

Ryu didn't even realize how much rage he was causing as he lost himself in an active sort of meditation. And, because he wasn't paying attention to how Nemesis was moving and what enemies were flying around him, that enigmatic feeling became larger and larger as it loomed over head. 

"Someone kill that son of a bitch!" 

The figurehead of the Berserk Branch already had a belly full of fury. Unfortunately, he was locked in battle with a Dark Phoenix commander that had no intention of letting him go anywhere. 

"Can't you see that he's killing your people too?! Let me go!"

The Dark Phoenix, who went by Dia'si, chuckled. "Do you think I'm blind? For every one beast he kills, he slaughters at least ten of you. Clearly, while he's not on either of our sides, he hates you all a lot more. Maybe you humans shouldn't have been such arrogant pricks."