The Grand Sentinel rested her head on her hand, as if she was worried. "War? Wait, you said you were a Grand Sentinel of Light right? So I'm assuming there is one for the dark also" Hoshiko crossed his arms, shifting into a questioning posture. "My my you're pretty sharp, yes, you are correct, the Grand Dark Sentinel, Abaddon the Infernal, is like me, but wicked and lusts for violence. It is imperative that you stay clear of him at all costs. Now enough with the formalities, please, step forward" Eos commanded. Hoshiko stepped forward, now standing directly in front of Hikari. The woman in knights' armor peered up at Hoshiko, scanning over him. "You don't seem like much, but I will follow your orders to defeat the evil in this world and keep the light from crumbling. Now, we must form an agreement for us to be bonded" Hikari stood tall, stepping forward, face to face with Hoshiko. The Grand Light Sentinel gave a soft smile as she observed Hoshiko. "My my, may it be fate or just an unlucky circumstance, this boy is in for the biggest ride of his life" She thought to herself. "Hand, now" Hikari demanded of Hoshiko. Everything was happening so fast, it made Hoshiko question if what he knew in his life was even real at this point. "Come on, we don't have all day, what if "he" is already coming for us" Hikari pestered Hoshiko. "She must be talking about the dark grand sentinel, what can I do though, I can't fight magical beings!" Hoshiko had so many thoughts going through his mind. "Fine i'll start, you're so slow." Hikari grasped Hoshiko's right hand and closed her eyes, softly putting her forehead on the top of his hand. "I plan to aid you brave summoner in war against the dark, with my life and soul. I ask you to bond with me, so we may fight together. Do you accept these terms, to give your life and soul to fight the darkness?" Hikari slowly lifted her head, opening her eyes, revealing the light blue hue that twinkled in both eyes. "Wow.. so beautiful.. I-I mean yes, I accept those terms!" Hoshiko was taken back at the beauty of Hikari's eyes. The Grand Light Sentinel smiled again, now floating upward. "Very well, I, Eos The Shining, the Grand Light Sentinel, bestow you this sentinel to aid you on your journey. Be wary of your surroundings summoner, darkness could be right around the corner. I'm certain we will be seeing each other again in the future" Eos snapped her fingers, causing another bright light to emerge, blinding Hoshiko.<br/><br/>Again, just as quick as the light came, it was gone and Hoshiko was back at the bottom of the crater. "What in the world was that? I must have hit my head really hard on the way down here." Hoshiko looked up at the entrance of the crater, scratching his head in confusion. "Summoner, where are we off to now?" A voice rang in Hoshiko's head. "W-Who's there!? Show yourself!" Hoshiko's confusion turned to fear again as he scanned the crater walls and floor again looking for anybody. "This is Hikari, your Sentinel. If you take a look at your right hand, I am bonded to you by the ring on your finger. Hoshiko looked down at his right hand, to see a small silver band around his ring ringer. "Wait.. so that wasn't a dream? This is all real? Which means-" Hikari interrupted, "Yes, the war is real, and it has already begun. We are losing right now as we speak. Abaddon has taken over multiple areas already and is aiming to destroy the light to bring darkness and chaos to your world unless we do something about it. Abaddon has a band of sentinels he has by his side called The Black Flames, if we want to get to him, we are going to have to fight our way to him by defeating all of his lackeys and The Black Flames." Hoshiko's head was filled with so much knowledge, it was overwhelming him. "I don't even know how to fight Hikari, let alone get out of this crater." A small glow began illuminating from the ring on Hoshiko's finger. A light figure began forming next to Hoshiko in the shape of a woman. The light covering the woman finally burst out, revealing Hikari standing next to Hoshiko. "You can come out at will!? What if someone sees you!?" Hoshiko began to freak out, he was stuck in the bottom of this crater with a magical woman being thing. Hikari however, had a serious expression on her face. "No, I cannot come out at will, there is somebody here with darkness." Hoshiko's facial expression changed to confusion. "What do you mean by that Hikari, is something wrong?" With a quick movement, Hikari unsheathed the long sword on her back, stabbing it at the feet of Hoshiko. A small crystal formed where the tip of her sword has pierced the ground. "We have company Summoner, Lets go!" Hikari grasped Hoshiko's right hand, squatting down into a jumping position, before suddenly catapulting both of them through the top of the crater and out into the surrounding forest area. "Agh! What is going on!?" Hoshiko screamed as darkness from the crater became light from the outside world in mere seconds before softly landing into the forest. <br/><br/>"Be on your guard Summoner, there are a few of them, but never back down!" Hikari lets go of Hoshiko's hand as she takes a fighting position, grounding her feet into the dirt, raising her longsword to eye level, staring down the blade like a sniper. Whispers from the trees began creeping closer to the both of them, darkness shrouding the forest, closing in on them. Hikari's eyes sharpened as she screamed and thrusted her long sword forward, casting a light beam into the shadows surrounding them. A small shadowy creature collapsed out from the wall of shadows, before slowly forming into a small crystal. "To answer your question earlier, I can only come out when another human has a dark Sentinel and is nearby, commencing a Sentinel conflict, which means, one of the Black Flames is here!" Hikari explained to Hoshiko as she grabbed the small crystal that had just been formed from her killing the shadow creature. "As for these crystals, if a sentinel is defeated in battle, we turn into a crystal. After a while, we are revived thanks to our Grand Sentinel, but if our crystal were destroyed before being restored.." Hikari dropped the small crystal next to her foot, raising her foot up before bringing it down with force, shattering it into pieces. "We don't come back, with that being said-" Hikari was interrupted by a shadow creature grabbing her leg, trying to claw its way up her armor. "Off of me vile beast!" Hikari lifted her foot and shook the creature off her leg before stomping into the ground and piercing it in the head with her longsword. A small cry left the creature's mouth before turning into a crystal. "Summoner! Crush this crystal so I may protect you! If you go down, so will I!" Hikari kicked the small crystal over to Hoshiko as she took another fighting position, waiting for her next doomed opponent. Hoshiko was in disbelief, there's no way this was happening, this had to be a twisted dream. The small crystal that Hikari kicked over tapped Hoshiko's shoe. As it barely tapped his shoe, he raised his foot as high as it would go, before smashing the crystal under his shoe. "If this is the way it has to be Hikari, I command you to defeat all of these things so we can get out of here!" Hoshiko commanded. Hikari, stunned by Hoshiko's words, finally cracked a smile, taking her fighting position again. "So you finally grew a pair huh? I wouldn't want a weak minded summoner anyway! Let's go!" More of the creatures emerged from the shadow walls, one by one challenging Hikari. "I'll kill, you crush, got it Summoner!?" She yelled as slashing more creatures and kicking their crystals to Hoshiko. "I got it!" Hoshiko confirmed as he began crushing the crystals underneath his feet. More and more of the creatures kept coming out of the shadows, only to meet their demise at the hands of Hiakri and crushed by Hoshiko. "Don't let up, Summoner! Their numbers are thinning!" Hikari announced before taking the life of another shadow creature. Suddenly, a booming laugh came from the shadowy wall, almost deafening. "Well well well, If it isn't my most prime student, I had no idea you were a summoner as well. This should be interesting." Hoshiko's heart stopped, he recognized that voice from anywhere. "Don't just stand there, crush the crystals!" Hikari commanded at Hoshiko. "T-that voice, I know that voice, Hikari!" Applause came from the shadow as a man, dawning a black suit with a galaxy patterned tie, stepped from the wall of shadow. "Professor! What are you doing! Why are you a part of the darkness!" Hoshiko cried out as tears ran down his face. "Do you really believe that I cared about that damned school? I only became a Professor there so I could acquire more power from the Sentinels! Every year, more and more of the manuscripts come falling from the sky. Everyone thinks it is just some light show from space, but I knew the truth. Abaddon entrusted me with his Black Flame to take out any light bearers that get in his way, and now that you have become one of them.." A big shadow form appeared behind the Professor, cloaked in darkness, with piercing red eyes before continuing his speech. "I'll have to kill you as well." Hoshiko felt heartbroken, the one person he thought he had a connection with is now trying to kill him. "Professor, wait we can-" Hoshiko was cut off by Hikari's battle cry. "Enough of this crap! You die here number ten!" Hikari's longsword began illuminating with a goldish light before slowly sprouting what looks like angel wings from her armor. "Oh ho ho! So you even know my rank, you bottom of the barrel Sentinel, come then, take your best shot!" The giant creature behind the Professor boasted. "But be careful, you wouldn't want to crush any more students now would we?" The creature gave off a maniacal laugh, while the Professor gave a sinister grin and faded away into the shadow wall. "The name is Mammon Tomi, rank number ten of The Black Flames, and this will be your grave!" <br/><br/>The giant creature let out a blood curdling screech and charged Hoshiko. Hoshiko was stunned by Mammon's words. What did he mean by "Crush more students?" He slowly looked down at the tiny crystal pieces that he had crushed, shaking in fear and anxiety. "That's right twerp! Those crystals that you've been crushing carelessly were all of you classmates that I brainwashed and transformed into my minions! Ha ha ha! Now you can die with them!" Mammon was on top of Hoshiko before he could do anything. "I-I killed.. my classmates.." Hoshiko thought to himself, sulking and disgusted at his actions. "Summoner watch out!" Hikari dashed through the air with her new wings and pierced Mammon in the hand before he could grab Hoshiko. "My, you have quite the temper, little bird, why don't we rip off those wings shall we? Mammon grabbed Hikari by the head before planting her face into the ground, stomping on her back to keep her in place. Hoshiko stood in terror, so much bloodshed was running through his mind. "Mammon, I swear I will-" Hikari was cut off by Mammon stomping on her back once more, blood spewing from her mouth with a cry of pain. Hoshiko finally snapped back from his trance, looking at the two Sentinels. With a loud scream and tear filled eyes Hoshiko, charged Mammon head on with no weapon. "Now that's the spirit! Lets see what those tiny muscles can do, Summoner!" Mammon stepped off Hikari and opened his arms, almost ready to embrace for a hug. "Ahhhhh!" Hoshiko threw a punch, hitting Mammon in the stomach, but no reaction came from Mammon. Hoshiko, shaking in fear again, slowly peered up, looking at Mammon in his piercing red eyes. "Aww that's too bad, now it's my turn!" Mammon drew his fist back, ready to end Hoshiko with one punch. "Quick! Stick out your hand!" Hoshiko looked past Mammon, finding Hikari flying towards him at high speed. Just as Hikari had ordered. Hoshiko stuck his hand out, closing his eyes tightly. Hikari slashed Mammon's arm, long sword in her left hand, grabbing Hoshiko's hand with her right, soaring past Mammon and up through the trees, away from the shadow wall. "Oh no you don't, little bird!" Mammon squatted as if he was about to jump, but was interrupted. "That's enough Mammon, come back now." Mammon turned around and saw the Professor. "I could have killed a Sentinel and a Summoner, why did you stop me!?" Mammon wanted answers immediately. "Now why would you want to waste your energy on small fry, we have a bigger target nearby, remember?" The Professor consulted. Mammon let out a sigh of anger before transforming into a small shadow, returning to the Professor's tie. All of the shadows that had surrounded the forest were now gone. "Things are going to be interesting from here on out, wouldn't you say Mammon?" The Professor laughed sinisterly as he took his leave, deeper into the forest and out of sight.<br/><br/>Hikari tightly gripped Hoshiko's hand, soaring lower than when she initially began. "You idiot! If you go and die, I'll die as well! What was that all about huh!?" She grasped Hoshiko's hand tighter. "I-I'm sorry, I saw you were in trouble and something snapped inside me. My body moved on its own." The ring on his finger began glowing again, catching Hikari's attention, making her fly back down to the ground. "Wait, why didn't we go further? Shouldn't we get out of the area completely?" Hoshiko questioned as both of their feets touched down. "Remember what I said earlier?" Hikari became engulfed in the same light she had when coming out of the ring the first time. "If there are no dark Sentinels nearby, our band will pull me back in, giving me time to recover for our next battle." The light around her burst outwards, seeping back into the ring on his finger. Hoshiko looked up from the ring, Hikari nowhere to be seen. "I'm still here, just not in a physical form. We can keep communicating though. I suggest not going back to that campus, that guy knows you are a Summoner now, he will hunt you down from here on out until he is dealt with." Hoshiko clenched his fist in anger, frustrated with the events that had unfolded. "What am I supposed to do then? I have nowhere else to go, I have no one to lean back on, my parents aren't in the picture, what am I supposed to do Hikari!?" Hoshiko let out a desperate cry as he dropped to his knees, slamming his fist into the dirt repeatedly. With each punch, tears trickled down Hoshiko's face, soaking the ground before being dispersed by hateful punches. "Why am I such a weakling Hikari!? Answer me that!" A warm embrace came over Hoshiko, halting his assault on the ground. It felt as if someone was holding him close, which brought even more tears out, making Hoshiko breakdown. "You are not a weakling Summoner, you wouldn't have jumped into this battle if you were. I apologize for rushing you onto the battlefield, but if we would have stayed in that crater, we would be dead right now. The only thing we can do now is to move on and deal with all the pain that is coursing through your veins. Let me be the catalyst that pulls you from the darkness that is shrouding your mind. For now, we must leave this area, we don't know the whereabouts of that dark summoner and he could be anywhere, he has one of The Black Flames at his disposal, do you understand?" Hikari consulted, seeing the tears drip off of Hoshiko's face. "I know you're in pain. You feel betrayed by the only person you thought you could trust. Groveling isn't going to solve anything, we must go Summoner." Hoshiko took a deep breath in, slowly exhaling before lifting his head and wiping the tears away, dawning an expression that caught Hikari off guard. "So we have to eliminate my professor, that's what you're saying right?" Hoshiko stood, wearing a confident expression. "That's right, Summoner, are you sure you're ready for that kind of responsibility? Once defeated, I'm sure he won't exist anymore. The dark Summoners tend not to exist once beaten in battle. Abaddon doesn't take too kindly to failures and weaklings." A small smile stretched across Hoshiko's face. "Yeah, I'm sure I can do this. Also Hikari, the name is Hoshiko." Hikari grinned as the embrace Hoshiko felt before dissipated. "I'm with you to the end, Hoshiko."<br/><br/>"You let them go!? How dare you defy a direct order from me! You are a pawn in this game between forces your mortal mind couldn't even fathom, yet you parade around earth as if there aren't light forces ready to dig your grave!" A booming voice yelled as Mammon, ranked tenth of The Black Flames, and his Summoner, the Professor, cowarded before the ruler of the darkness, Abaddon the Infernal. "B-but my lord!" Mammon and the Professor stuttered collectively. "Silence! I don't remember telling you to speak!" Abaddon's booming voice pierced both of their ears. "Mammon, you are ranked tenth for a reason, you have untapped abilities you are afraid to use, making you weak. I suggest you find that strength before I crystalize you myself! As for you Summoner, if I get another report that you let some more light weaklings survive, I will personally see to your demise." Nine other shadow figures appeared beside Abaddon. "My my, you sure have pissed off our lord Mammon, what will you ever do to make this up?" One of the shadow figures spoke, a soft female voice rang around the area. "I- I'll destroy them all! Give me another chance my lord!" Mammon pleaded as Abaddon sat down on a throne, shrouded in darkness. "One more chance number ten, the next blunder I hear about, you will be crystallized and crushed by the other nine of The Black Flames, do I make myself clear!?" Abaddon's voice boomed around the arena. "Y-Yes my lord! My sincerest apologies my lord!" Mammon's voice was shaky, knowing he could cease to exist at any moment. "Get out of my sight you two, the remainder of The Black Flames, stay, we have some discussing to do." Abaddon commanded as Mammon turned back into a shadow figure, seeping back into the Professor's tie. A portal to earth opened up behind the Professor as one of The Black Flames picked up the Professor, tossing him like a ragdoll through the portal. "Now that the trash has been taken out, We discuss our plan." Abaddon sat up on his throne, placing both of his fists under his chin, resting his head on his fists. "My lord, if you don't mind me asking, what plan are you talking about? We have no recollection of any plan that you have told us about except killing all of the light Sentinels." One of the figures questioned as Abaddon grew a large smirk across his face. "The invasion of the light realm." Abaddon let out a devious laughter as everyone left in the arena disappeared. "This time Eos, I'm not just coming for your Sentinels, I am coming for you."</p>