
GoT: The Black Wolf of Winterfell

Barthogan Stark, called Black Barth, Second Son of Lord Rickard Stark, Elder Twin Brother of Eddard Stark, and Reincarnated soul unlike any other. Sunday 26th September 2021: Barthogan's saga has almost been sung, but the story of His Son Cregan I Blackstark and his Siblings Steffon, Cassana, and Josephine have yet to be written and sung.

Theragfromthecrag · 書籍·文学
38 Chs

4: The Banners of Moat Cailin

(Moat Cailin, The Causeway, The Neck, The North, The Seven Kingdoms of Westeros, Westeros, GoT Universe)


(Time-skip: Six Years Later)


(Barthogan Stark POV)


Barthogan Stark stood proudly atop the Battlements of Moat Cailin, his Stark Cloak Fluttering in the Wind, above him flew a Banner bearing the Stark Direwolf Sigil quartered with an Golden Baratheon Stag and a Black Wolf. Beneath it flew the Banners of Houses Ryswell, Ryder, Dustin, Fisher, Locke, Flint, Reed, and Manderly. These Eight where the Bannermen of House Stark of Moat Cailin.

They were able to field some ten to fifteen thousand men between them, while Moat Cailin itself was able raise at least Five Thousand itself. But that number was steadily growing as more and more Smallfolk flocked to join the growing town of Houses and Businesses popping up in the little connection to the sea West of the Moat.

And despite his best efforts smallfolk started calling it Blackstark Bay.

The name was starting to slowly give rise to a new House, House Blackstark.

In other news, Barthogan was granted leave to briefly return to the North to sit down with his Lord's Bannermen by Lord Steffon. Barthogan watched from the battlements as it snowed around him. His eyes dimming as he remembered what had happened when he had just gotten through the Causeway, his hand going to the bandaged cuts underneath his furs, and the sewn up ones ion his face...


(Warning: Flashback Start)


(POV Shift: In General)


Barthogan Stark rode out the Northern entrance to the Causeway, his Black Wolf Banners, which were quartered with a Golden Baratheon Stark and the Original Grey Direwolf of House Stark carried by his men. Reed Banners flew beside them, House Reed having joined him at the Causeway. Over his back was a Longsword that he had forged himself.

Little known fact was that the Baratheon's had a Coming of Age Tradition which was considered a precursor to manhood. A Baratheon had to toil and hammer a Weapon of their own making. This Weapon would be theirs until their Wedding Day, where it would then be hung from the Mantle only to be taken off when it was time for his own children to learn the way of the sword or when the safety of their Hearth was threatened.

As Robert was in the Vale with Ned, Barthogan was obligated to do it as Stannis wasn't old enough and Cassandra had already done it. The Process lasted Seven Days and Seven Nights, and on the morning of the Eighth he revealed Two Swords, a Long Sword with a Slight curve to it, and a Short Sword that had a Guard which projected Short blades of it's own.

Barthogan left the Short Sword in the Care of Cassandra. In what he had called a concordance of fidelity. Which happened to be from Star Wars.

Right now, the sense of warmth he felt from being in the North after an absence of six years was not so much orgasmic as euphoric. Sadly that blinded him from reacting in time to see the danger lunging at him.


(Warning: Flashback End)


(POV Shift: Barthogan Stark)


Preposterously a Snow Bear attacked, it slaughtered all but a handful of his men before he and Howland Reed Slew the beast.

It haunted him that his bond with Animals no longer seemed as strong as it once did, Only Raven's now obeyed him. This Bear was being skinned so that Barthogan could wear it as a Cloak and Hood.

Barthogan gave one last look before turning around as the Lord's Dustin, Flint, Fisher, Ryswell, Reed, and Manderly were sat within the Children's tower directly behind him.

Lord Arthur Ryder and Lord Ondrew Locke stood beside their liege Lords, Lord's Rodrik Ryswell and Wyman Manderly respectively.

''How fairs construction of the Coastal Chains? Are we any closer to having a sea defense?'' Asks Barthogan, having wrote to Lord Wyman Two Years Ago asking him to Construct a large Harbor Chain to protect White Harbor and having a second one constructed to shield the Western Coasts from incursions.

''The Chains have been Finished as have the surrounding Castles That protect the Towers holding the Chains, Young Lord. But We're having trouble with the logistics of Garrisoning them.'' Says Wyman.

''When The Port is Raised we'll use it to start additional trading with The rest of Westeros and Tyrosh and Myr. With any luck the coin will render those a moot problem. But if it doesn't we'll discuss it at a later date. For now I wish to have the Wolf's Den repaired and turned into our regular meeting place. Each of our Houses will Garrison Five Hundred Men within the Completely rebuilt Den to serve as The Den's protectors. Consequently I want the Causeway to be expanded by two more Lengths, but with Walls and towers that turn it into a kill zone if breached.'' Says Barthogan.

''Shouldn't take more than a few months to clear the Causeway. The Walls and Towers will take longer However.'' Says Howland Reed.

''What about the Western Coasts, who will control the Shipyards?'' Asks Lord Ryswell.

''Inland-wise Houses Ryswell, Dustin, and Flint. The Dustin's will serve as The Primary controllers of the Shipyards, with Houses Flint and Ryswell controlling the smaller Shipyards that will supply the Dustin's with Additional materials and ships. My Marriage to Lady Cassandra will get us access to the Power, Wealth, and Status of House Baratheon. The agreement gives us access to their resources. I want to be able to give something back. Here's a new item to produce, House Flint will produce it, and Houses Fisher, Manderly, and Ryder will sell it.'' Says Barthogan, handing over the means to produce A Stronger, Lighter, and Longer-Lasting Metal Alloy.

''We'll make weapons and Armor from the Alloy and outfit ours and the Baratheon Men with it. It's not quite Valyrian Steel but it's Close Enough.'' Says Barthogan.

''I'll need to speak to my smith's.'' Says Lord Flint.

''And with that our meeting is over. I regret my time is little, but I must return to Storm's End, for my bride and I have a pressing matter to attend to.'' Says Barthogan.

Not my favorite piece, but with any luck the next Chapter will clear some shit up and will expose you guys to the perspective of Cassandra, who will reveal what happened in those six years together. What I'm trying to do Is split Time a chapter or two apart between Pokémon: The Elite Champion and Barthogan so next will be Atticus and Pokémon.

See you guys soon.

Theragfromthecragcreators' thoughts