
Grand Duke's Marriage Contract

Davina Anastasya is a passionate girl. She was a very great first female knight. He liked Edward who was a crown prince. Because of her desire to be Edward’s partner, Davina complied with all of Edward's requests including removing the pebbles that would prevent Edward from ascending the throne. However, who would have thought that girl was betrayed by the man whom she like? Just a few steps into becoming King, Davina was accused of rebellion. And the accusation was made by Edward himself. The girl was sentenced to death. However, it turns out that the girl wakes up and returns to ten years ago before the incident. She turns back to the time when she first met Edward and fell in love with each other. But this time, Davina is determined to change her future. She doesn’t want to repeat the same mistakes as before. And that's the time when she found out that Grand Duke Henry turned out to be her fiancé. In the past, she never knew because of her blind love for Edward, which made Henry resign. But not this time. Davina will avenge Prince Edward's betrayal through Grand Duke Henry who is Edward's cousin. Davina begins to plot her revenge against Prince Edward. She, who at that time was Prince Edward's lover as well as Grand Duke Henry's fiancé, begins to ignore Prince Edward's presence. Especially when he accidentally reunites with Adelia, the woman who made Edward turn away. Edward himself did not want Davina to be with Henry because Henry was a rival to Edward in struggling for the throne. Edward felt Davina's attitude change. He could no longer control Davina. He knows that the girl has a special feelings for Henry. Until the fight between Edward and Henry in scrambling Davina can’t be avoided. who will get Davina? Will Davina's revenge be avenged?

Kanina_ · ファンタジー
1 Chs

A Horrible Winter

This winter feels different for Davina Anastasya. Snowflakes fell from the sky that night. The results of the trial held a few weeks ago, had her imprisoned in the royal dungeon. It was only a matter of time before he would be sentenced to death.

Out of nowhere to get the strength, Davina who is now paralyzed due to being tortured during detention, managed to make the prison cell guard unconscious. The opportunity to escape from prison was not wasted by Davina.

"It's weird. Usually, it isn't easy to make them sleepy."

But Davina did not want to waste the opportunity to escape from that cold prison.

However, because her legs were badly injured and almost rotting, Davina couldn't run any further. The air was very cold and felt very piercing to the bone. Moreover, Davina only wore a piece of clothing.

When she almost lost consciousness, Davina cursed Edward for betraying her. Finally, she closed her eyes and fell unconscious.

A man watched her since she goes out of prison. He is the one who helps her escape from that place. He follows her till that girl feels tired and gives up on her life which means nothing to the man she loves.


Davina woke up in a large and quite luxurious bed. The green room with the gold combination was very familiar to her. The room that smelled of mint was like a room in her residence.

"This is just a dream," thought Davina.

Until finally a voice made her realize that everything she saw now was reality.

"Thank God you're awake," Lucas said when he saw his younger sister open her eyes.

"What happened?" Davina thought. "Was that just a dream? Or am I reborn ten years ago?"

Lucas gave Davina a glass of water. The girl accepted the water given by her brother.

"What happened?" Davina asked after putting down the empty glass To Lucas.

"You don't remember?"

Davina shook her head. He really couldn't remember what happened earlier. It's been ten years, and Davina can't remember what happened to her that made her faint.

"Did I fall from the tree again?" guess Davina.

Lucas breathed a sigh of relief. "I think you have amnesia."

"Well, that's that then. Take a rest first. If you want to learn to use the sword, we'll practice together in the afternoon. There's no need to secretly watch your brother's rehearsal from the top of the tree," added Lucas.


This afternoon, according to Lucas' promise to teach Davina to practice the sword. Lucas taught the beautiful sister a basic sword technique. Lucas was surprised because Davina's sword skills were beyond expectations. The girl turned out to have a better sword ability than him.

"How can you use a sword technique like that? I mean, it's not your first time learning to use a sword, is it?" Lucas asked in surprise.

Davina was silent. She also felt strange. "Wasn't it ten years ago I still couldn't wield a sword?" murmured the girl.

"Davina?" Lucas swung his palm in front of Davina who looked lost in thought.

"Ah, I don't know myself, brother. Could it be that I'm destined for war instead of enjoying a tea party with another noble's daughter?" Davina giggled in the end.

"Don't think it's weird. If you have that kind of intention, I guess I'll have to rethink teaching you," Lucas said.

"Oh, come on! I'm just joking, Brother," Davina coaxed.

Lucas just let out a shaky breath. "I'm teaching you just in case. As self-defense. Not to make you a knight, got it?"

Davina nodded with a smile. Her brother is very strict and spoiled her very much. No wonder they are so close. Even Lucas's possessiveness is very great for Davina.

The faint sound of a horse carriage approaching. A golden carriage stopped in the front yard of the Kleinberg residence, which was Davina's family.

The door of that carriage is opened by a man who escorted him to the Kleinberg residence. Two handsome men appear from that carriage with their luxury cloth and a crown on their heads.

One of them is a young man who has blonde hair. He is handsome as his father. But he doesn't make Davina fall in his pretty face.

He's the Crown prince and the King.

Davina still remembers that the young man was the one who make her miserable. And she still holds a grudge against that man. That girl promised herself that she wouldn't make a mistake like before.

But, she welcomes those into her residence. That girl and her brother bow to welcome the arrival of important guests who visit their family.

That young man staring at Davina who was lowering her head when he and her father passed her by. That young man was smiling at that girl without her knowing. He follows his father going inside the building where the Kleinberg family lives.

When that man had already entered the building, A big voice of a man, call both of them. He asks them to go inside too as the King requests that it needs that two people know about something.

"Davina, Lucas, came over!" Their father calls them.

Davina and Lucas, wash their hand and dried them with a small towel before they go inside. Lucas doesn't know why their father asked him also to come over. But, Davina knows. It is like a déjà vu.

They entertained the ruler of the kingdom. However, the King does not usually visit his residence. Unlike the prince, who often met Lucas to practice swordsmanship together. The arrival of the king that day made Davina's father wonder, did he do something wrong?

"Thanks for visiting our house, Your Majesty." Davina's father starts the topic after it has been a silence almost long time.

The King just nodding then he said, "I come here with the crown prince want to propose to your daughter for my son."

Davina's father was suddenly furious. The man is in a dilemma. How come the King proposes to her daughter? That man already receives another proposal from Grand Duke Residence in advance. And it's already agreed by their Majesty.

So how come that man proposes to her daughter for her son while he knows that Davina was another man's fiancé?

Also as they know that the Grand Duke family was their relative also …

"Forgive me, Your Majesty. Haven't you permitted to marry my daughter to your nephew?"