

Ryza's reason got the better of her. It simply wasn't worth it to lash out and paint herself into a corner just for a moment of satisfaction. 

She pressed her thumb against her forefinger, pushing its nail out to become more prominent. Then, with a single, unhesitant action, she pierced it into her chest. 

A flow of blinding red blood flowed outward, shimmering as bright as a star. There were very few that could say they had ever seen a Sky God bleed, but now Ryu could definitely count himself among that extraordinarily small number. 

Not only did the blood of a Sky God carry overwhelming vitality, just being in its presence was a form of blasphemy. Ryu had been in many Ruins before where a Sky God's blood was actually part of the main defensive mechanisms. Blood sacrifices were among the best methods to create powerful formations, so it was unsurprising that this was the case.