
GOT : Reborn as a Frey

A Fic in which a man from Earth world finds himself in Westros reborn in a family that was destined to doom themselves. How will he live in this cutthroat world? Well, at least he went in with the mentality to survive. (SI isn't a heroic person and he won't do something that will risk himself for some people that in his eyes used to be characters from a book&TV show) ====================== This Fic originally created by an author known as holyJoker, I chose to pick up this fanfiction after it was abandoned in the first few chapters.

Numera · 書籍·文学
88 Chs

Chapter 27: Chaotic war

These people don't even understand how dangerous life can be. They look at knights like some type of people of virtue that can do no wrong. But I have seen more knights do despicable things than I care to count.' Thought William, while despising all of these close minded people.

"Ser… I can reassure you that these orders come from the lord himself. I am one of the members of his council. My name is William of Vinetown." Said William, while trying to keep his face from showing the nervousness that he was feeling.

The Knight seems unsure but he knew of William. So he just said. "I understand… wait here as I go and confirm this with the lord."

'Sh*t… fu*k..' Thought William as he was panicking on the inside. He was sweating a lot but he still managed to say. "Of course ser…"

The knight nodded and went towards the castle. William decided to take this moment as the knight went away to order the soldiers again. "You can take off the reinforcements and open the doors."

The soldiers looked unsure of what to do, but they still just looked at each other and one of them said. "Sorry my Lord. But we will have to wait for the confirmation."

Even though the soldiers were scared and unsure, they were still loyal enough and smart (or dumb) enough to not go against their lords command. 

William got even more nervous so he decided to add. "Listen, I will take all of the responsibility if something bad happens. Just open those doors, we don't want our enemies to get the wrong idea and attack us right now."

That seemed to somewhat waver the soldiers at the gate even more. But they still disagreed. 

William couldn't take it anymore, he panicked and screamed. "OPEN THE GATES GOD DAMN IT, OR WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE."

He dropped on his knees, tears were coming out of his eyes as they flowed down a face filled with despair. "THE LORD HAS ALREADY ESCAPED, WE ARE ALL ALONE. THE LORD HAS ALREADY ESCAPED DAYS AGO."

William said… no it wasn't him… but it sounded like his own voice. He looked around trying to find who said that. But when the people heard that… they all panicked.

"Oh my god no."

"Is it true that lord Redwyne has abandoned us."

"This can't be happening."

Chaos ensued all around the peasants were running all around, like headless chickens not knowing that they were in the prison… the castle wasn't there to protect them… it was prison keeping them from running away.

Suddenly while everyone was panicking… another soldier had a letter on his hands and a complicated look on his face. While all of them were panicked. He went towards the gates, took down the reinforcements on it (just some wood beams that keep the gate from collapsing in case rams are used against it). 

As he was about to take off the huge beam holding the gate from opening. He heard someone say to him. "What are you doing soldier."

He turned around and saw a knight with his hand on the handle of his sword as he got close to him. 

But the soldier still had a face full of conviction. He is just your average day peasant and… his sister and little brother were being held hostage by Arthur Redhawk… he had no choice.

He got a letter last night with the names of his sister and little brother. His father's head also was dropped in front of him by a hawk.

'I can't let them die.' So with that he turned around to the door again and opened it. 


He felt a sword pierce him from the back… he looked down and saw the tip of the sword that had gone straight through him..


He fell to the ground… and his vision went to dark… not knowing that his sister and brother had long been killed by Arthur, after all why would he bother himself with them, they had already outlived their usefulness. He was just another pawn in a game… 

The Knight looked as the doors slowly opened and… 

""""UAAAAAW"""" A loud scream came as the door was…


Swung open… and the enemies came in. The last thing he saw was a sword as his head flew…

Even William of Vinetown who liked to think of himself as knowledgeable… when he saw this… he finally understood… he was being manipulated all along.

The panic… the doors opening… everything was planned all along and he was just another pawn. Then as an arrow flew towards him and..


The arrow pierced through his eye… and came out at the back of his head.


While this was all happening, lady Redwyne from atop one of the towers in her castle saw the chaos that was happening below her… and she also saw the enemies rushing towards the gates like an endless wave of despair…

She looked towards the ground and contemplated jumping, then at least she dies with her dignity intact… but she remembered her son… her sweet boy… he will definitely get killed… but maybe if…

She just turned around and calmly walked towards the room where her son was. 


When she arrived at her son's room she saw two of her son's sworn swords were fighting against her son's personal guards.

"C'mon man believe, if we give up the little sh*t, they might spare us." Said one of the guards. 

When Lady Redwyne saw this, she looked towards her son who was cowering while sitting on the throne that has been the Redwyne seat of power since ancient times. 

Then suddenly the doors behind her opened and a wave of soldiers being led by a man on a horse with a clean shaven beard, short hair, brown eyes and straight nose came through.

He had a banner of a red hawk on his armor. As he rode the horse, it stopped and took a sh*t on the ground in front of the room. Then the man came forward and a small smile appeared on his face as he said.

"Well hello there my lady."


The MC used a small illusion magic to copy that one guy's (William's) voice. And speak through his Hawk, confusing the people.

But he had to use it carefully and at the perfect moment or it wouldn't have worked. 

Ps: I'm sorry, the last chapter and also this one are very short but that will be changed from the next chapter.


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