

"In how many orphanages have you been till now?" He asked.

The interrogation begins.

"Nine Orphanages in total" I replied just the exact answer. No explanation, nothing.

"That means nine foster houses, am I correct, Miss Grace?"

"Yes, Sir." I almost spat the word from my mouth.

"Whoa! That's a lot! You changed so many foster families still have a good report!? How is that possible?" I heard Dylan saying from my back.

I turned a little to give him an irritated look and found his face full of amusement and confusion.

No surprise there, he is always amused.

"If you are unable to keep shut, you are free to leave, Dylan. Just close the door while leaving." That's a pure threat coming from Mr Dominic Winchester.

Thank you Mr Donator!

The look Dylan was giving off was really funny. He was making faces at his elder brother and when Mr Dominic noticed he paled immediately. I would have laughed if I wasn't also being intimidated by his older brother.

After dealing with his younger brother, Mr Dominic continued.

"Out of nine foster families five of them give good reports about you. Even the last family also gave a good report." He took a pause to look at my expressions. Then he proceeds to his next sentence.

Last family? I guess Lydia handled it well. Thank you, Lydia.

"Please enlighten me with the remaining four reports, Miss Grace." 

It was clear from his eyes that he already knew the answers but I still chose the safe side to reply. The remaining four reports were much pleasant or should I say there are not any reports because my those foster families weren't in a situation to give a report.

"My first foster parents died in a road accident before giving any report. The reason for the second missing report is they were arrested for their bad deed before they could give any report. The third reason is I escaped from the house with the adoption documents and a kind social worker helped me to dismiss it." I shrugged my shoulders while answering.

"You did what?" Dylan shrieked and jumped from his seat. 

"I ran away with the adoption documents and destroyed them." I repeated my words loudly and clearly. 

"Whoa!" He exclaimed in loss of words and sat back down. 

Yeah, I know I have some rebellious gene inside me.. Just wait when you know about my most rebellious stunt. Though I doubt he will ever know..

"And forth reason is," I took a deep breath to prepare myself. " My foster guardian was going to sell me. That's why I ran away from him." I said the line in one go.

That day was my living nightmare. I will never forget that day. It was a really horrible experience for a child to go through and I am afraid they will judge me for that. 

I have never talked about all this. to anyone. My hands were shaking. I was frustrated and trying very hard to control my breathing and tears. 

Oh did I mentioned before that I have anxiety disorders?

I took a peek at my back to know Dylan's expressions. Even though I don't know him, I was afraid he was going to judge me. The last thing I want among all this is to be judged by him.

And I don't even know since when his opinion started to matter!

I HATE to be judged.

But his expressions confused me. He was.. angry? His hands were fisted, ready to hit someone. 

I wonder, why does he care?? Oh, does he even care or he was angry that a tainted girl like me will ruin the image of their orphanage.

I should stop these depressing thoughts right now. Moreover, why should I care?

Then, there comes the next question.

"With whom you used to stay before you were sent to orphanage?" 

He did not ask me more related to the topic. Maybe he noticed my discomfort.

"With my Nay Nay." I smiled while remembering the blurred memories with her. I was only 5 but still I was successful to treasure the memories of her.

"Who is she?" 

"She was my nanny" 

Dylan again poked his nose and asked me a question.

"Why do you call her Nay Nay?" 

I don't have any problem answering this question. I smiled at the memory and thought to share this with them.

"She was a nurse. She was my nanny and her name is Nancy! That's why I used to call her Nay Nay" I chuckled at my stupidity.

But I guess they didn't find it funny enough. A dark shadow crossed both of their faces. They both were angry after listening to Nay Nay's real name. It looks like they were remembering something unpleasant. 

I wasn't planning to disturb them but then the most embarrassing thing happened! 

My stomach roared loudly, claiming her presence! 

My cheeks turned red in no time, but the sound was able to break their stance, as they came back to present. 

Dylan chuckled, resulting in me to look down in embarrassment. 

"We will have the remaining talk at home after dinner." He said while looking at me. 

I was trying to grasp the words around my mind when he pressed a button and Miss Liza came in. 

" Please, take Miss Grace to her room and help her to pack. And send Mother Susan in the office to complete the remaining adoption procedures of Miss Grace." 

I was unable to form a sentence. I was opening and closing my mouth like a fish. My eyes were as big as saucers. When I was still trying to register the words in my mind, I  was being dragged away by Miss Liza. 

She was hurting me with her long nails, by digging them into my flesh where she was holding me. I hissed at the pain.

"Be gentle with her! Otherwise you will face the worst!" Dylan shouts at Miss Liza making her hold on me go easy. 

"Y..y.. yes, Sir" She shuttered. 

I was still unable to understand what's happening with me. The great Winchester's are adopting me! Me?! Why?? And why was Dylan so much concerned about me, like I am someone very dear to him??!! These questions were roaming around my mind and  hitting the blank wall with no answers.

On our way to the room where my belongings are, we met mother Susan. She smiles at me and cups my face with her soft and warm hand.

"I am so happy for you, my child. You finally found your family. You are no longer an orphan." 

This time it didn't take time to take a hold of her words. I immediately replied with a blank face.

"I am an orphan, mother Susan. Just because they are adopting me doesn't make me any better. They are not my family. They are gonna be my foster family. Just another foster family."  

I didn't mean to be so rude back then with mother Susan. It's just I was way too confused to take all the things life has been throwing at me from the past 24 hours.

After my encounter with mother Susan, she just gave me a small smile and left me alone with Miss Liza to head into the office.

Then me and Miss Liza reached my temporary dorm room. She also left me alone but not before giving me a mean look.

So, here I am, now with my supposed to be but not anymore roommates. One of them was doing something with my long hair that reached till my butt. While the other two were sitting in front of me filling me with the information of the great Winchester family.

Curious about how we ended up in this situation?

Nothing interesting..

After Miss Liza left me, I was going to push the door to open it. But the girls inside were very excited to let me do the honour. 

One of them opened the door, one of them pulled me inside while another one closed the door behind me. Then they attacked me with their questions like some hungry cats. All of this happened just in one blink of eyes.

"What took you so long?" 

"What were you talking about?" 

"Is it true that the famous Winchester's are adopting you?" 

"How many Winchester boys were there?" 

"Are they taking you today?" 

"The boys are so hot, right?" 

They kept shooting me with questions without giving me a chance to answer them. I doubt if they were even taking breath. 

Teenage hormones!! 


They immediately put fingers on their lips and sat down like some obedient kids. 

Huh, I like it! 

And geez how much they talk! 

"Now, I will answer some of your questions that I found necessary and valid. And I will ignore the unnecessary questions like you never asked them and I never heard them. One interruption and I will shut my mouth and you all will die in curiosity." I warned in a serious tone.

They looked shocked.

Oh, I am loving this. 

Intimidating someone after getting intimidated by someone.

Ok, now let's answer their questions.

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Lami274creators' thoughts