
Gotta Catch All Them Kunoichi

Silas has been reborn as a failure of an academy student in a dumpster. He burns his way out and is free to chase after all the sexy Kunoichi girls after he makes sure he isn't in a futa world.

Ultimatedaywriter · アニメ·コミックス
12 Chs

CH11: Sexy Anko Time

With little time left, he trained with everything he had, skipping sleep and managing to put in 48 hours of work. Then, over the last few hours, he started seeing things.

A lack of sleep shouldn't be a problem with someone of his Constitution. Silas should be able to stay awake for weeks with his regeneration.

"Silas," he heard his name whispered by several voices. Memories of his past lives played through his head like one long movie reel while he struggled to stand on the river. He punched forward, and the water parted as waves of force blasted from his fist. It wasn't a jutsu, only an application of chakra enhancement.

Shadows danced in the distance, phasing in and out of reality. He grabbed his head and felt two-thirds of his chakra rush out of him.

"You should rest; you've been awake for too long." The mounting worry he tried to hold back fell upon him. The mask of everything's fine cracked, and stress flowed into him.

There was no other explanation; he was losing his mind. Silas stared at himself and himself. One was a beautiful being with three eyes and a pitch-black body with gills lining its neck, while the other was a boy with blonde hair and blue eyes like Naruto. Both were lives he had lived, one as a leech reborn in a world with a system and the other his life in the cursed cannibalistic world. Silas stood on the river as the two judged him, and he couldn't take it.

Silas punched forward, but his blond self caught the punch effortlessly. When it spoke, Silas wanted to cover his ears. "You've put on a mask you're wearing me." Blonde, Silas said.

The river shook as he struggled against the much stronger body of his past life. Chakra alone couldn't match a power level of hundreds of thousands. But if he couldn't hurt his other self physically, he knew all of his own weaknesses.

"When you first incarnated, you had the drive to be free, at least in your speech, but that was always me, not you." Hero, Silas said.

He decided to use his incarnation's history against him. "Do you miss Chris? It's too bad you were too weak to stop her father from cucking you? We were reborn for only a day and didn't have the power to stop it. Do you remember seeing her in the park pushing a baby girl with the same blue hair as her?" Silas asked.

A sudden blow to his stomach knocked the air out of his lungs before he sunk into the river's depths. He smashed down through the rocky riverbed and saw his monster self hovering before him. He couldn't move a muscle; all he could do was stare into his other's glowing yellow eye. The water churned, and the leaf on Silas's forehead tore away. His head pounded as he struggled against the telekinetic bonds holding him.

"Let it out; say what you feel, no matter the consequences. It hurt to see her happy without me. After I returned as a hero, I could have requested to breed her, but my pride wouldn't let me. I could have had closure, but instead, I died." His blond version said.

They died because a powerful hero was something society used until they were no more. By the time Hero Silas died, he was ready to go; all the women he loved had only used him up.

"It's different this time; we're different." His blond other said.

His monster other sighed. "Why can't we ever go to a nice world where no one wants to kill us?" Monster, Silas asked.

The Leaf shinobi focused his chakra and tried to rise using the water walking technique. His lungs were burning under the pressure of his monster self's telekinesis, but he fought against it. This wouldn't be the end; he wouldn't let it. He fought with all his might against the telekinetic force and the water holding him down.

"It's too early for you to dream of fighting a skill with a newly acquired power." A massive force drove his feet through the stone of the riverbed like too much chakra in the tree walking exercise.

Silas refused to be beaten by these losers. They died because they handed off control of their fate and stopped being active. It was their way to settle into someone else's rhythm and fall into traps thinking their powers would save them. He almost did the same.

The images of his other lives faded out of sight. However, he could still feel their memories and, more importantly, unresolved issues. Betrayal, apathy, and past mistakes haunted him more real than any ghost.

"Learn the lesson, then we'll fight again." The two clones said, then popped, returning his chakra. He had divided his chakra into thirds and used shadow clones from memories of Naruto using the Jutsu from the anime.

He stood back on top of the river. Water soaked through his clothes, the river was in turmoil with whirlpools covering the surface, and massive waves slammed into the surrounding banks leaving behind streaks of coal-like running mascara. He stood atop the raging waters, his chakra stronger than ever and his chakra control amped to a ridiculous level.

Chakra Pool: 21

Chakra Control Amp 55% per point

Power Level: 275 E Rank

The little stunt with his memories taking on forms from his subconscious cost him half his reserves, even if they were rapidly recovering. Regeneration helped more than his physical body, a gift from the system world.

In those days, he had been stuck between wanting revenge on his ex-wife and trying to find a place for himself in the new world. What he should have been doing was searching for his brother and sister once he established himself. Instead, he died quickly in that world, a former slave to an alchemist and his overly moral daughter over a sorority of dungeon-born fake humans. They contacted the church of Chastity, and a group of paladins cornered him in a bar. He walked into an ambush by several adventuring parties he had never had a chance.

Most of the powers he gained from the system world were incompatible with his body without a long integration period. But he had some good news.

With his increased power level and chakra, he gained a new trick. Silas could control the output of his charisma stat. It still altered his appearance to look better with every power level point gained, but he could control the full effect. In other words, he could keep himself from lobotomizing people with his words when it became more powerful or use it when he wanted to make the largest impact.

For instance, he planned to use it to fuck Anko in their hotel room. In a day, he would finish up the mission, and he was feeling lucky. His ghosts had spoken already; he wasn't going to have any regrets if he could help it.

The room was dark with closed curtains; there was barely enough light to see the Dango sticks Anko had used to make a heart out of boredom. She had been sleeping peacefully with one eye open until the brat opened the door and closed it behind him. Her hangover pounded until she saw him.

Was his chest always so broad and his shoulders so dependable? He practically radiated power, safety, and, most importantly of all, wealth from head to toe. Silas didn't bother wearing armor since his body could handle explosive tags without noticeable damage. Even using all her strength, all she could ever do was make his lip bleed a little, and that might be more from his own teeth slicing his lip than her power alone.

She felt herself grow wet and blushed at the sight of him. A feeling she had felt in flashes but never so potently spread over her.

Anko disrupted her chakra to break the illusion, but it didn't work. Silas looked every bit an attractive man to her eyes, even with the bulge growing in his pants.

"Sorry, seeing beautiful Kunoichi makes it difficult to hide sometimes. But, Anko Sensei, you did it; shouldn't you take some responsibility." Silas said in a deep husky voice.

Silas fumbled with the occupied sign for a few minutes before he latched it on the nob and stepped into Anko's room. It was a bit of a pigsty, he couldn't lie.

Clothes covered the floor, and the whole place smelled like cheap food. Yellow plaster covered the ceiling from years of smokers renting the hotel, and Anko had morning breath something offal. He had to think of grabbing Niko and Sakura's asses to get his dick hard.

He needed to let off some steam, or he would really go crazy, and Anko was the best kind of girl, legal. Silas blasted her with his charisma full blast to see what would happen.

"Hey Anko, I'm gonna fuck your pussy raw," Silas said and stepped forward.

Anko blinked as her face heated up as chapters from Icha Icha student chapters came to mind. It was happening she had a Genin that was interested in her enough to break the taboo. This was so wrong but so hot. She couldn't fight it, and if she had only one regret, it was not brushing her teeth before, but maybe he wouldn't mind.

"We shouldn't; I'm your sensei; it's inappropriate," Anko said.

"If it's wrong to love a beautiful woman in her prime, then nothing is right. So I'll stand by you and face the opposition together."

Anko felt herself dripping at the proposal from Ich Icha and fumbled with her skirt buckle. She hadn't bothered undressing the night before and fell asleep in her duster. The interrogator pulled off her skirt and rolled down her chainmail stocking.

Her breath was like someone opened a sewer line; if he had known it was so rancid, he would have brought over some breath mints. Unfortunately, Dango and boos weren't great on the breath, and his foot landed in an old bowl of ramen left out on the floor. The cold feeling of the soup splashed against his toes and sent a shiver down his spine. Silas would probably have to marry Anko just so someone could take care of her; if he knocked her up, maybe this wasn't a good idea.

Then Anko spread her legs for him, and all thoughts of backing out were tossed aside. He wouldn't have any regrets.

A plan started to form a little abstract, but it would help Anko with her cleanliness problem.

Living like Naruto was no way to live; he was practically saving Hinata from having to pick up after him her whole life by trying to break them up. She could pick up after Anko just as well, or Anko could use shadow clones as Lord Second intended and clean up after herself.

He closed his eyes and smiled, blasting Anko with full charisma.

"We shouldn't; I'm your sensei; it's inappropriate," Anko said.

"But I want to," Silas said.

Anko hurried to undress, muttering something about Icha Icha. She lunged to kiss him, and he leaned in to kiss her neck. The special Jonin nipped at his ear, and he promised to wash it later. He brought his fingers between her legs and pressed between her slick labia. A pleasant warmth greeted him along with her slick, gripping passage. Clearly, kunoichi training included kegals.

If Silas didn't find a way to escape her breath, he might regret having sex with her more than staying abstinent on the mission. The question was would his charisma hold up to forcefully brushing her teeth. He remembered an anime where that was done erotically between a brother and sister.

He pressed his finger in to the knuckle. Then, he slowly massaged her labia, spreading Anko's love juices around her labia to make entry easier. Silas wasn't saying he had a big dick, but Anko seemed to have a shallow rice patty. While he might not sport a tree truck between his legs, he was sure it was enough to hurt Anko if he didn't prepare the way.

Anko lulled her head back as he searched her pussy and found the good button. When he pressed it, Anko lunged forward, kissing him. Silas was stunned and couldn't do anything as Anko slipped her tongue in his mouth before winking at him. Her tongue grew a little longer and stopped enough to fill his mouth with her morning breath.

She sucked on his tongue and drooled in his mouth; it was everything he could do not to gag while he pumped her little bundle of nerves for everything it was worth.

"After this, I don't think it would be right for me to call you a brat anymore. So how do you like Sugar Daddy?" Anko moaned.

Silas retreated with his fingers and flung Anko's legs up before letting his dick out and resting it over Anko's cunny.

"How do you like cum receptacle? After this, I will fuck you whenever I feel like it." Silas said.

"That's so romantic, but are you sure you want to do that for me. Maybe you would like someone closer to your age." Anko said, clearly having a different conversation due to his charisma.

He pushed himself slowly between her lips and let her pussy slowly take him in. Her cunt was warm and wet, and she clenched down on him immediately, giving Silas his first take of Kunoichi cunny. Silas bucked his hips by accident, pushing himself in a few inches. Then, he grabbed her ass and pulled her forward before burying his face between her tits.

Anko was stacking even for the hot Kunoichi in Konoha. He latched on one of her nipples, and her pussy tightened before gushing. Suddenly she was clenching and moaning, and he had barely begun. Silas grabbed her thin, toned waist and lifted her onto his lap. Anko's legs looped around his back, and she pulled, forcing him deeper into her. He could feel her cervix kissing his dick.

He licked Anko's nipple in his mouth, feeling the pointy poking nipple and sloshing his tongue around her areola. Even in the failing light, he could see a hint of pink from her nipples as he pushed hard and deep. Silas could have lasted longer, but Anko's pussy was too good, and he wanted to paint her white. He wanted to paint all the Kunoichi white, and Anko was his first real catch.

Silas pounded Anko harder and faster, standing up on the bed before walking up the wall to gravity push him even deeper into Anko. He groaned as his balls clenched, and his orgasm was inevitable. The load he gave Anko was thick and deep, blasted directly against her cervix, thanks to their position.

When Silas finally calmed down, Anko kissed him full on the mouth and filled his nose with her rancid boos morning breath.

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