
GOT/ASOIAF: Break the Wheel

The Main Character is a Male Targaryen who is named Eragon Targaryen, he is Daenerys Targaryen's twin brother. This is tagged Yuri because girls in his harem will get intimate during sex with the MC and people cry when they aren't warned. (people also seem to cry when they don't instantly see Yuri sex if it's tagged Yuri, you can't make people happy.) This is AU - This is an Alternate Universe of George's world. Expect people and things to be entirely different because of small changes butterflying out. Alternate Universe! Like how The entire first 25 chapters is a 'Time skip' until Eragon is 14 years old. So the first 25 chapters are just random POVs of others and him to build up the world and show changes. Instead of just saying "he was born and 14 years passed." I wrote out the 14 years in a 'fast' way and showed some character build-up for different people. Now that the easily triggered have been warned I can let you know more about the story. World exploration and conquest will be a big theme in this over the many chapters it will eventually be. So far he hasn't gotten around all that much but it's only chapter 70 out of like at least 1000 if I estimate it right. And that might be shorting it quite a bit as I will be making this a very long fan fic. Dragons are in this, new ones. Magic will be touched quite a bit, nothing like altering reality but definitely a cool flaming sword. I like to think I build up the characters pretty well and have them stick to their personalities pretty well. I said it before but world exploration and diving into the lore of new places are one of the things I look forward to the most so it's a pretty big part. I don't know what else, try it if the world of ASOIAF interest you, if it doesn't then this wont be something you like in the slightest.

Pretending_Author · 書籍·文学
189 Chs



298 AC


Daemon Blackfyre


I read the report for a fourth time and toss it into the fire before me while gritting my teeth. This is a problem and we will need to get ahead of it before my competition tries to use it against me.

Half of the Khalasar split after a disagreement and now Khal Janir is being looked at as weak by his men. The Dothraki won't sit still outside of Volantis forever and we have already thrown our lot in with the Tigers. I am not even sure where, to begin with, this, we planned on saving Helaena for a real alliance in Westeros and only using the Dothraki as an expendable force.

But it seems to have bitten Khal Janir on the ass with his men seeing him as weak with all the time that has passed and no children born or on the way. Every little thing from no raids to the way he joins in on negotiations has pissed off many of his Ko's and they are of the mind to look for a better leader. They want to return to the Great grass sea and pillage as their savage nature demands.

This weakens us substantially, with the half we have left also being anxious and of the same mind they will also take drastic measures if something is not done. We originally planned to get ships and rush to fight for a foothold in Westeros but the Targaryens gaining a position first has slowed things down. It was a mistake to hold back when we could have gone forward and the Targaryens drawing attention to themselves would have helped us.

The Tigers agreed to help us but we in return have to help them, they want to reclaim what they 'deserve' as the true daughter of Valyria. They want at least to have what they had during their original rise which is the three Free Cities of Myr, Lys, and Tyrosh before we move on to Westeros. There is no way we capture those three free cities without heavy losses and that will only make Westeros farther away, it will be a waste to go for all three of those first.

Maelys made a deal with other 'kings' and he made them focus on his own goals first, he could have even had them killed once he had the Iron throne. Marinna is not letting up on her demands and it seems she won't give me a similar chance that Maelys had. She let that watered-down Targaryen whore be the third Triarch because she knew she would hold two positions by doing so.

Saera Targaryen is the bitches name, she was named after the very whore princess that went into exile and created this foothold for her bloodline. Laying on her back spreading her legs to create allies and amass wealth that her children inherited and grew upon. Now, this prostitute makes claims that she is a true dragon and will lead Volantis with Marinna to rebuild old Valyria.

My men embedded into her meager force have even spotted the dumb bitch trying to hatch a dragon egg. Red priests and fire along with screaming victims is the recipe that most have heard in whispers but no success has been found. My father even had us try before we had left Volantis with many different mages but they never even moved let alone hatch.

With them wasting time trying to turn stone to life I can work on strengthening my force and I will force them to prioritize my claim and throne. With enough strength, I can make them move the way I want and I will be kind, and we will take Myr to stage in. It is a major Seaport and is straight across from Westeros, a perfect place to stage the invasion from.

Once Westeros is mine I can decide if they deserve more than Myr or not and can just choose to ignore them after I have my throne. I could even claim Myr as my own and have my father work with his people to bring Pentos under the Iron throne.

That sounds like a good idea now that I think about it.

The Tigers want Old Valyria to return and who is to stop me if I claim I am the one to bring it about. I have the blood of old Valyria and once I have the Iron throne I will have the best chance to make the free cities kneel other than the ones with dragons.

The dragons are the biggest threat and need to be dealt with as soon as possible, if they won't come under my control then we need to kill them. Scorpions are already being produced just for that purpose and will be used without hesitation if attempts to tame them fail.

I shake my head and put that aside for now I need more men and my options are limited. The new 'Free men' that the red priests are pushing won't join me. The Free men are joining under the Red god's followers and that is a lost cause, I need something else.

Dothraki are too anxious and the plan we had seems to be collapsing and the main cause of my growing unease so more of them are out. The only way to get more anyway is to marry off Ciri and she would sooner runoff than even think about 'marrying' a horse lord.

That leaves me with other free cities that don't hold their own armies and instead hire sell swords or a slave army.

Sell swords are slowly falling in with the Golden Company word has long been spread about our plans to attack Westeros so not much I can do there other than trying to hire entire companies. The Unsullied are a great option and we have the gold for a good number of them but the red faith will not take kindly to it. I would be kicking myself for taking in a bunch of slaves when my 'allies' are on an ending slavery campaign.

I could 'liberate' the Unsullied and have them serve me as Free men as Benerro is doing with the slaves of Volantis. It runs the risk of them siding with the other slaves once their freedom is obtained but I won't have to waste any gold. I mean if I am planning to free them why would I even bother paying for them and instead can just liberate them by killing the masters.

That will cut any future allies away from places like Slavers bay but if the tides keep shifting like they are here in Volantis the days of the slave masters are limited either way.

I pull out parchment and being writing letters to be delivered by hand to separate slave cities to begin the process of ordering Unsullied. I have plenty of gold and am even willing to pay extra to get the faster, every day is another day my enemies prepare.


298 AC

Summer Isles - Ebonhead

Eragon Targaryen


Good news has a way of making even a boring day seem exciting, my mom decided to accompany the next ships that are coming to Ebonhead. I didn't even ask about Viserys as she was quick to cut off any questions I tried to ask and I decided I can ask when she is here.

They will leave in a few days or so and then the average trip time added on they should be here in little more than half a month if they have good winds and no problems. I will say it will be up to a month though as the winds are fickle. The good news is I will be able to hear their progress every day whenever I want as she will have little other to do besides maybe reading or watching the waves.

"I can't wait to show everyone around, we should still be waiting for a response from Walano and will be able to spend some time relaxing before we focus on finishing up the conquest." Daenerys has also been excited since she heard the good news.

"I can't wait till they see how big the dragons have gotten, they have grown quite a lot since Sunspear." Danny looks over to the window where Meleys is perched and nods in agreement.

"We see them every day and so it is not that drastic of a change but looking back at how much smaller they were when we left I can't help but agree. They used to be so tiny and cute but have grown big and lost a lot of what made them adorable." I shake my head as I remember them all clinging to me when they were fresh from the egg.

"They will always be small babies to me, no matter how big and 'scary' they get they are still small in my mind." I am stuck between wanting to hold them again and also wanting to ride on Arraxs back and seeing the world from the sky.

"Poor Eragon, watching his little dragons outgrow him and spend more time hunting and fishing." I fight back a grin at Rhaenyras taunt and throw an arm over her shoulder and pull her into my side.

"Yea all my kids are acting independent of me and have me feeling like my nest is empty. I guess I will just have to start filling it up again to relieve my aching heart." Rhaenyra digs an elbow into my side in response and wiggles as my hands start searching.

"I don't know if your nest is big enough to handle what you already have on the way. You might need to slow down before you fall from the tree with all your little 'chicks'." Her elbow slips around and her arm gets caught behind my back as I pin it into the cushion.

"I will just have to ask my wife to help me so that doesn't happen." I speak low into the crook of her neck before pressing my lips onto her exposed skin.

She groans as I leave a mark on her neck and leans her head to the side giving me better access. I go for another as she throws a leg over and pulls her hand out from behind me to sit on my lap.

"I guess she will." She grabs both sides of my face and kisses my lips softly before quickly escaping off the couch with a giggle.

I am left stunned and uncomfortable as she strides over to Daenerys who was watching the show. Pulling Danny to her feet she wraps herself around her arm and Danny shakes her head helplessly.

"Let's go for a walk through the market, I want to see if we can find some more of that silk from Naath. I want to make a gift for my 'good mother' before she gets here, you also wanted to buy some things." I sigh and drop my body to the side onto the couch and decide to take a quick nap.

"Be safe, take enough guar-." I kick off my boots and set my feet on the couch as they walk toward the door.

"Yep, guards and keep our eyes open and make sure to be safe we got it." I smile watching them go through the door, they aren't dumb and know to be safe.

Meleys jumps from the window and flaps her wings leaving me alone in the room other than the guards at the door. Closing my eyes I set aside troubling thoughts and make a note to get an extra gift for my mom for when she arrives.

Time skip coming up, Summer Isles are almost 'done' but really it's just the beginning, and Summer Isles is going to still be very relevant. They aren't just going to leave once it is united but they are going to focus on Essos and Westeros a lot more while being on the Summer Isles. I dont want to spoil too much but things are about to start shifting pretty fast with Robert returning to Kingslanding and Summer Isles being united. Also, Daemon starting up some trouble in Essos and I look forward to that.

Thanks for reading!!!

Pretending_Authorcreators' thoughts