
GoT: The Black Wolf of Winterfell

Barthogan Stark, called Black Barth, Second Son of Lord Rickard Stark, Elder Twin Brother of Eddard Stark, and Reincarnated soul unlike any other. Sunday 26th September 2021: Barthogan's saga has almost been sung, but the story of His Son Cregan I Blackstark and his Siblings Steffon, Cassana, and Josephine have yet to be written and sung.

Theragfromthecrag · 書籍·文学
38 Chs

21: The Rebellion Might Be Over, But the War is Not

(The Red Keep, King's Landing, Blackwater Bay, The Crownlands, The Seven Kingdoms of Westeros, Westeros, GoT Universe)


(Barthogan Blackstark POV)


Barthogan sat in the Red Keep's Throne Room, atop the Iron Throne, Across His lap sat the Targaryen Blades, while in his hands handle jutting upwards as if in vigil, was Red Rain.

At the Bottom stood Ser Arthur Dayne, Ser Oswell Whent, and Ser Gerold Hightower. At the foot of his Throne stood Ser Barristan, Ser Jaime, Ser Lyn, Ser Brynden, Ser Garth, and by his side stood Cassandra and Stannis.

"I will retain your services, however, the Post of Lord-Commander has been granted to Ser Barristan. And then there's the matter of me having to appease the Septons by keeping the Kingsguard to Seven. Therefore, Ser Oswell and Ser Gerold you shall be the First Members of the Kingsglaive, an Order of Warriors who will number Fifteen Thousand Strong, act independently of any order not coming from the King and Queen. The Vows will remain the same for you and the option of celibacy will be extended to future members. Ser Arthur you are Princess Rhaenys Targaryen's Sworn Shield, seems fitting for Rhaegar's best Friend." Says Barthogan.

At that Point, Barthogan hands Dark Sister to Stannis, who descends the Steps to hand Dark Sister to Dayne.

"His Grace commands you to Wield this Targaryen Blade in defense of the Princess." Stannis Says sternly. "It shall be awarded to Prince Cregan on his Wedding Night as it shall fall to him to guard her then. Until then you alone will train Prince Cregan." Stannis adds.

"Open the doors, the Court is now in session." Barthogan commands.

The Guards at the Door open and the Court enters, the Small Councilors lead them through.

"Let it be known that Genna Lannister, sister of Tywin, Wife of Emmon Frey is now the Mistress of Coin. Similarly Randyll Tarly is named Master of Laws, Yohn Royce the Master of the Kingsglaive, Ser Barristan Selmy Lord-Commander of the Kingsguard, Wyman Manderly Master of Ships, Roose Bolton the Royal Marshal. Princess Rhaenys Targaryen is henceforth betrothed to Crown Prince Cregan Blackstark, and Princess Elia Martell will Serve on the Small Council as the Dornish Representative. Furthermore Prince Oberyn Martell is now Lord-Commander of the City Watch. Cassandra?" Barthogan says.

"The Rebellion might be over, but this war is not. The Golden Company is still coming, and until we kick their asses back to Essos AGAIN, the war is not over. My husband and I have determined that Dragonstone must be taken, Queen Rhaelle secured and Prince Viserys killed or captured. To that end, we command Lord Wyman to marshal the Royal Fleet to Dragonstone and secure it and the Queen and Prince." Cassandra declares.

"Ser Oswell Whent and Ser Gerold Hightower, are to serve as the First Members of the Kingsglaive, an Order answering directly to the King and Queen, whose duty is to seek out threats to the Crown or Realm and either transform them into assets or destroy them. Ser Arthur Dayne is the Sworn Shield of Princess Rhaenys." Barthogan adds.

"In addition, myself, Robert Baratheon, and Ned Stark will be transporting Lyanna Stark to Winterfell for Burial. Until My Return Cassandra holds King's Landing.'' Says Barthogan Descending The Iron Throne to rendezvous with Ned and Robert so that they might transport Lyanna to Winterfell for Burial beside their Father, Brother, and Royal and Lordly Ancestors of old.


(POV Shift: Robert Baratheon POV)


It broke his heart, not being able to say goodbye to Lyanna in person, or holding her in his arms as she die. But beneath his heartbreak his Fury raged and burned within his very Soul.

If the Gods existed, then with The Stranger as his witness every Last Targaryen would die!!!

But...Elia Martell she and her Daughter were innocent, they were victims just as much as Lyanna, Robert was wise enough to see that. It would be difficult being around them, bit he didn't want THEM dead at the very least.


(POV Shift: Ned Stark)


Ned was quieter than usual, his mind constantly switching back and forth between Lyanna and Barthogan as he recalled Lyanna's parting words:


(WARNING: Flashback Start)


Rushing to Lyanna's side, Ned held his sister close.

''Ned, where is Barth?'' Lyanna asks.

''Outside dealing with the Martell's. Your safe now sister.'' Says Ned.

''It wasn't supposed to be like this, We sent should have sent Ravens. Is Barthogan okay?'' Asks Lyanna.

''He's fine Lyanna. He's been recognized as the New King. Barthogan killed Rhaegar for what he did to you.'' Says Need, trying to soothe his Sister's worries.

''Ned, this is your nephew, his name is Aegon Targaryen, please promise me that you and Barth will protect him. Promise Me Ned.'' Says Lyanna.

''I Promise.'' Ned vows.

''Take the Sword, Rhae have it to me as a Wedding Gift, use it to protect our family. Promise me Ned?'' Lyanna pleads.


(WARNING: Flashback End)


Ned looking back slowly began to realize that Barthogan knew everything, he knew the real reason Lyanna was taken, maybe he had advanced knowledge or maybe he figured it out for himself, but Barthogan knew, the only question was why did Barth ot Stop Brandon?

What compelled him into silence? What was so worth it for letting their father and brother die? Ned didn't understand, but knew that he needed to understand. It might not be today, it might not be tomorrow, but Ned would find out why?

Even if it was to be the very last thing that he ever did.....


(POV Shift: Ashara Dayne)


Barthogan Blackstark was the reason Arthur still lived. She was a former suitor, but she'd be content as his Paramour now that her wolf was married, but Barthogan had always been her first choice.

All she needed was an introduction....


(POV Shift: Cersei Lannister)


Father gave her a job to do, woo her way into King Barthogan's Bed, and supplant Cassandra Baratheon as the Queen. It should be simple, especially with Aunt Genna on the Small Council and as his Mistress.

Lannister Supremacy should be secured quite easily, all she needed was a meeting with an easily shed dress and all her curves would be on display. Men were so easy to play with, but were sometimes hard to control. But she was a Lioness of Casterly Rock, and what was a Wolf to a Lion.

Forgot to add the Special POV's in first release, sorry about that. Now it's just a toss up of Ashara or Cersei.

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