
Grace Fall

This is a world with awakeners with different powers, some having supernatural strength while others having magical powers, they fight against monsters to protect their family or for their own benefits. Arthur who was born in this world with different abilities, can gain power much faster as compared to others. But after reaching certain point he wondered, since he can gain power faster why not understand those things that people thought irrelevant, those emotions that people thought they understood, abilities people got for unknown reasons and save those who had fallen.

MrLonely_001 · ファンタジー
25 Chs

Skill Book

Opening his eyes, Arthur noticed that he was currently in same forest where he first entered the New World, the only difference is that the area here is not as dense as the previous one.

There was more area to move around, in the previous area the forest was much denser, and the grass was large enough to hide many small animals, but the current area was like a normal forest not a overcrowded one.

Like the previous time, there were nine other awakeners who were sent here, from the looks of it they were also F-rankers, same as Arthur. While the other awakeners were preoccupied with surveying their surroundings, Arthur wasted no time and entered the forest in random direction alone.

After Arthur left, the remaining ones looked at each other, they didn't seem to notice one person's absence, so nobody pointed it. They then decided to form a team and move in the forest together.

As for the loot, they came to the conclusion that they would divide it equally during the last hour, and with that, they started to move in the opposite direction of Arthur.


After walking for around one hour, he came across a cave in the mountain. While he was walking towards the mountain, he came across many forest wolfs like before, but the forest wolfs this time were of E-rank, except for forest wolfs he didn't come across any other beasts.

As Arthur gazed at the cave, he observed that its entrance stretched about five to six meters wide, guarded by two imposing wolves. Additionally, smaller wolves were either entering or exiting the cave.

Surveying the numerous wolves before him, Arthur found himself caught in a quandary. The sheer number of adversaries presented a formidable challenge – a direct confrontation risked exhausting him to his death.

After thinking for some time, he decided to kill the scattered wolfs so that he can reduce their number and increase his chances, and he still didn't know what the two wolfs are guarding and what was inside the cave.

With that in mind the left the area and went to kill those scattered ones.



"Sir Arnold, the number of wolfs are decreased we are hardly encountering any wolf now."

As the man in silver armor relayed the information about the diminishing wolf encounters to Sir Arnold, a man with blond hair, Sir Arnold responded with a knowing smile. "Ah, we must be nearing the Rat King area," he remarked. "That's likely why we're encountering fewer wolves in this vicinity."

The group, led by Sir Arnold, seemed to be well-aware of their surroundings and the possible dangers that lay ahead.

The man named Arnold caught the attention of those around him with his remarkable appearance. His silver armor, with its subtle golden accents, radiated an aura of grandeur and elegance. A silver shield emblazoned with a striking sun symbol rested on his back, while a formidable sword was securely fastened to his waist. Arnold's presence conveyed an air of authority and strength, hinting at his noble status or distinguished affiliation.

"This time we have to kill the Rat Lord and get its golden rapier, we have already failed two times previously, even one of our members died in the raid." Arnold's voice took on a stern and resolute tone, for he had been entrusted with a crucial mission by his majesty. His task was none other than to retrieve the legendary Golden Rapier from the Rat Lord. The gravity of the assignment weighed heavily on his shoulders, and he knew that failure was not an option.

His majesty has already invested heavily on him, giving him silver-tier armor and shield and a bronze-tier sword. His majesty even gave him four fixed stat enhancing potion (10 stat points) of strength and stamina, and some of agility and spirit (9 stat points).

He opened his status window and checked his stats.


{Name} : Arnold Zelenski

{Title} : None

{Rank} : F

{Strength} : 89

{Agility} : 78

{Stamina} : 80

{Luck} : 45

{Charisma} : 40

{Intelligence} : 40

{Spirit} : 95 

{Talent} : Blazing Sun ( Rank A )

{Enhancements} : None

{Stat points} : 2


Talent :

Blazing Sun (Rank A) - Increase 30% of your stats when you are in direct contact with sunlight. Increases the power of fire-based attack by 10% when you are in direct contact with sunlight. Increases your resistance against fire by 10%.


Zelenski's Swordsmanship (Rank A), Phoenix's descent (Rank A), Fireball (Rank C), Combat Mastery (Rank C), Night Vision (Rank C)


As they ventured deeper into the forest, their path led them to a mysterious cave entrance. The cave's dark, foreboding interior offered no glimpse of light, shrouding everything in pitch-black darkness. It was a fully underground passage, concealing its secrets within the depths of the earth. Despite the eerie atmosphere, Arnold and his team pressed onward.

"Get ready there will be many rats waiting to ambush us on the path." Arnold said in a light tone.

Everyone nodded their head when they heard him, they have previously entered the cave so they knew that many rats will be inside the cave waiting for them.

With a confident nod from Arnold, the group silently began their descent into the cavernous depths. Each step was deliberate and cautious, as the inky darkness seemed to envelope them. The faint echoes of their footfalls reverberated through the cave, adding to the tense atmosphere.

As they walked for some time, Arnold heard some voices, he looked ahead and saw a pair of red eyes glaring at him, Arnold's eyes widened in realization he said, "Prepare for combat, there is a horde ahead."

As Arnold's words trailed off, countless red eyes glowed like fiery lamps in the darkness, their unsettling brilliance fixated upon the approaching group. The sight sent shivers down their spines, and their muscles tensed in preparation for the coming rat horde.




The rats' eerie shrieks reverberated through the cave, piercing the silence with a chilling intensity. Without hesitation, the horde of rodents surged forward, their beady eyes fixated on Arnold's group. They moved with surprising speed and ferocity, closing the distance between them. The group's hearts raced, and adrenaline surged through their veins as they readied themselves for the impending confrontation. A battle was about to ensue, and in the face of this relentless onslaught.



Perched on the sturdy branch, Arthur observed the group of wolves below, their keen senses picking up on mysterious scents wafting through the air. He carefully reached into his storage space, retrieving a collection of sharp wolf fangs and claws he had gotten previously.

The wolves, unaware of the hidden danger above, continued to roam about, sniffing curiously at the unusual scent trails.

With steady hands, Arthur held the wolf's fang above his arched middle finger, stabilizing it with his index finger. His eyes narrowed, homing in on a solitary wolf below, seemingly engrossed in investigating an intriguing scent. The fang, sharpened to a deadly point, gleamed in the faint light that filtered through the thick canopy above.

The fang found its mark, striking the unsuspecting wolf with precision. A moment of confusion swept over the pack as they tried to comprehend the sudden attack. In that brief moment, Arthur sprang into action, he seized the opportunity to unleash his next move. He took aim once more, launching another fang towards the heart of the chaos.

The forest erupted in chaos as the wolves scattered, the fang inciting fear and confusion among them. Arthur maintained his poised position, strategically choosing his targets and unleashing the fiery arsenal from above. Each well-aimed fang found its mark, striking the wolves with relentless precision.

In the midst of the chaos, Arthur's calculated assault left the wolves bewildered and intimidated. As the forest echoed with their desperate howls, it became evident that Arthur's cunning plan had turned the tables in his favor. With a mix of awe and trepidation, he continued his aerial barrage, battling the pack from the safety of his elevated perch.

When all the wolves ran away, Arthur stopped his assault and put the remaining fangs in his storage space. Arthur carefully backed away from his perch, moving silently from branch to branch, ensuring he remained hidden from the watchful eyes of the remaining wolves below. As he settled on another sturdy tree limb, he peered down at the scene that had unfolded.

The forest floor below was now scattered with the lifeless bodies of the once-ferocious wolves. His precision strikes had taken a toll on the pack, leaving them vulnerable and defeated. The ground seemed to be painted with the aftermath of his assault.

Arthur's gaze shifted to the wolves that remained, now standing amidst their fallen comrades. The survivors appeared bewildered their fierce aggression tempered by the revelation of their vulnerability.

After waiting for some time, he heard rustling of the leaves, when he looked back, he saw a single large wolf standing at the place he previously did the action. It was the same wolf Arthur saw at the entrance of cave, the other one most probably still guarding the cave entrance.

Arthur observed silently as the large wolf approached the dead bodies of its kin, its red eyes flaring with anger and grief. Arthur took out a single fang and locked his aim at the big wolf, but this time he used his mana to increase its speed and power, after aiming he shot the fang towards the wolf.

The wolf noticed the fangs and nails Arthur has use, embedded in the bodies. Suddenly a fang infused with mana shot on his feet, the fang had left a significant wound on one of the wolf's feet.


The big wolf howled in pain as its front leg was impaled with fang. In response to the wolf's howl, the pack grew agitated, sniffing the air and scanning their surroundings for any sign of the perpetrator.

Arthur picked a fang and threw it in his opposite direction, as the fang flew across and hit the tree, all the wolves ran towards the tree were the sound came from.

As the wolves were searching for the attacker, the big wolf looked towards the place where the voice came from, Arthur then suddenly broke a twig.

The big wolf's ears twitched, the sound of breaking was too soft but it was still heard by the wolf, without wasting any time the big wolf ran towards Arthur. Because of its injury it was not able to run at it original speed, Arthur aimed another fang towards the wolf.

With the wolf charging relentlessly, it failed to detect the small, mana-enforced fang hurtling towards it. As Arthur swiftly moved through the trees, leaping from one to another, the fang closed in on its target. The wolf sensed the imminent danger, attempting to evade, but the fang still managed to pierce its left hind leg.

With the injury hindering its movements, the wolf's jump became unsteady, and it collided with a tree. Seizing the opportunity, Arthur swiftly leaped down from the tree, wielding a sword in his hand, he directly pierced the wolf's head with the sword.

[ Rank-E Forest wolf ( Level 5 ) killed ]

As the wolf's life force faded, Arthur quickly placed his hand on its head and activated Devour. As he absorbed the wolf's energy, his eyes scanned the ground below, where scattered loot lay after the wolf's demise.

[ +2 Strength ]

[ +3 Agility ]

[ +3 Agility ]



"So, this one was E-rank, that's why it much larger than others." Arthur said as he looked at the wolf.

He then turned his gaze towards other wolves, after devouring all of the energy he then attacked the remaining wolves.

Ten minutes later,

Arthur deftly collected all the loot scattered on the ground, making sure not to miss anything valuable. As he approached the body of the E-rank wolf, he noticed that it had already disappeared. In the New World, the beasts and creatures in dungeons would vanish ten minutes after their death, leaving behind only the loot they carried.

He then looked at all the things he has picked currently.

[ Forest wolf's fang*30, Forest wolf pelt*10, Forest wolf meat (Rank F)*10, Forest wolf meat (Rank E)*1, Strength Enhancing potion (Rank F)*4, Agility Enhancing potion (Rank F)*12, Stamina Enhancing potion (Rank F)*10, Spirit Enhancing Potion (Rank F)*2, Strength Enhancing potion (Rank E)*1, Agility Enhancing potion (Rank E)*1, Stamina Enhancing Potion (Rank E)*1, Spirit Enhancing Potion (Rank E)*1, Beast core(Rank E)*1 ]

Satisfied with his efforts, Arthur nodded to himself, acknowledging that his hard work had indeed paid off.

He then took out some enhancing potions and started to use them one by one.

[ +5 Strength ]

[ +7 Strength ]

[ +1 Strength ]


[ +4 Agility ]

[ +10 Agility ]


[ +8 Stamina ]


[ +2 Spirit ]

[ +2 Spirit ]

He also drank those stat enhancing potions he brought from the store, and after completing the drinking limit he devoured the energy of the remaining potions.

As he was devouring the Agility Enhancing potion, he saw a notification popping in front of him.

[ Maximum Agility limit reached ]

Seeing this notification, he opened his status window.


{Name} : Arthur Hightower

{Title} : Slayer

{Rank} : F

{Strength} : 96

{Agility} : 100 

{Stamina} : 89 

{Luck} : 100

{Charisma} : 100

{Intelligence} : ??

{Spirit} : 75

{Talent} : None

{Equipment} : None

{Stat points} : 10


Skills : God of All (Rank ???), Devour [8.00%] (Rank A), Heat Resistance (Rank F), Camouflage [9.73%] (Rank F)


After seeing his stats, he threw the Agility enhancing potion in his hand, took out other Stamina and Spirit enhancing potion and started to devour energy form them.

[ Maximum Stamina limit reached]

[ Maximum Spirit limit reached]


Arthur let out a sigh then went towards the cave at the mountain, now there was only one Rank-E wolf remaining, who was guarding the cave. He swiftly approached the cave, after reaching there he started to run towards the wolf. Seeing Arthur running towards him the wolf growled and started to run towards him.

[ {Slayer} title activated]

[Added 90% of Opponent's stats]

Arthur took out a fang and strengthened it with his mana, as both of them were close to each other, Arthur suddenly performed a duck jump. As Arthur was just below the wolf, he shot the fang in his hand towards the wolf's jaw.

The fang strengthened with mana directly pierced the wolf's mouth and came out from its head.

[Rank-E Forest wolf (Level 5) killed]

The dead wolf's body, now devoid of any life force, fell to the ground with a thud, sending a cloud of dust and scattering the loot around.

Arthur then picked the things fallen on the ground.

[Agility Enhancing potion (Rank E)*1]

Peering into the cave, Arthur noticed an absence of wolves, which he attributed to his earlier assault. The echo of his battle still resonated within the cavern, keeping any potential threats at bay.

After walking inside the cave for some time, he noticed that there were no signs of any beast inside, as time went by Arthur noticed that the cave was now enlarging. As Arthur reached the cave's end he saw a small altar at the center of the cave, and a book radiating silver glitter was lying quietly above the altar.

Arthur picked the book from the altar, just as he picked the book a notification resounded.

[ Do you want to learn skill Mana Sense (Rank A)]

Then there were options whether he want to learn the skill or not. Arthur just put that skill book on his storage space and started to walk out of the cave. After he came out of the cave he looked ahead and saw a blue wolf running towards the cave entrance from the forest. The wolf had many injuries ridden on it from which was seeping out.

As it notices his gaze the wolf with blue fur gazed backwards at Arthur who just came out of the cave. Looking at Arthur with its big red eyes with anger within, it then barred its fangs at Arthur.

[ {Slayer} title activated]

[ Opponent of higher rank detected]

[ Added 90% of opponent's stat]

With giving any warning the wolf looked at the sky and howled, then a green ball with wind swirling around it started to form above its head. Without wasting any time Arthur took out some fangs and aimed one of the fangs at the wolf's head and shot it directly.

Without even looking at the fang the wolf dodged it by tilting its head. Arthur threw more fangs at the wolf together, but they were all dodged by the wolf easily. Arthur then took out his sword from his storage space and launched himself at the wolf.

Seeing this wolf threw the ball towards Arthur, as the ball hurled towards Arthur, he used his sword and hit the ball directly, throwing it back at the wolf. The wolf jumped sideways in panic, and this was enough for Arthur to reach near the wolf.

Arthur slashed his sword at the wolf's head, to save itself the wolf grabbed the sword with its mouth stopping it with the help of its sharp fangs, cracks started to form on the sword because of the wolf's sharp teeth. This sword was only a F-rank sword so how can it stand against this beast.

Arthur's hand tightened as he held the sword, the wolf's head was only inches away from away from him. The wolf was about to shake its head to pry the sword out of Arthur's hand, but Arthur suddenly left the sword and put his hand on the wolf's head and kicked the wolf's jaw with his knee.

The kick had enough strength, and the sword on wolf's mouth broke its shards with the additional force. The wolf even swallowed some shards causing it to choke, blood also started to come out of the wolf's mouth.

Taking out the B-rank sword he bought earlier, he slashed the sword towards the wolf's neck and cleaved it easily into two.

[ Rank-E Forest (Level 9) killed]


The wolf fell to the ground lifeless.

[ Strength Enhancing Potion (Rank E)*1, Agility Enhancing Potion (Rank E)*1, Beast core(Rank E) ]

[ +3 Strength ]

[ +3 Strength ]

[ Maximum Strength limit reached]

After finishing everything, he looked towards the direction where the injured wolf came from.

"This must be done by overlord of another area." thinking of this he started to walk towards the direction where the wolf came from.



"Sir Arnold what should we do now? two of us have already died." a man covered in cloak said to Arnold as he looked at the remaining peoples around him.

Arnold and his group now had two less peoples and all of them were covered in injuries.

"What can we do? Who knew an E-rank beast would come and attack the rat lord, when we were fighting it. We did think that such a thing could happen." Arnold said wryly thinking about the sudden appearance of the Alpha wolf during the fight.

When they were about to attack the Rat lord, the Alpha wolf together with some wolfs came to the underground cave to attack the Rat lord, but because of them both the rats and the wolfs attacked them simultaneously causing the casualty.

"We have failed again." Arnold put his hand on his forehead as he sighed.

'This would make father unhappy.'