
GOT/ASOIAF: Break the Wheel

The Main Character is a Male Targaryen who is named Eragon Targaryen, he is Daenerys Targaryen's twin brother. This is tagged Yuri because girls in his harem will get intimate during sex with the MC and people cry when they aren't warned. (people also seem to cry when they don't instantly see Yuri sex if it's tagged Yuri, you can't make people happy.) This is AU - This is an Alternate Universe of George's world. Expect people and things to be entirely different because of small changes butterflying out. Alternate Universe! Like how The entire first 25 chapters is a 'Time skip' until Eragon is 14 years old. So the first 25 chapters are just random POVs of others and him to build up the world and show changes. Instead of just saying "he was born and 14 years passed." I wrote out the 14 years in a 'fast' way and showed some character build-up for different people. Now that the easily triggered have been warned I can let you know more about the story. World exploration and conquest will be a big theme in this over the many chapters it will eventually be. So far he hasn't gotten around all that much but it's only chapter 70 out of like at least 1000 if I estimate it right. And that might be shorting it quite a bit as I will be making this a very long fan fic. Dragons are in this, new ones. Magic will be touched quite a bit, nothing like altering reality but definitely a cool flaming sword. I like to think I build up the characters pretty well and have them stick to their personalities pretty well. I said it before but world exploration and diving into the lore of new places are one of the things I look forward to the most so it's a pretty big part. I don't know what else, try it if the world of ASOIAF interest you, if it doesn't then this wont be something you like in the slightest.

Pretending_Author · 書籍·文学
189 Chs



299 AC

Summer Isles - Ebonhead

Eragon Targaryen


"Robert Baratheon is dead." Aemma's voice sounds almost like she doesn't even believe the words she is saying.

"What?" I ask as I sit up in my chair and lean forward, this could be perfect for us.

"He got gutted by a boar on a hunt and made it back long enough to die in the Red Keep in his bed. I have not heard anything other than he is dead and I do not know how to use the candle like how you said you use it." I chuckle hearing how the fat stag died, a fitting death for the man if I ever heard one.

I would prefer if I was the one to gut him but I suppose his sudden death and the weakening of the realm from it makes up for not getting my hands on him. I suppose after I show everyone what Viserra looks like I can use my candle to peek at what is happening over there. I am sure Doran has heard and I need to get in touch with him and see what he is thinking as far as using this to our advantage.

"Let me take the candle into the bedroom, Jaehaerys is in there so most of the others will be as well. I can't wait for them to see Viserra but I am also looking forward to their faces hearing how the stag died to a pig." Aemma shakes her head with a smile before she kisses Viserra on the head as she rocks her.


"What a little cutie, I hope I have a daughter and that she is just as cute." Daenerys rubs her stomach as she looks at the flame at Viserra who is being held up so everyone can see her.

My Mother who was angry at me for impregnating a woman who was going to go somewhere far away looks devastated but also happy. She wants to hold Viserra I can see it in her eyes, I pass her Jaehaerys and she holds him close to her chest. My son seems to be cheering her up a little bit but she still seems sad.

"When can I come and see her?" I feel my heart clench when she asks Aemma that, but with the war likely about to start it might be soon.

I pat her back and Aemma pulls Viserra back from the flame and holds her to her chest.

"You will see her soon, but I am sure Viserra and you are tired so I will cut this off here. I still need to let them all know what you told me and I need the candle to check the situation and what is happening." Aemma nods and I wave off the connection before looking around the room at the confused looks.

"I was not done looking at her Eragon." Danny frowns and sets both hands on her belly.

"I know, but she told me something important and I thought we should check it out as soon as possible." I activate the candle once more while targeting Robert Baratheon and all the images I have seen of him in the flames before. "Let's see how he looks now..." A large man laying dead on a table in fine clothes and stones on his eyes is seen in the flames and the room goes deathly silent.

"Is that?" Nata breaks the silence and point to the flame with an odd look. "The man who stole your family's throne?" I nod and we all look on at Robert Baratheon, the demon of the trident who was laid low by a pig.

"How did he die?" Rhaenys asks with venom in her tone, she also wanted to get her hands on him herself, some revenge was in order.

"A boar gored him." They all look at me with wide eyes and I shrug, I still can't believe it myself. " I wonder if he killed it before it ran off, if he didn't I want to catch it and keep it around. I might even make it Lord of Storms end when we take the throne..." A few chuckled at that but we all know how serious this is, war will start sooner than planned.

We have our fleeting amassing and the Summer Isles are as united as they will ever be, the structure of leading is laid in place. All the would-be problem-makers are chased off or dead and our allies are in power. We are ready but it would have been nice for more time for the dragons to grow so we could ride them into battle. It is not even worth sending them in without being able to ride them, it is too dangerous.

The days of the little 'peace' we had are going to all fade away now.

"Your grace's!" A servant shouts from behind the door and it soon opens showing it is an emergency since it was opened before we said anything.

I still grab the handle to Brightroar as the woman who came in huffs and puffs trying to catch her breath. She is one of the fertility priestesses that was watching over Ashara since she was starting to feel bad.

It suddenly hits me why she is here, something is wrong with Ashara or the baby.

"The baby is on the way!" She finally gets the words out and I feel my worry that was building like an inferno get snuffed out as I sag into my seat.

I stand up after calming my mind and I head for the door, I thought for a moment something bad would happen to take after gaining a boon of Robert dying. I would rather there be one hundred Robert Baratheons in his prime to face than to have something wrong with my baby.


299 AC

Dorne - Sunspear

Viserys Targaryen


I wince as I walk through the halls to the dining room, Prince Doran asked for all of us to eat together tonight. I was training with Ser Arthur when the message came so I only had time to wash and head over if I wanted to be on time. But I feel a bubble of anger I push down to yell at him for summoning his king last minute.

Making my way into the room I spot only two people at the table, Prince Doran and my wife Princess Arianne. They both seem cheerful as they sit at the table and I wonder what has them in such a good mood. The only time Arianne is in a good mood is when the baby she carries gives her a few hours without beating at her organs.

"Your Grace, word from the capital." I take the message he is holding out and unroll it and the first words freeze my blood.

"He is dead?" I feel my heart almost stop, the reason for my training is dead without me even getting to face him.

"Yes, and his son is sitting on the Throne as we speak, a green boy with no experience ruling. The Targaryens let their heirs rule Dragonstone for years in advance of taking the throne, but not this prince. Joffrey has not ruled anything and now sits on the Iron throne and will lead the kingdoms to war. This is god sent, if even half the rumors are true we now stand a much better chance of winning even without dragons." I nod slowly as I come to terms with the man of my hatred being dead before I can spit on him.

"Is Joffrey a good warrior?" I ask with a strange hope building in my chest, at least let me fight a spawn of the demon of the Trident.

Prince Doran looks at me oddly for a moment before he looks behind me toward me Kingsguard. Whatever he saw on their faces caused him to nod and he met my eyes once more.

"He is said to be a decent warrior in tourneys and brawls, but he is a cruel man like his grandfather Tywin. The only problem for them and the benefit for us is I have heard he is not a man to listen to others. Tywin will soon arrive at the capital to try and salvage the Baratheon's rule but he will fail. The Stags are doomed to die and the lions will be pulled to the grave with them." Then I will fight with the demon's son, I will have my battle.

I nod to Doran before sitting at the table and being served some food by a servant who was standing by. She pours me some wine and I resist looking at her ass as she bends over the table to refill my wife's cup across from me.


299 AC

The North - Winterfell

Robb Stark


I read the letter once again and find myself blinking at the absurdity that is written on it.

My Father wants some of the Bannermen called and sent to the neck to Moat Cailin to defend it from invaders. He will be returning soon with royal guests and the King also died, almost like that was an unimportant detail with it mentioned at the end.

The damn bloody king is dead and he brings royal guests to the North and we need to defend ourselves from invaders?!

Who will the invaders be, Targaryens? Is he bringing King Robert's children up here to shelter them and keep them from the dragon's wrath? Could it be anyone else except for them, I do not think so?

I look up at Maester Luwin and prepare myself to do something I hoped I would never have to, let alone while my father is alive. To be the one to call the men, even if only a part of them it is still a big responsibility. May the gods show mercy and all this turn out to be over precaution on my father's part. The Targaryens have our family, or well some of our family is Targaryens.

Aunt Lyanna and my cousin Visenya as well as potentially a half-sister I have never seen before. I wonder if I ever will even get to if war comes and the dragons are against us, I sure hope they aren't.

"Call the banners." His eyebrows raise and I look around at the few faces in the room and regret not saying this when my family was not here, my nervousness is getting to me and my hands are shaking. "Follow me Maester Luwin, we have work to do." I stand and walk off ignoring the cries from my family for answers.

Thanks for reading!!!

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