
Gothem 99

This is my own story It's the smallVille universe and the arrow verse and Lucifer season two together but I will be changing a few characters to match the arrow verse but I am keeping most of the small Ville universe and all the characters in Lucifer of in my maze half angel half demon and Trixie is Lucifer daughter and maze half sister to i'll explain more in the story and Jimmy is alive Only other stories on this super supergirl and flash and arrow

marty_prank_tv · 都市
7 Chs

Joker plan

<p>The Joker's evil plan was to cause chaos and destruction throughout the city. He had planted bombs in various locations and had his henchmen causing mayhem on the streets. His ultimate goal was to create a sense of fear and panic among the citizens, and to prove that he was the most powerful and dangerous villain in the city.As the police and Batman raced to stop him, the Joker laughed maniacally, enjoying the chaos he had created. He knew that he had the upper hand, and that he could outsmart anyone who tried to stop him.But little did he know, Batman had a plan of his own. With the help of his trusted allies, he was able to track down the Joker's hideout and confront him face to face. In a fierce battle, Batman was able to defeat the Joker and put an end to his evil plan.The citizens of the city breathed a sigh of relief as the Joker was taken away to prison. But they knew that he would always be a threat, lurking in the shadows, waiting for his next opportunity to strike. And so, they remained vigilant, knowing that they could never let their guard down when it came to the Joker. as joker is an Arkham, a certain psychologist, Dr Harleen Quinzel wants to interview him to understand him better, and maybe help him Dr. Harleen Quinzel had always been fascinated by the Joker's twisted mind. As a psychologist at Arkham Asylum, she had seen her fair share of disturbed patients, but the Joker was different. He was a puzzle that she couldn't quite solve, and she was determined to understand him better.Despite the warnings of her colleagues, Dr. Quinzel requested to interview the Joker. She believed that if she could get inside his head, she could help him. She knew it was a risky move, but she was willing to take the chance.The Joker was initially resistant to the idea of being interviewed, but Dr. Quinzel was persistent. She spent hours talking to him, trying to understand his motivations and thought processes. She listened to his stories, his jokes, and his rants, and slowly but surely, she began to see the man behind the madness.Over time, the Joker began to open up to Dr. Quinzel. He saw her as a kindred spirit, someone who understood him in a way that no one else could. He began to confide in her, telling her things that he had never told anyone before.As their sessions continued, Dr. Quinzel began to develop feelings for the Joker. She knew it was wrong, but she couldn't help herself. She believed that she could save him, that she could be the one to bring him back from the brink of insanity.<br/>But as time went on, Dr. Quinzel began to realize that the Joker was beyond help. He was too far gone, too consumed by his own madness to ever be saved. And in the end, it was Dr. Quinzel herself who became the Joker's most loyal follower, taking on the persona of Harley Quinn and joining him in his never-ending quest for chaos and destruction.</p>