
Two Thrones

Ryu didn't bother to count how much time had passed since he had been in the Rebirthing Cultus Sect. He left when he was good and ready. 

His mind was relaxed, his heart was settled, and he felt like there was a lightness to his heart as he stepped out of his Immortal Abode. 

What he didn't know, but probably expected, was that the moment he made any sort of movement, countless figures, senses, and minds focused on him all at once. 

All the Core Disciples of the Sect were exceptional not only in talent but also in cultivation. It was unheard of for a True Sky God to be among their ranks. 

In a way, it would have even somewhat made more sense if Ryu had become an Inheritor Disciple instead. 

Inheritor Disciples were a designated rank that did exactly as its Title described. They were existences nurtured to become the next Sect leaders, and as such, their raw talent was far more important than their current cultivation.